Did you know Roundup Ready sweet corn is now available?

   / Did you know Roundup Ready sweet corn is now available? #202  
Just read another another interesting perspective on the looming 2013 Farm Bill in Congress.

The last bill was passed in 2008. And what policies are made this year will run from 2014-2023.

According to the article the farm bill sets a minimum price for sugar, mainly US-grown sugar from beets. Criticisms of course are that the country is fueling Big Sugar through subsidized loans and import restrictions from cane-sugar-producing countries in Central America and the Caribbean.

Since sugar is in nearly everything, many supermarket products will cost more when sugar prices rise. And as long as sugar prices are high, food companies will continue to favor chemical sugar substitutes and products like high-fructose corn syrup, which is derived from heavily subsidized corn industry instead and health advocates continually point to high-fructose corn syrup as a potentially harmful contributor to obesity.

Its really really interesting to see how most every aspect of the 1 trillion dollar farm bill involves subsidation of our entire food industry whether it be big ag commodity production, public benefit programs or industry sales.
   / Did you know Roundup Ready sweet corn is now available? #203  
So your contention is that it would have been more ecologically sound to landfill this yet unnamed, undocumented flouride compound in concentrated areas rather than disperse it throughout the environment in a manner that provided documented health benefits? Maybe you could expand on that a little.

Could have just used the Flourine to produce Uranium Hexaflouride for centrifuge enrichment processing.
   / Did you know Roundup Ready sweet corn is now available? #204  
Well came across this nifty list of every politician in the House and Senate who recieved money from Monsanto

Extensive List of Politicians Paid Off by Monsanto

The article also reiterates that RT had reported back in March how Senator Roy Blunt alone received $64,250 towards his campaign from Monsanto paid to "help write' the recently passed Monsanto Protection Act that grants the company immunity from federal courts rulings on gmo plantings.

And of late there has been a fast movement from many processed food manufacturers toward sourcing non gmo ingredients.

The NY Times ran an article Sunday in the business section Companies seeking ingredients that aren't gene altered
and trade pub Western Producer has announced that a Washington state canola processing plant is seeking all the non GM grown canola they can get to meet consumer demand for such products. Considering that the article states 97.5% of all Canadian grown canola is GM that will be no easy task!
   / Did you know Roundup Ready sweet corn is now available? #206  
One thing is certain; organic food production cannot feed the world's population.

We are not going to feed the world. But for those we do feed, I am going to do my best to make sure it the best food, practices and production I can do. I couldn't live with myself knowing I was producing poison consumed by customers and friends, not to mention my family.

How many of us have lost someone to cancer. How many more will we loose? The background accumulation of pesticides GMO's in our bodies is unprecedented. I don't need the government to tell me something is wrong here. I can see it.

Each of us have to make this decision, and sometimes daily. Its hard sometimes, as often the right thing to do often is. But in the end I want to know I did everything I could possibly do on my part.

Monsanto and GMO's aren't going to bring back my friends and family members.
   / Did you know Roundup Ready sweet corn is now available? #207  
If anyone is stupid enough to plant a gmo food-like-product they really should not be farming. Even just 15 minutes or simple research should be a wake up call.
   / Did you know Roundup Ready sweet corn is now available? #208  
This is why I have chosen to grow and raise all of my own organic food. I can not imagine how some of you feel that consuming Monsanto/Dow/etc. gmo corn (or other crops) related products that have literally been grown in poison (ie. Roundup) are not hazardous to our health. More mind blowing is how our government encourages and subsidizes these growing practices to flood the market with cheap so called food (corn feed, high fructose corn syrup, etc.). Of course it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the FDA rules these crops as safe – much of the senior leadership team at the FDA were previous Monsanto executives. If that’s not a conflict of interest, I don’t know what is. One of two things will happen in the future – this country will finally rise up and demand change, or at some point the massive mono-crop nature of our farming system will be crippled by drought or disease.

I find it comical that the Monsanto executives, ****, even our President all support gmo food yet they all privately eat organic. Monsanto even prefers to serve organics at their corporate offices – that’s a loud enough message that they won’t even consume what they sell.

Lastly, please support GMO labeling. Our government will never ban GMO seeds like many other countries – our leadership falls to the knees or big business. Why? Money. They keep each other rich.

End rant.
   / Did you know Roundup Ready sweet corn is now available? #209  
I would never use it. I believe the long term effects from this stuff is going to come out in the wash in about ten year and its thr young people who are going to be the victim of cancers and digestive problems. I also believe that the bee's may be effected by this. I save my seeds too ,so this g.m.o. seed is just another way for big business too rake in the money.
   / Did you know Roundup Ready sweet corn is now available? #210  
I would never use it. I believe the long term effects from this stuff is going to come out in the wash in about ten year and its thr young people who are going to be the victim of cancers and digestive problems. I also believe that the bee's may be effected by this. I save my seeds too ,so this g.m.o. seed is just another way for big business too rake in the money.

for the decline in Bee populations check out (RESONANCE : FREQUENCY of BEINGS) it makes it clear that electromagnetic radiation -mainly radio frequencies for cell towers and the like- is also contributing to diminished bee populations...
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