My mom passed today.

   / My mom passed today. #1  


Elite Member
Jun 11, 2003
Denton, TX
L3800 w/FEL and BH77, BX 2200 w/FEL and MMM
My mom passed away today, with me holding her hand and kissing her cheek as she passed. I've been truly blessed to have such a great mother. I have sadness, but I also have relief. She was always a ray of sunshine, despite all the hardship in her life.

I'm in a mad scramble, dealing with getting my mom's affairs in order today, while I get ready to fly to Poland for 2 weeks tomorrow. We have her service and burial scheduled for my return.

My mom was Scottish, growing up during WW2 and post-war Europe, moving to the states when she married my dad in 1957. When I get a chance, I'll post her obituary.

Until then, I'm attaching a photo that I think depicts the relationship I've always had with my mom. This was taken about 5 years ago, after the rest of our family has passed. We're vacationing at North Padre Island, TX and eating seafood. It's my favorite photo, showing my mom as a ray of sunshine. When I look at myself, I can see how proud I am of my mom and how blessed I know I've been.

   / My mom passed today. #3  
Sounds like you were truly blessed with her as a mom. Tough losing a mom.
   / My mom passed today. #5  
Condolences. I lost my mother about 2 and a half years ago. I still find myself thinking about her during family occasions and wish we had another chance to talk. Her passing was a blessing though because she suffered a stroke 9 months prior and never recovered. God bless.
   / My mom passed today. #6  
You have my deepest sympathies. She sounds like a great lady.
   / My mom passed today. #8  
It's something you can't really express until it happens to you.

6 weeks it will be a year for me...
   / My mom passed today. #10  
Sorry for loss of your mother.
Thoughts and prayers for the family