Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #146,711  
good morning all
cold 17 this morning
have breakfast on the stove and since I can smell it I know I have to pay attention, home fries slowly cooking in a pan.

it's hard to believe anyone would be stupid enough to shoot at a nuclear power plant. I wonder if they want to shut it down.
Like we are shutting them down.
I read this:
Russian tanks, equipped with thermal imagery, are shooting at the atomic blocks. They know what they are shooting at. They've been preparing for this (attack)," Zelensky said in the post, adding "our guys are keeping the atomic power station secure."
The very fact Russia is launching attacks in the vicinity of Ukrainian nuclear plants is extremely dangerous, said Zelensky, while referencing the Chernobyl tragedy and its victims.
"There are 15 nuclear reactors in Ukraine. If one of them blows, that's the end for everyone, that's the end of Europe. All of Europe will have to evacuate," he said.
"No country besides Russia has ever fired upon an atomic power plant's reactors. The first time, the first time in history,"

Now if they blew up the training building, they were sure sending a message.

war among the nuclear reactors. Each day's headlines gets worse.

Getting a haircut at lunchtime, long overdue, and I'm getting it summer short. Then later today brother picks me up and we
go have a glass of wine at 1740 House in Lumberville just North of here. His best friend owns the place so we always get a nice spot to sit...
Brother sounds tired, middle of tax time. But at least he said this would be his last year. Time to smell the roses.
   / Good morning!!!! #146,712  
Good morning! 60˚F cloudy heading to the mid 70s.

Bird I'm cutting the thick dead grass from level 5 to level 2. There will be a lot of grass to dispose of but the next cutting will be easy for a while. About 3/4 of the yards here are cut by lawn companies. If it's something you can do and enjoy then continue mowing, when it becomes too painful hire it out. What do lawn companies charge this year? Have they taken advantage of inflation and higher fuel and labor cost?

A half mile connecting trail where I walk Whipper in the evening has been approved by the community. I'm just waiting for the call for more trail making. It will be a pretty trail next to the creek, but it will flood, at least in the summer it will be under trees.
   / Good morning!!!! #146,713  
Don, do you make a trail a certain way knowing it will flood?
Hopefully more seat time for you
   / Good morning!!!! #146,714  
-1F clear sky upper 20's for high.

Outside chores done..brrrrr, E muffin time.

Plans for today...3 stops in town for goodies after that not sure until date night.

Enjoy your day all.
   / Good morning!!!! #146,715  
Good Morning!!!! 50F @ 4:45AM. Light rain early...then remaining cloudy with showers in the afternoon. High 63F. Winds WSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 70%.
Hmpf. That 0.3" of rain forecasted for today has evaporated down to 0.01", not even enough to settle the dust. And only a trace of rain in the 10-day, for a week from Sunday. Our mountain snowpack is down to only 63% of normal, and farmers are being told not to expect any water allocations from the big federal water works. Get ready to pay more at the grocery store.

So much bad news in the headlines these days. Maybe it's best to just quit reading and watching for a while? And concentrate on the good things we still enjoy in this country. There are still a lot of them.

Bluebirds are some good news. Thanks for sharing, Buppies.

Beautiful sky, GAH. Is rain/snow due in later?

I hope the doctors are finally onto something, Ted, and your patience with the knee will be rewarded.

There's a third option for the yard, Bird: Zeroscape it and save on water, too.

Beautiful music and unique technique, Chris. Thanks for sharing.

Spent some time on the phone yesterday catching up with a wood cutting buddy that lost his home in Paradise, CA and moved to Eugene, Oregon. It seems the grass isn't always greener, and now he's not so sure he'd make the same move if given the chance. He's had to deal with higher property and income taxes, which aren't offset by the lack of sales tax. And he's still dealing with wildfires, and now has huge Douglas fir trees in his back yard, similar to what cost him his house in Paradise. Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it, I guess.

I'm playing phone tag with a forester, not one from Subaru. His VM last night said he can help, and I'm looking forward to a conversation with him today.

Still more housekeeping to do, but getting closer to done. I might get the transmission oil and filters changed on the tractor this afternoon if it stays dry.

TGIF, gang! 🍻
   / Good morning!!!! #146,716  
Don, do you make a trail a certain way knowing it will flood?
Hopefully more seat time for you
In the lowest places we use course rock so it will be passable as soon as the water level drops. During a flood the creeks are usually out of their banks only a day because of the hills they drain fast.
   / Good morning!!!! #146,717  
Thomas, enjoy date night!

RNG, I was afraid your hopes for a move north would be met with disappointment. Hope you can find a great home if you do decide to leave your special place.

We saw our first forsythia and quince blooms yesterday while working in the yard. We used to have an apricot tree that always bloomed in mid March...most years we'd get no fruit because of a later frost, even if I covered it with old sheets.
   / Good morning!!!! #146,718  
Good morning
It’s 16 and going up to the middle 30’s. Another day of blue skies.

Yesterday was a slow paced. Did some paperwork, changed the oil in the wife’s car. Had a nice lunch, stopped down at my son’s to check on his project. The contractors working were both old friends of mine. He moved out of the house back in July, and it’s beginning to look like the end is in sight. It’s all coming together nicely. After that stopped for a short visit with grandson and DIL. When I went to pull out the Carryall to take the trash and recycling to the street, the battery was dead, so I got a nice walk in, rolling them down the lane. But the Carryall on the charger, hopefully it will be ready to bring them back up today.

Today is likely to be a repeat, with no firm plans, but plenty to choose from. No music tonight, as several of the usual suspects are unavailable.

Gas jumped another $0.30 overnight, it’s now $4.29 for regular gasoline.
   / Good morning!!!! #146,720  
Morning all 19 going up to 41 and sunny.

Fox followed me up the shared road today, keeping about 50 feet behind us, and stopping when we stopped.
Then into the woods in the same spot wife sees it go in the mornings, maybe some new foxes on the way?

Got more brush cleared and cut up some more fallen leaners. Now into the swampy area which will be much harder to clear up with the vine tangle on small trees and large bushes.
The hybrid cutter blade is getting pretty dull, but has a lot of hours on it. Time to order a new one.

LS - hope the knee problem isn't too bad. I have had nerve operations to fix, takes a while to heal, but all good many years later.

Stay safe and be well.

Anyone for Albatross, they need to jump off a cliff to take flight and fly for long periods at sea and don't land for days.

Penguins really are fast underwater, could only get still shots on land. Too fast for my camera underwater.

We were surrounded by sea lions and turtles on every trip into the water.
They all seemed curious and hung around to watch us.