Oh dear god

   / Oh dear god #11  

You can change text size under the 'view' bar in your browser (I think).

And Maury, we will likely be adding a sort feature to the recent messages checks.

<font color=blue>>></font color=blue>Muhammad
<font color=blue>Administrator</font color=blue>
   / Oh dear god #12  
New is not always better!
Faster response is always better!
Commercialism is not always better!

Good luck working the kinks out.
   / Oh dear god #13  
Muhammad, I'd love to see a preference that would allow the top level of threads to be sorted in descending date order, with the posts beneath it in ascending date order. That way, when you went to a forum, any subject that had recent posts would be at the top, but the posts within that subject would be in chronological order. Does that seem like a good idea?