How do you repair a punctured tire filled with rimguard?

   / How do you repair a punctured tire filled with rimguard? #1  


Elite Member
Dec 8, 2015
North. NV, North. CA
Massey 1710 / 1758, Ventrac 4500Y / TD9
Will soon be driving through forest slash with rimguard filled tires. If I puncture one, what's the best process, or is there one? Doesn't sound like fun, but I'd like to know the plan just in case!
   / How do you repair a punctured tire filled with rimguard? #2  
Will soon be driving through forest slash with rimguard filled tires. If I puncture one, what's the best process, or is there one? Doesn't sound like fun, but I'd like to know the plan just in case!

If tubeless, and a puncture as in like a nail puncture, a pan head sheet metal screw will stop most leaks of that type. This even works on tires at highway speeds until it can be repaired correctly.

Tears, slashes etc. of course not.
   / How do you repair a punctured tire filled with rimguard? #3  
I was able to repair a puncture in my filled rear tire by using a tire plug.
   / How do you repair a punctured tire filled with rimguard? #4  
   / How do you repair a punctured tire filled with rimguard? #5  
Keep in mind that those are temporary fixes. All the rental shops around here do not allow the "worm" plugs in their tires. The tire must be broken down and a patch applied to the inside of the tire. The tires flex a lot and the worm plugs can work their way out (or in) and the leak comes back.
   / How do you repair a punctured tire filled with rimguard? #6  
the right plugs will last the life of the tire
   / How do you repair a punctured tire filled with rimguard? #8  
Get your monkey grip kit out and plug it. It is easy to plug tires while on the wheel with a Kit like this. As long as it is a puncture and not a rip. Obviously run the tire up above the level of the liquid before removing the thing that punctured the tire, clean well with the abrader and put in the plug. Bell Automotive 22-5-886-M Monkey Grip Tubeless Tire Repair Kit: Automotive

I've used these many times with mixed success. Most plugs were fine but a couple of times they either leaked or worked their way out, as stated can often be the case. Keep in mind, the more of the plug you can twist into a lump inside the tyre and the less left outside which you trim off, the better the chance of it staying in the hole.
   / How do you repair a punctured tire filled with rimguard? #9  
Maybe because of moisture from the liquid ballast in the hole to be plugged causes mixed results. Years ago I used to plug holes in light truck tires with the glue and rubber plugs available at that time, with some holes requiring more than one plug side by side. Ran those tires for thousands of miles until they were worn out without leaking air. Even though it was recommended to break the tires and rims down to install internal tire patches.

Surely today, the glue and plug material should be even better, I would have thought. Although light truck tires and tractor tires are not quite the same scenario.
   / How do you repair a punctured tire filled with rimguard? #10  
Surely today, the glue and plug material should be even better, I would have thought. Although light truck tires and tractor tires are not quite the same scenario.
You must have forgotten everything comes from China now. :cool: