Wow. That's all I can say.

   / Wow. That's all I can say. #41  
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   / Wow. That's all I can say. #43  
This was the best!

shedbooka copy.jpg
   / Wow. That's all I can say. #45  
I took a couple pics of how the OLD GUY I bought my farm from did things

Here is the Back Garage, (one of the last still standing sheds he built.)

Thumbnail pics click for full size.

When your POST or Ridge Beam is too short just nail on a 2x4 and add some old Fence Wire to help hold it... :eek:

I should take a couple of the other garden shed still standing though the floor has collapsed and got a wood chuck or coon coming into it thru a hole it ate in the floor. The Cutouts for Forks are still in the skid wood walls & there are 3 or 4 skid runners nailed together to make a STUD in that particular shed :/ Not sure what some people think...

   / Wow. That's all I can say. #46  
Come on guys.....cut the guy some slack!!! The instructions were probably in ENGLISH!!!! : )
   / Wow. That's all I can say. #47  
Thanks! I've seen it once before. It was posted by the fellow who rented the house of the owner building the shed. I wonder if the guy who built the shed has seen this, it has made the rounds on the net.