I'll bet you never went this far.

   / I'll bet you never went this far. #2  
That's really cool. Thanks for the link.

   / I'll bet you never went this far. #4  
Gosh, no padded seats or enclosed cabs. :D but thanks for posting. Mike
   / I'll bet you never went this far. #5  
I'd like to see anyone try to manufacture and sell one of these today, particularly the one's with the huge exposed drive chains. Manufacturers and company owners now have to think for people. You can't just look at that thing and say "hey, don't put your hand or foot there" now it has to be guarded 3 times and have a big warning sticker on it, and the company is still responsible for the injury if somebody puts there hand or foot in there. Back in those days people actually got a lot done given the technology they had to work with.
   / I'll bet you never went this far. #6  
I'm sure I wouldn't want to go downgrade with some of those loads!!!
   / I'll bet you never went this far. #7  
You can't just look at that thing and say "hey, don't put your hand or foot there" now it has to be guarded 3 times and have a big warning sticker on it, and the company is still responsible for the injury if somebody puts there hand or foot in there. Back in those days people actually got a lot done given the technology they had to work with.

I think you're right, but you're also wrong. People nowadays are more used to safety precautions, it's true. But at the same time, I bet a lot of people back then got maimed or killed, not because they weren't careful, just because they had an accident or screwed up somehow.
   / I'll bet you never went this far. #8  
I agree, things are definitely safer now but at the same time I don't like that everyone's individual accountability is taken away. If I get hurt at work, it is my employer's fault- regardless. I think in a way it makes people more careless because they leave it up to other people and/or equipment to keep them safe, instead of thinking for themselves. I honestly don't think things like the hoover dam could be built today- at least not efficiently.

Sorry to get off topic, I enjoyed those pictures and thought they were great examples of ingenuity, thanks for the post!