Recent content by cannonretreat

  1. C

    JD 2305 vs. 650

    I have enjoyed reading posts from the knowledgeable and new JD owners - haven't seen this particular question raised- I am considering trading my JD 650 for a 2305. I like the "quick-attach" feature, and the requirements on our 25 acres are considerably less than they were 10 years ago when I...
  2. C

    JD 2305 vs. 650 vs Kubota BX

    I am considering trading my JD 650 for either a 2305 or a Kubota BX. I like the "quick-attach" features of both sub-compacts, as I am getting older and less agile. Current attachments are snowblower, rotary mower, rear blade and 3 point sander/spreader plus tire chains. I am not sure if the...
  3. C

    JD 2305 vs. 650 vs Kubota BX

    genbuy-ML-800272-ML- A comparison question and not JD specific.