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  1. T

    Do I need a general contractor to build a house?

    Good advice from the above posts. I was the GC for my own 4000 sg ft build. I did have some help from a relative along the way. I'll just add that the subs you hire can become frustrating, so be prepared for that. Someone already mentioned that banks might require a GC. Looks like you...
  2. T

    Kubota Electrical Problem - Help?

    Posted earlier on thread that I thought I had this issue figured out: Symptoms: Getting nothing when key is turned. Lights and flashers won't even turn on. Battery is new, good, and charged. All...
  3. T

    Kubota Electrical Problem

    Need so suggestions on what to look for regarding an electrical issue. 2004 Kubota L3400DT-HST Battery replaced about 3 months ago. Getting nothing when I turn the switch. Lights will not come on, no clicks, no lights on dash, etc. Here's what I've done/checked: Battery is reading about...
  4. T

    Kubota Electrical Problem

    Need so suggestions on what to look for regarding an electrical issue. 2004 Kubota L3400DT-HST Battery replaced about 3 months ago. Getting nothing when I turn the switch. Lights will not come on, no clicks, no lights on dash, etc. Here's what I've done/checked: Battery is reading about...