My wife is divorcing me over coyotes

   / My wife is divorcing me over coyotes #111  
This posting may have been idle for years but the coyotes still roam. Shot one yesterday ,#4 buck works pretty good.
In Idaho all you need is a hunting license. For coyotes it's any time,any way,as many as you can dispatch.
   / My wife is divorcing me over coyotes #112  
I grew up in central Oregon and packs of coyotes were common. We also have packs around our home here in Wa. Here are some things I learned growing up there:

1. A pack of coyotes eats a LOT of food. When neighborhood cats and dogs start dissappearing, they have exhausted their normal food supply and are feeding on prey of opportunity. It is time to go hunting.

2. It is likley that some of those dogs that have "dissappeared" are not dead. If they were predominantly outside dogs and lacked a strong human bond(and allowed to run free), they may have joined the pack for companionship. Unfortunatly this influence that dosn't fear man may lead the pack to do things a native pack would not do such as close approaches to homes and pets and children. When I was 8 years old we lost our Collie to our neighbors 2 black labs that were allowed to run free and joined up with a pack of coyotes. That hit and run you described would be a good way to lure a dog away into the bush and gang up on it. It was good that your dogs were trained well enough to come when called.

I make it a habit of knowing my neighbors and their pets. If I see a dog running free and I can't call it to me to detain it or ID it as one of my neighbors, I will shoot it! If it is a neighbor's dog and it won't come to me, I go call the neighbor to retrieve it. If they are unsuccessfull or unwilling, I shoot it! Don't get me wrong, I love dogs and have owned a dog for as long as I can remember(As I type this there is a yellow lab named Sadie laying on my foot). I would not lightly deprive someone of their dog but A domestic dog gone wild is a danger.

3. Coyotes are typically pretty shy. The only reason you will usually see a coyote in the daylight is if it is hungry or has picked up some habits from domestic dogs. If you start seeing Coyotes in the daytime, it is time to go hunting.

4. If coyotes are routinely surprised, they will remain wary and eventually move elsewhere. You could identify and "mine" the trails and runways in the brush around your property. Nothing lethal that might hurt your children, dogs or your neighbors pets, just something unexpected. Tripwires to noisemakers, string snares tied to tin cans, fishing line tied between bushes, Caltrops(animal equivelent of a spike strip, multi pointed objects spread in fields to break up calvary charges). Routing gunfire around your property, particularly in the evening and when you hear the packs close by might also help to disuade them from approaching further.

Next time you set out by the fire, take the shotgun and the spotlight. As mentioned, they are quick, you will rarely get one chance let alone a second. My personal preference is a pistol and a flashlight. Unless the light is attached to the shotgun it is harder to illuminate and shoot singlehanded with the shotgun. My other preference for low light shooting is a red dot sight such as a Pro-Point or Aimpoint. You can use these with both eyes open without actually seeing the target thru the sight tube. You just need to be able to superimpose the dot over the target in any fashion and that is where the shot is going to go. A laser sight might also make target aquisition quicker in low light, but I don't have much experience with these to comment. As for your choice of ammo, unless you are close enough to hit one before the shot expands much(30'-40'), you are most likley only going to wound it with #4. You either want to hit it with a single larger calibre projectile or use larger shot.. I would reccomend 00 Buck(.22 calibre pellets).

A gated fence around the immediate yard might ease your wife's fears a bit particularly where the children are concerned.

Welcome to the jungle...

If my neighbor shot my dog, I'd shoot my neighbor.
   / My wife is divorcing me over coyotes #113  
If my neighbor shot my dog, I'd shoot my neighbor.

If you can't keep your dog off my property, it will end up dead but how would you ever know?

I have shot 7 dogs in the last 3 weeks on my property. Not one has been somebodys pet, but I don't ask them first.
   / My wife is divorcing me over coyotes #114  
Around 25 years ago when I first entered into raising sheep an old neighbor told me that if people don't care enough about their dogs to make sure they know where they are and not causing trouble then why should I care about them when I have to shoot them for killing my livestock. And not just killing, dogs can cause a lot of problems just by scaring ewes at certain times of the year,ie breeding season, any time during gestation but worse just before lambing time.
   / My wife is divorcing me over coyotes #115  
People that let there dogs run show no respect for there neighbors. Loose dogs hunt. Kill our barn cats,kill our chickens, chase deer and kill fauns. Even chase the truck. When I go for a walk on my own property there it is. It's a constant problem. Of course there is always the exception but If neighbors wont take care of there dogs then one of there neighbors will do it for them. It doesn't take long around here.
   / My wife is divorcing me over coyotes #116  
Dogs that run loose are definatly a problem. If they don't join the Coyote pack they seem to form their own.

I have the Antolians, the Donkey's, the Mules. I (knock on wood) have not lost any calves to Coyotes or Dogs. I do loose an ocassional chicken.

I have been working around the barn and even yet I can catch a glimpse of a Coyote in the Daytime ... then I wonder "Where the Heck are those dogs?"

It appears those Coyotes are well adapted ... and quick by the time you see them they are gone.

I think there should be a bounty on them .... I kill as many as I can ... I also have been baleing hay and have seen them come out of the woods with out a care in the world.
   / My wife is divorcing me over coyotes #117  
The problem I see with shooting loose dogs is one doesn't know WHY they are loose.
Just yesterday a young boy, maybe 10, called out to me from the end of my driveway...he was holding onto his pet dog who had escaped his yard. He needed help getting back home after he found the dog. The dog did not want to go home as he was on the trail of something and the boy wasn't big enough to drag it home. Finally I got it into a dog crate we had and the wife drove him and the dog home.
My dogs are NEVER loose, thats not to say they couldn't escape someday. I love dogs but thats not to say I wouldn't kill one attacking, but just wandering around? Nope. If some POS shot one of my dogs for no reason other than they are loose, which would be completely unintentional, and I caught him I'd be in jail for sure.
Something to think about:2cents:

As for people that LET them run loose, well there is no excuse. I once had the county bring out a dog trap to try and catch one that was loose. We had the trap for a week and caught a dog every single night. The ones that could be identified the owners had to pay a fine to get them back. The others, well a few days at the pound and if not claimed they were euthanized. Hate that dogs have to pay the price for stupid owners.
   / My wife is divorcing me over coyotes #118  
I have been bit by 4 dogs, all german shepards. I give dogs one free ride. Accidents happen, a dog will get out once in a while. My dog gets out once a year, same stupid relative lets them out every time she is up and we only have her up once a year. I dont know how she does it, or why.
I am resigned to the fact that if the dog gets out and is "taken out" Its my fault. I have a fenced in yard to keep them in, but once the dog leaves my property it has the chance of being shot, run over, etc.
I just dont understand anyones idea that a running dog is ok. I have a two year old, a dog comes near us its not going to make it off my property. Its simple, keep your dog your property. There are no other arguments, if its on someone elses property then it out of your control.
   / My wife is divorcing me over coyotes #119  
I must repley to the popular misconception that coyotes will cross with domestic dogs.............not true.......ever see one with floppy ears,spotted or non-bushy tail?Coyotes will kill and eat domestic dogs.How ever they will and have crossed with wolves,that is why the coyotes in the north are larger than those seen in the west.Our coyotes (in norhtern NY) run up to 60 lb.s.
DNA test have proved that they have(will )cross with wolves.
The last red wolf shot in NY(shown at the Blue Mt.Museum) was DNA tested and proved to be a hybred,wolf/coyote.
We have lived with them for many years,they run from almost white to solid black,most are red/brown/black mix.Never have seen one that didn't have upright ears and a bushy tail.