Recent content by Tororider

  1. Tororider

    Electric fence and tennis shoes

    My cow got out over the field fence today so I added a strand of electric. Only when I touched it just standing there it hardly shocked me. When I touched it while leaning against a not installed grounding rod or had my wet knee on the ground I got nailed. Is the fence fine and my shoes were...
  2. Tororider

    Anyone Fly RC Airplanes?

    Have always been interested in rc airplanes. With my boys now getting older and us moving someplace with room to fly. I figure I will look more into it. Just wondering if anyone else flies.
  3. Tororider

    Moving to the Farm

    Kids are cool like that, very open if you don't give them an idea before hand. I try to make sure that whenever they are trying something new we talk it up a bit. And I make sure to eat it, even if it is something I don't have a taste for. They have finally dropped off some equipment and...
  4. Tororider

    Moving to the Farm

    I had a busy weekend. Picked up a set of stairs, some foam board insulation for behind the skirting, and nearly got my van stuck. Oh yeah and the tractor won't start. I used it to plow snow on Friday, and when I tried starting it on Saturday evening it wouldn't turn at all. When I tried to...
  5. Tororider

    Moving to the Farm

    We are getting there, two inspection approvals, a warming house, and a plowed driveway. I'd call that a productive two days. Successful Inspection, and Plowing with the New Blade | homesteaddad More pictures on the blog along with a detailed write up, the blog post prior to this one has yet...
  6. Tororider

    Moving to the Farm

    We got everything poured today. We also helped a neighbor track down a deer that ran across our property. We even managed to improve a few shooting lanes for one of our tree stands. The whole right up is found here, Concrete Poured, Deer Found, and Lots of Pictures! | homesteaddad There are...
  7. Tororider

    Moving to the Farm

  8. Tororider

    Moving to the Farm

    This will be the view out one of the master bedroom windows.
  9. Tororider

    Moving to the Farm

    This is where we have the septic marked out as of now. These pictures show where we have the mobile home marked out. We are trying to find the right balance between being behind the barn, but keeping as many trees as we can.
  10. Tororider

    Moving to the Farm

    Well I have convinced the wife and we are leaving our nice house in a subdivision in the suburbs for a piece of property in the country. We will be land contracting 18.6 acres from my parents and living in a mobile home for a few years while we save some money to build. We are in the process of...
  11. Tororider

    Who owns an oil lamp?

    I just got one recently to use as emergency backup for lighting and to use when camping if desired. It will be a part of my emergency lighting plan for the future. I was just wondering who else has oil lamps and if they use them as backup lighting or camping or decoration? I wrote a bit about...
  12. Tororider

    Are you a prepper?

    I just posted a blog with the same title, and I am wondering what people on here would say. The term prepper has become so loaded that I don't like to use it anymore, if I ever did. I prefer to say that I am prepared. And probably not as prepared as I should be, but what do you guys say...
  13. Tororider

    Barn with living quarters

    I currently live in a nice big house in a nice subdivision, read no yard and lots of neighbors. Don't get me wrong I have some great neighbors but I want my space. I have recently gotten the idea that we could downsize from a 3000+ sq ft two story to a 40x40 barn with living quarters above, so...
  14. Tororider

    Our new bee hive

    Here are some pictures.
  15. Tororider

    Home Security System

    I know this has been done before, but I am looking for suggestions. I witnessed an attempted breaking and entering today at the neighbors house across the street. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AFTERNOON! I have thought about setting up a self monitored system in the past and not pulled the trigger...