Early planting season

   / Early planting season #21  
Nice looking place, fence especially.

I worked last week getting the ground ready and fertilizer incorporated. Been hit and miss on the rain to get it planted. Yesterday AM I went out and checked and the field was dry as a bone as far down as I needed to drill. So I did, then soft harrowed to get all the splashed seeds (rattled) down in the dirt. Today 1-2" of rain is on it's way....should be here within the hour. Can't believe it but this year has been the best year since 1979 for me to get a thorough field preparation, fertilization, and planting with the weather cooperating. I'll take it.

Ya, this year has (so far) been perfect for growing.

I have lived at my current house for 20+ years but have only been taking care of the field for 2 years. Everything is up and green and it just keeps raining every few days. Very unusual for Utah and especially where I live. But heck, I'll take it. If everything keeps going like it is I'll be able to feed my cows all year and sell several tons. My fingers are crossed.:thumbsup:

Good luck Gary. I think it'll all work out for you.
I am wondering what the heck anyone would want to plant Habanero peppers for. :confused: A cucumber with salt/pepper is as hot as I can stand.:laughing:
   / Early planting season #22  
Field is looking good. Here's a couple shots from last night.
   / Early planting season
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Well I got mine drilled April 1 and today shoots are at the 1-2" height. Got a good stand and "Mother Nature" was a darlin. Got the rain the night I drilled and another good one last night.
   / Early planting season #25  
Here's a shot from yesterday of my field. It's been wet but cool so far. Need it to warm up.

   / Early planting season
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In the past I have had Alfalfa and Oats.
This year I planted a mix called "Prosper Plus with Peas" Great cow feed.
This is the mix;
31.48% Twin wheat
29.15% Hays Barley
24.44% Otana Oats
14.55% Austrian Peas
It is all guaranteed "beardless forage seed".

Many people in my area water their fields; I do not own the water shares to do that.
A wet spring will give me more hay than I can use so I'll sell the rest. I only started doing this with my own equipment 2 years ago. Both years were great as far as I'm concerned. This one is shaping up good too. Plus my neighbor in front said I could grow in his field and keep everything. He just wants his place to look "taken care of". So far he seems very happy with how I am managing his field.

On your Austrian Winter Peas, (winter crop down here): I did half my hay patch last fall and worked them into the soil real good this spring. Now that the hay crop is up, the stuff that's about 8" just had fert put on it which I worked into the soil just before drilling. The pea area is up about 12" and pretty green in spite of the fact that we have has so much rain that the part with no peas is yellowish....will take a couple of weeks of hot, dry weather to change colors.

Peas are for me and will get them in the whole patch for next year. At 40 bucks a bag and 2 acres to the bag, cheap soil treatment.
   / Early planting season #28  
I've looked, and I can't see anything the looks like peas at this point. They better hurry I'll be cutting in about a month. Mother Nature doesn't like to put out much after June.:laughing: