Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #155,241  
BENADRYL - keep a supply handy
when I got stung twice on the hand in NC and my whole arm swelled up to almost double size to my elbow, I figured it was time to get an epi pen.
The doc who delivered me 72 years ago died of three bee stings. I'll never forget that...
plus we seem to be getting nastier bees every year.
   / Good morning!!!! #155,242  
57 high of 86 another nice day working on parking lot smallish in size

Prayers for all our Country
   / Good morning!!!! #155,243  
Buppies, if I send you home with a plate of my world famous fruit muffins, two tomatoes, one green pepper and a small bag of the first of my blackberries,
will you come up and pave my driveway? I grew up with gravel and now I'm back to gravel but I sure liked my NC paved driveway.


oops, IRS is listening
   / Good morning!!!! #155,244  
boss ever going to do anything about it?
Boss business is very successful and pay and benefits are (y) (y) (y) even for part timers,he been seeking for 2 meat cutter and handler but no one interesting,he said with busy time of year approaching due to lack of staff he might have to close his doors 1 day a week so his workers don't get burnt out...Between SS limits on earning and slack I'm getting from the Mrs. dislike thoughts of telling boss to cut my hours....He a heck of nice guy.
   / Good morning!!!! #155,245  
2022-09-01, 0633

43° right now...high in the upper 70's today...

Audit is done...3 minor findings. Technically, one should go to a sister plant since they're the ones responsible.
3 minor findings total...I'll start working on them today
   / Good morning!!!! #155,246  
44F clear sky mid 70's for high.
Outside chores done E muffin time.
Doing outside chores this more morning heard noise 20 yards in the woods and than notice little Boo sound sleep under her favorite pine tree curl up.

Plans for today...2 stop trip in town,walk about picking branches for this week storms and some night.

Enjoy your day all.
   / Good morning!!!! #155,248  
71F and clear @ 21:00, heading down to an overnight low of around 61F.

Gonna be a short post.

Was moving some rocks in the bucket with the Kubota behind the pole barn this afternoon, stopped to toss a couple more in and got a little too close (6’) to a Yellowjacket nest in the ground at the rat wall.

Got chased all the way around to the front and to the other end and they were still buzzing and stinging me. At that point we both ran towards the house.

Was nailed probably between 10 and 20 times. Woman got nailed once when one climbed up under her shirt while trying to swat them off me.

Left hand, left shoulder, left leg around the knee, right forearm and bunches around both ankles.

Nasty little buggers.

Still in a good bit of pain, going to go take a hot shower.

Will catch up later.

Sorry to hear of toppop’s passing, sincerest condolences to all his family and friends.

Hope everyone had a better day than me …

Happened to me once on the old MF203 tractor. Jumped off but tractor was still in gear and it ended up in the ravine.
   / Good morning!!!! #155,249  
Good Morning!!!! 78F @ 4:45AM. Sunny. High around 105F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph.

Hope you're OK, RS. Those yellowjackets just keep stinging, and biting. But I guess by now you know all about that. Put out a few drops of Fipronil 9.1% on some cat food for them, and those troubles will be over in a week. Somewhere out on the 'net there's a page on making a bait station from an old Gatoraide bottle...

Off to the coast this morning for a long weekend. Gonna be a hot one.

Hope everyone enjoys the holiday weekend. Labor Day marks the end of summer, but there's no sign of Fall here.
   / Good morning!!!! #155,250  
Good Morning.
It’s a cool 54 outside this morning, going to 82 under a sunny sky. Another day without rain.

Yesterday’s meeting with solar contractor was interesting. Looks like we could put about a megawatt of panels on the hangar roofs. That is a lot more than the airport uses, it would generate a considerable income stream.

A friend sent us ribs from Snow’s BBQ in Livingston, TX, they arrived via Next Day Air, vacuum packed and frozen. We followed their instructions for thawing and reheating, had them for dinner last night, they were quite good. They were done very similar to how I do mine. Curious thing about BBQ, it’s regional, and every pitmaster puts their own spin on how they prep and smoke the meat. Over the years, I have figured out what I like and how to get that result, so of course I like mine the best. Not because it’s inherently better, it’s just that it’s exactly the way I like it. I still enjoy sampling other’s work, and have traveled enough to try a wide variety, often finding great BBQ in unlikely places, like Groton, CT.

I’m thinking about mowing today, but not sure. I do enjoy the stories, they helped to relate to the person that is sharing them.
As to David’s comment about many of us having done things that nobody would guess, I have been lucky enough to have had a very wide range of experience. Probably the farthest from what we talk about here would be working as a commercial diver raising sunken tugboat amongst other things.