Recent content by Dustier

  1. Dustier

    Global Warming?

    Well, to tell the truth, toppoop52 lied about the article, so ya'll are just giving each other an unwarranted, oily massage.:thumbsup: As for that crapolla eminating from HuostonTexas about "furthering the discussion": if that were some rule that could get you banned 90% of the deniers would be...
  2. Dustier

    Global Warming?

    Ya'll deniers do a good job of weaving and bobbing around inconvenient facts, even with the evidence of your self described nonsense being exposed with every additional sign to the contrary. Climate Change: Evidence This is not a strategy for dealing with empirical evidence of climate change...
  3. Dustier

    Global Warming?

    Meteorologists Adjust Official Stance: Human Activity Causing Climate Change excerpt: Updating their official stance on the relationship between climate change and weather events, the American Meteorological Society (AMS), has now stated plainly that the warming world is a fact beyond...
  4. Dustier

    Global Warming?

    Don't worry - be happy!
  5. Dustier

    Global Warming?

    Click on the image for a better view Cognitive dissonance does not explain the mentality of global warming deniers. Scientific facts in any form can easily be dismissed with out a thought. Literally. And then there are simply the trolls. In any event, we're all going to be punished for the...
  6. Dustier

    Brew Bio-Fuel

    I've been reading things about the continuing explosion in the price of fuel and was reminded of a 60 Minutes segment years ago where a couple farmers were brewing their own fuel. Their still looked pretty simple, a barrel with a fire under it. I'm sure there was more to it, but that's my...
  7. Dustier

    Grub - for working men! Not bankers.

    Never got my wish to own a ranch in Oregon, but at least I live in a ranch style house with an occasional garden. My image of ranching was early to rise, good meal and work with nature. No doubt my perceptions were tempered by teevee, but I easily saw myself feasting on steak and egg breakfasts...
  8. Dustier

    What's a tractor?

    Just kidding, but tractors have changed a bit since I was 14 trying to figure out how to finesse an Allis-Chalmers with a large disc cultivator trailing me. My preflight orientation consisted of "Here is the throttle. This is the pto...mnnn...oh yea, this is the brake!" "Okay" said I, "but where...