CBN-E320 Pump for Kama 554

   / CBN-E320 Pump for Kama 554 #1  


Super Member
Oct 20, 2005
Foothills of the Giant Sequoia's, California
55HP 4WD KAMA 554 and 4 x 4 Jinma 284
You may have seen the thread started by Larry G about the 320 hydraulic pump?

Hydraulic Pump CBN-320E 4 Spline

Where Larry has modified the mount and added one to his Jinma 354. Larry made mention that this pump gave him almost twice the fel speed as before (75% gain) vs his 310 pump, and that the flange and spline should be a direct bolt on to my Kama 554.
I had the opportunity to visit Larry this past week and spent several hours on his 354 with the new pump on.
Man, what a difference.
The fel snapped to attention and so did his 3pt and all the other hydraulics he installed such as the top and tilt, his hydraulic blade and log splitter. They were a pleasure to work with that kind of response.

Well, I ordered one from Tommy at Affordable Sales and he promptly shipped me one for a great price too. It should pump at 7 gals/min vs. the 5.6 gals/min with the old pump.

Here is my old 316 pump which is the stock pump that comes on the Kama 554. So it looks like the new 320E will bolt right on after all.

That is still a 25% gain in speed for me. It may not sound like much, but it will make a difference, and I wanted one. Just apply the 25% gain to anything you have now (like your bank account interest rate) and see what I mean.
Here is mine, ready to go to camp with me this weekend.

I'm hoping it's a straight swap over with the 316 pump that's on the 554 now. I might use the 316 for the power steering if it's not too much trouble to swap. Otherwise it will be a spare. Like Larry, I'm hoping to gain some speed as well as using the simultaneous functions such as my true 3rd function grapples with better results.
I'll snap some pics of the install this weekend and time the hydraulics before and after. Tommy told me he has several of these in stock if anybody is interested and that I would get a commission for each one he sells.:)(JK)
   / CBN-E320 Pump for Kama 554 #2  

My Kama 454 has the 312. I too would like a faster FEL. I notice things could be faster when I dump. I just ran down to take a look at the pump and noticed the starter is pretty close. Is the 320 much longer? Approx, what was the cost. Not trying to get a price comptition going just a ball park idea.

Patrick T.
   / CBN-E320 Pump for Kama 554 #3  
I don't want to post any pricing on here,you can e-mail me at and I will be glad to give you pricing,these pumps are selling fast.Let me know if we can help

Affordable Tractor Sales
   / CBN-E320 Pump for Kama 554
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There you go ... contact Tommy and order one.
I know that Larry put one on his 354 and it was very tight between the starter and pump. You have to assemble it to the tractor with the long bolts in the housing since you can't slide them in (no room). But he got it in there. Did you check out that thread he has about installing it?

The 320 should make even more difference in speed than on my 554. It sure did on his 354. What is the gals/min flow on that 312 you have now?
   / CBN-E320 Pump for Kama 554
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I drove out to the property with Loretta this weekend. The weather forecast was 109°F for the weekend. Lucky for me it did not get nearly as hot as they predicted. It only got up to 103°F Friday when we arrived at 5pm. Passing through Bakersfield though, about one hour earlier, the Jeep outside temp gage showed it was 115°F. Wow, that is hot!

That night I decided to put the new pump on when it cooled down to 90°. Here is a photo showing how much room there is between the hydraulic pump and the starter motor.

You can see I'm starting to take of the hard lines. Before doing that, be sure to loosen the rubber hose connecting the suction hard lines so the hard line move freely. After taking off the suction line, plug it with a plastic cap from the new motor so it doesn't leak all over. Then remove the hard power out line. Then you can unbolt the power out connector from the old pump.

I had been told that this pump would be a direct switch over from the stock pump. So here is the face mount on both pumps.
Lucky for me, they are identical. I was working with flashlights, so it would have been a bummer if it didn't fit.

   / CBN-E320 Pump for Kama 554
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A couple more pictures showing the old pump on the left and the new CBN-E320 on the right of the tire. Also shown in this photo is the power out connector taken off the old pump.

You can see how much longer the 320 is in comparison with the old 314 pump. Hence more flow rate.

One view from the back to show the similarity ... or should I say the same construction of the two pumps. From this back view, the new pump is on the left.

The flange mount was easy to work with, I did not need to get any longer bolts or anything.
   / CBN-E320 Pump for Kama 554
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Before putting the new pump on, I had to scrape the old gasket off and clean the mounting surface up. Then put the new gasket and pump on.

After that, you can re-attach the suction line on top and the power out line on the bottom. Oh, before doing that, be sure to get two 20mm "O" rings to replace the old ones. One goes on the power out fitting and the other on the suction line in.

Here is the new pump installed.

Installation complete ... nothing to it. Everything fit perfectly and I had no problems at all. It is indeed, a direct switchover for the KAMA 554 tractor.
   / CBN-E320 Pump for Kama 554 #8  
Hey Rob,great pics of your installation,glad we could help you guys out.If anyone else wants to upgrade there pumps I have a few left.I have ordered more,that should come in my next load.So can you tell any difference Rob??

Thanks again Rob.

Affordable Tractor Sales
   / CBN-E320 Pump for Kama 554
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Now for the results.
I waited until the morning to try it out. I had lost some hydraulic fluid while disconnecting the lines and decided to let it seep back in overnight. I had also filled the new pump itself with fluid before bolting on the lines.

I couldn't resist posting this picture when I was trying out the hydraulics. Everything works way faster and the hydraulics did not heat up at all.

Here I am "waving" to Loretta as I was smoothing the road ... something I do each visit to our property.

I could see a big difference in the speed of all hydraulics and also work my true 3rd function grapple while lifting the loader AND curling the bucket ... all simultaneously. This was great!

Of course, I had not timed the loader lift from ground to maximum lift since it was dark. But you guys with the 554's know how long your's take to lift up. I think Brad timed his and he said it was something like 8(?) seconds or so? Correct me if I'm wrong Brad.

Anyway, I took this video of the loader speed. It was hard since I was filming and working the loader at the same time, but you get the idea. You can time it yourself to see how fast it goes up now. The video shows the lift with engine speed of 1750 rpm. My Kama revs up to 2400 rpm.

Start when I start lifting it up, and stop when it hits the top ... see what you get. I get right around 4 seconds or so. Way faster than stock. Plus I have dual grapples mounted on my bucket.
I am very pleased ... What do you think?
   / CBN-E320 Pump for Kama 554 #10  

I don't thnk I will be able to make the change for my Kama 454. With a 3 cyc engine, my pump is much closer to the starter and I have the 312. Right now, I have about an inch to spare. I wish I could up grade.

Patrick T.