Rubber edges for back blade and front end loader?

   / Rubber edges for back blade and front end loader? #21  
Before I switched to the stall mat I had tried varieties of pipe. The white PVC seemed to work ok on asphalt until it got really cold and then shattered and splintered all over the driveway. The gray pipe worked better but then I moved and the new gravel driveway tore it up. For the stall mat, I removed the cutting edge and used the holes to mark for drilling. I cut the mat with a utility knife. No electric in the barn or I would've used a jigsaw but the knife did well...just took a couple passes. Longer bolts required as mentioned above, TSC had them cheap by the pound. I used the remaining piece of the mat to stand on in front of my workbench. I liked it so much I now have my garage floor covered in stall mats! :thumbsup: