Anybody mounted a LED light bar on a grand cab?

   / Anybody mounted a LED light bar on a grand cab? #1  


Super Member
Aug 25, 2013
Parker, CO
Kubota L4060hstc, formerly L3200hst
I'm probably going to be putting a light bar or some significant light upgrades on the front & rear of my new L4060hstc. I've been trolling Amazon looking at the options & crawling around on my macine doing some measuring & figuring. There are a lot of pretty decet bars for under $100. Before I go any further I figure I should ask the TBN brain trust if they had any installs they were proud of. The 2 halogen lights up front that come stock work, barely. I was able to move some gravel in the dark the other night, but there wan't much light from up high & as always the headlights just end up glaring off the back of the bucket in your eyes.

Rear (probably looking at a curved bar for both options):
Option 1) Drill holes in the plastic roof & mount a bar that is less than 46"
Option 2) Fab up some brackets & mount a less than 56" bar to the existig brackets for the hazard lollypops.

As anything over 20-30" seems to be over 200 watts I'll probably have to pull in a new 30@ wiring harness. Not clear if there is power there or not already, I've seen references to a rear light switch, which I don't have. At any rate the work light fuse is only 15@ so the wiring & what not isn't going to be up to snuff for a bigger light bar.

Option 1) Replace the existing hallogen lights with a pair of 7-12" center mount light bars, as they seem to be around 70 watts, they might just plug right into the existing wiring harness.
Option 2) Fab up brackets that will mount up high to the rearview mirrors & put a 48" curved bar in. I might be able to get a single row LED setup that might pull under 15@, but there is a good chance I'd have to upgrade the wiring harness.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Cool examples I could look at & maybe copy?
   / Anybody mounted a LED light bar on a grand cab? #2  
Search out 'Paul Short Kubota' or 'Paul Short You Tube' and search his videos. I think he has over 500. He has a Kubota and has done numerous quality mods to it including LED's and almost everything else he has.
   / Anybody mounted a LED light bar on a grand cab?
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Ya, subscribed to his channel. Good quality work, but he has a better machine shop backing him up than I have. Was wondering if anybody had done any slick mounting setups on a Lxx60 so I could copy it. I'm plenty capable of coming up with my own mounting brackets & wiring. However I'm lazy & would rather copy a proven design for a given light. ;-)