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    790/3005 Plow Extensions on X/2000 Series Tractors?

    Has anyone tried adapting a set of these to their 54" blade on an X or 2000 series Deere? It's designed for the 790/3005 tractor 54" blade and some are wondering if the countour is the same as the X/2000 series blade. If so, for $114 retail, you can make yours a 70" blade.

    62C Blowout Plug

    Hi all, While you all are getting ready for winter, here in CT we're still dealing with leaves. As well as gator blades mulch leaves, I've found the airflow of the 62C lets some leaves through without chomping them into pieces and have wondered how well a blowout plug works. So, I decided to...

    2320 Pics

    Hi all, JohnDeere2210 has just purchased a 2320. He isn't able to get to the Internet to post right now, but here are 4 pics from him, and one from our local dealer (his 3rd and already sold).

    Fraud here on TBN!

    This item is also on eBay. Check out the backwards BH bucket. Shortened first long link Shortened Second Long Link MikePA: Please review your message before posting it. It's simple not to create a long link that widens the entire thread. Just insert a descriptive word or two between the...

    210 loader racked; leveling it

    Hi all, The other day I was using my loader and I noticed that the bucket seemed racked maybe 5 degrees or so. I know I had just moved a big rock that the loader couldn't pick up, only by continually holding the joystick rollback was I ever so slightly able to get if off the ground and move it...

    JD2210 Front Axle Maintainance

    Hi all, This post is somewhat in response to Iowa2210's problem with his MFWD axle. Although he only had 20 hours on his machine and hadn't used his in the winter, I was talking to another poster and 2210 owner, and he urged me to change my axle fluid at 100 hrs. due to the fact that I operate...

    Relieving Pressure in FEL Hoses

    Hi All, Today in New England, we experienced a BIG dose of spring, and I wanted to clean up some run-off at the bottom of my driveway from my neighbor's yet to be seeded lawn. Of course I could have used a shovel, wheelbarrow, and broom, but I thought this called for a swap over from the front...

    CAT Challenger tractor

    The website was kind of in its infancy, but you could see the similarities to the MF one. It did lack the "Home and Estate" tab, and the sub-CUT's.

    Spreader  3PH PTO Driven Spreader

    Hi All, On TSC there is a 3PT PTO Driven Spreader, #2118427 for $389.75. Question is, is this a decent unit? My JD dealer is quoting me ~ $550 for a Frontier unit, and I've spent about all of my Christmas $. I would use this for spreading fertilizer, but in the winter, Calcium Chloride and...

    Rear Blade  Rear Box Blade -- Which one would be best for me?

    Hi All, I think for some rough grading work I'm planning for the spring, I should purchase a box blade. I have a JD 2210 and wonder which one would be best? Should I go with the Frontier (I do like green) or should I go with another brand? Also, what width should I be thinking of? The 2210 is...

    Rear Box Blade -- Which one would be best for me?

    implement-ML-547099-ML- Attachment question. This forum is for buying/pricing tractors.

    2210 Loader/front hitch compatibility?

    Hi all, Just woke up to 3-4" of the white stuff on the ground. I used the loader to plow the driveway, and though it works fine (float works even better than on my old 425) it's nothing like the snowthrower. Anyway, I like to use my loader (it's the best wheelbarrow you can get!) so I wondered...

    Tires  2210: 50 hr servicing; loading tires; Gator blades

    Hi All, Just got my 2210 returned after 50hr. servicing. Normally this is something I would do (and I'm the furthest thing from a mechanic), but I figured that I could have the tires loaded and Gator blades installed at the same time. The cost ended up being ~$450 (I still haven't received the...

    46" Snowthrower on 2210

    46\" Snowthrower on 2210 Trust me guys, I don't even want to think about that white powder that we only seemingly just got over, but I just traded in my 425 for a 2210 and thought it would be best that I tried out everything -- well before November... Well, that was a good decision, everything...