John Deere Boots

   / John Deere Boots #1  


Super Member
Apr 14, 2008
Somerset, Ky
F2690 4WD RTV X1140 MX5400 HST ZD1211
First, I've bought several Kubotas over the past eight years and not any other colors. Second, I have twin 6 year old Grands, a boy Elijah and a girl Peyton. I have taught/told them that Kubotas pull John Deeres all of their lifes.
My wife buys items that she thinks are bargains at Yard Sales and most of the time it's "stuff" for the Grands. Well, she found an almost new if not new pair of Boots for Elijah for $2 that have John Deere on the boots (Who can believe that?:)). Guess no one would wear them.:D
Anyway, she showed the Boots to Elijah and he said................"Oooooh, does Papaw know that you got John Deere boots?"
Told my wife we can get some Orange paint and paint Kubota on them, she said "He probably will".
Well, that's the John Deere boots story. I see postings are down with the tractor working season in full swing so thought I may post a little filler for those rainy non tractoring days reading TBN.:)
   / John Deere Boots #2  
OMG!! Still, I guess the kids could wear the boots in the dark and only in the back 40. :laughing:

For a diehard Kubota user, forcing someone, escially a kid to wear "green" could be considered to be cruel and unusual punishment. If the kid is under 18 you could even have Child Protection on your doorstep....

I guess I shouldn't be too hard on JD, after all they do give us the opportunity to try out our towing skills :thumbsup:

Yea, it is a slow summer for postings.
   / John Deere Boots #3  
You bring up a good point John,
I have a grandchild and I am also regularily in the local Tractor Supply Store (TSC) here in Canada , but they only carry kid size John Deere clothing, nothing Kubota.
So my granddaughter does not get from us any of this fun stuff. (we spoil her with other stuff !!)

Now on the other hand friends have bought her a John Deere tee shirt , and I must bite my lip when she arrives with that on :laughing:

TSC needs to get ORANGE :D