Brush hog accident(s)

   / Brush hog accident(s) #81  
If this woman was laying parallel to the tires, the high clearance tractor may have passed cleanly over her and the operator wouldn't have known a thing until the mower hit her. I was flail mowing and hit a fawn in this manner, really was terrible. Usually they pop up and take off because the noise and vibration of the tractor and mower at full PTO makes quite a racket. This woman must have been passed out under the influence. Certainly is tragic.
   / Brush hog accident(s) #82  
My landpride is equipped with belting guards that a couple are ripping from the bolted attachments. I’m sure chains will stand up better but for now any experience with keeping the belted style from tearing or just replace th torn ones with chains(if they come in replaceable sections) thanks.
My rubber skirts started chunking out and I ignored it for a time until I mowed over a small pile of DG with pebbles in it. After being "shotgunned" to the back of my head and neck, I fabricated bolt on chain guards out of angle iron and 5/16" chain.
Put that welder to work!
   / Brush hog accident(s) #83  
If her sister was so distraught and upset, why in the hell was the woman homeless. How come the sister didn’t give her a place to stay. yeah right, family demands answers, the family was not there for the homeless woman. The family is wanting a paycheck and that’s all.
Come on dude don't be so judgy. You have of the no idea of the circumstances. Homeless people are rarely the responsibility of their family. They more often than not have refused family help due to their mental issues. We have thousands of veterans and other folks from great families on the streets because families have only so much they can do legally to get a homeless person off the street. Please keep an open mind and stop assuming the worst of people.
   / Brush hog accident(s) #84  
We have thousands of veterans and other folks from great families on the streets because families have only so much they can do legally to get a homeless person off the street.
Too true.

My wife is a retired VA nurse and was constantly asked how the VA could allow so many veterans to be homeless.

Some won't comply with a program's rules, some don't trust authority in any capacity, and some value their freedom above all else. In short, there'll always be some unless you forced them in a facility.

I'm a vet myself and no fan of the VA. I used to tell her if I ever got really sick to bring me to the local VA as it would ensure my quick and timely demise.
   / Brush hog accident(s)
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I had safety chains front and rear. The wear and tear of rocks and logs broke the guard. It came off and went under the brush hog, breaking a blade. I now run without the guard. Makes me a bit nervous, but my seat is well above the ground, and the mower is close to the rear wheels, so the trajectory is unlikely to get as high as the seat (I hope!)
Find the post from a reader whose mower threw a projectile into the front tire which bounced back and hit him in the forehead with enough force to knock him silly!
   / Brush hog accident(s) #86  
If her sister was so distraught and upset, why in the hell was the woman homeless. How come the sister didn’t give her a place to stay. yeah right, family demands answers, the family was not there for the homeless woman. The family is wanting a paycheck and that’s all.
You have no idea why the person was houseless. Plenty have a difficult time living in a regular home and thus live outside. Don't judge things you have no understanding of.
   / Brush hog accident(s) #88  
The first time I mowed with my brush hog pine cones, sticks and occasional rock flew past me on both sides making me very uncomfortable so I knew I had to do something before I got whacked. I built a frame from flatbar and and filled in the open area by welding expanded metal to it. Fabricated some brackets and mounted it to the roll bar behind the operators position. It's come in handy a few times since.
   / Brush hog accident(s) #89  
If this woman was laying parallel to the tires, the high clearance tractor may have passed cleanly over her and the operator wouldn't have known a thing until the mower hit her. I was flail mowing and hit a fawn in this manner, really was terrible. Usually they pop up and take off because the noise and vibration of the tractor and mower at full PTO makes quite a racket. This woman must have been passed out under the influence. Certainly is tragic.
A deer fawn is significantly smaller than an adult human being. IF the brush was so high as to hide her completely, then it was high enough to leave a clear indication that someone or something had walked to the place where she was laying down, not to mention that the brush would be flattened by her body. If you missed that right in front of you, that's pretty damn negligent. Maybe understandable if he was using an implement mowing off to one side but right behind him? No way someone paying attention would miss that.
   / Brush hog accident(s) #90  
Another thing about this. So person is sleeping in the weeds and brush comes by maybe 2-3 ft away on the pass before it eats you alive! How in the hell do you not wake up, jump up, and get the hell outta there?
This person had to be in an unconscious drunken stupor, in a drug comma, or already dead. INMHO
RIGHT - hence the need for an investigation. Preferably before relatives were allowed to come collect bits of her bones and teeth from the scene. I suspect the picture they had of her was not taken shortly before she died. It is sad how humans can fall from grace so easily in our 'civilized' society. We can get to the moon, create GPS, put a cell phone on your wrist watch, spend decades fighting 'terror' or 'communism' while closing state mental health facilities and incarcerating the patients that have no other place to go. All these fellow Americans strewn along the bottom of our collective pecking order while those with the wherewithal focus on Their Bottom Lines.

We have a democratic republic with antiquated campaign finance regulations so our politicians find most persuading those who represent the larger(est) campaign donations while the donors know just how to distribute the funding so as to keep their boys in power.

No one sleeps in a closed, overgrown park that has their own housing. However, the cheapest housing available in most cities of any size likely costs a thousand a year in property tax (MIN) - before the water is turned on or the sewer bill is paid. Last place we sold charged $40/month for a readiness for water (they had a line in front of your property) whether you used water or not!

Oh, well