What is in my yard

   / What is in my yard #12  
Around here - that's a mouse hole. Pocket gophers leave a mound of dirt. Chipmunks do not dig holes in the ground. I don't have voles nor moles or ground hogs.

When coyotes or badgers dig - they leave a MASSIVE hole.
   / What is in my yard
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So if it is a mouse or a vole mouse bait and traps should work. There is no mound around the hole at all.
Any ideas on what to try? I have tried just one bite, and snap traps with peanut butter.
   / What is in my yard #15  
Or, a cutting torch not lighted. Run some oxyacetylene down the hole and touch it off great fun for all.

There are videos on YouTube of folks blowing up the yard.

On the serious side
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   / What is in my yard #16  
I couldn't find any measurements my apologies if I missed them. How deep is the hole and what's the distance across? Approximately how many holes have you found and how far apart. Are there any holes that aren't connected.

I'm curious because in years past, I've found numerous holes near black walnut trees. I didn't measure. My guess is that they were an inch and a half across and about the same depth. I thought they might have had to do with deer mashing walnuts into soft ground as they gnawed on them but that seemed farfetched. I didn't notice any tunnels.
   / What is in my yard #17  
I doubt it’s voles. Usually, vole holes are about the size of a nickel.
   / What is in my yard
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The holes are about the size of a golf ball. They are plugged up down an inch or so. No dirt on the surface like a mole.
I can not see a tunnel move like I see in the clips on line. But they collapse under you when you walk over them.
   / What is in my yard #20  
The holes are about the size of a golf ball. They are plugged up down an inch or so. No dirt on the surface like a mole.
I can not see a tunnel move like I see in the clips on line. But they collapse under you when you walk over them.
Thanks for the size comparison. The ones I've seen might have been the size of a golf ball, too. It's been a while and my memory is not the best. I think they were there in late fall or early winter. I was probably looking for black wallnuts so I could show my grandson how to drive them trough a hole in a board to remove the hull.
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