Retirement savings ....Yikes !

   / Retirement savings ....Yikes ! #591  
I guess I will never understand different treatment for different people...
   / Retirement savings ....Yikes ! #593  
As the rich get richer they buy better laws for themselves.

and why we have such an incredibly complicated tax system that favors the savvy accountant.
Well, on the other hand, Wesley Snipes just got out of prison, a full three years, for tax evasion.
Sometimes the rich get caught.
   / Retirement savings ....Yikes ! #594  
..........Sometimes the rich get caught.

The truly rich get special laws passed so that what they do is actually legal. Anyone here got an account in Switzerland or Cayman Islands?
   / Retirement savings ....Yikes ! #595  
I can (& often DO) argue it both ways (-:

Bigger cars and bigger houses during peak earnings years vs socking it away and hoping to live long enough to enjoy it ?
Enjoy it while you can, hope to die the day your last penny is spent ?
Outlive the money or leave some for "dependents" to enjoy ?
Accept somewhat less salary for most of the working years in exchange for a "Good company (or Government) pension" ? a pension fund that may or may not survive.

Neighbors have borrowed against their houses to "invest" at the peak, lost their jobs, sold on the panic, and are now severely underwater with little/no income, a BIG n'th mortgage that they have no hope of paying off before retirement.

I "failed to invest" in the last five or six market crashes, so wadda I know ?
At least I paid off the house a few years early by rounding up a bit each month and putting that directly against principal.
   / Retirement savings ....Yikes ! #596  
Thats interesting because I nor any of my friends can find anything out about this. And as our budget is not set until May I will wait and see. Also the article was talking about Superannuation funds not bank deposits two completely different things. Point missed in the article is that tax on inputs into superannuation from wages etc are taxed at a rate of 15% a rate much lower than normal salary taxation. Companies are forced to contribute 9% of your wages into a superannuation fund. This contribution taxed at 15% is deducted from your salary taxable income. therefore you pay less income tax Also if you chose to add any money you have paid tax on from salary to investments etc goes into superannuation TAX FREE.
What has been said is that people earning over a$300,000 a year in income will no longer get lower tax concessions on money put into superannuation. I think at the moment something like 75% of the government tax rebates go to the plus $300,000 income bracket whilst the remaining population only gets 30% between them. Do I agree with this....Sure do. Why should I on a low income give tax concessions to someone earning $300,00 a year. If you earn $300,00 a year and can't save for your own retirement don't come looking for me to help you

And if you worry about bank deposits look here
Australian Government Deposit Guarantee Guide | Canstar
The government guarantees the first A$250,000 in your savings account. And apparently that is for each account you limit

I know very little about what these funds are, other than what the author of original link said comparing them to our IRA accounts. IRA's here (and it seems these funds in AU) are funded by using already taxed money. To tax them again makes no sense, which is what AU is apparently doing.

Also, in the US, if you read FDIC, you will find nothing about the safety of your money in different bank accounts. Only good up to $250k no matter how many accounts. I would imagine AU to be the same way, but will take your word for it since I really have no idea.

Either way, good luck to all moving forward.

Oh, edit to add....
   / Retirement savings ....Yikes ! #597  
The truly rich get special laws passed so that what they do is actually legal. Anyone here got an account in Switzerland or Cayman Islands?

Switzerland has been handing over US account info...Caymans are still the place to be as of now. It's insane.
   / Retirement savings ....Yikes ! #598  
   / Retirement savings ....Yikes ! #599  
Countries Preparing For Bail-Ins :: Jim Sinclair's Mineset

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
Report and Recommendations of the Cross-border Bank Resolution Group

Click here to read the full report…

This is the policy that the central banks are following. Check out the list of central banks consulted on the formulation of this – last page. The Fed is represented, so it should not have come as a surprise to Mr B. or was it the tilt of the cards that provoked the “angry” reaction?

more at link

By the way, I put 100% faith in Jim Sinclair. He has led me (and many others) through the financial storms of late (calling them ahead of time). I suggest you read his site Jim Sinclair's Mineset on a daily basis. Very gold oriented, but he is a wise man with lots of insight into the markets.
   / Retirement savings ....Yikes ! #600  
As the rich get richer they buy better laws for themselves.

This is why I like the Flat Tax idea... everyone has skin in the game.