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  1. S

    Hydraulic pump ??? '63 Case 441

    I have a 63 Case 441 (gas) tractor. With the hay spike it will lift a large bale of hay about 4"-6". With the hay forks, it will not lift the bale off of the ground, at all. I was told by an old timer, that the pump is a throw-away, not to bother trying to get it rebuilt. I generally heed the...
  2. S

    Oil & Fuel  Running issue on 63 Case 441 gas

    I have a 1963 Case 441 gas tractor. A few months ago, it was running good, I took it to a friend's and helped him mow with it. I left it at his place, then went back, recently and picked it up. I had a trusted friend get it, as I had just had hip replacement surgery. It ran great, loading it on...
  3. S

    Buying Advice  Case 441, info wanted

    I'm looking for someone helpful to be a contact, when/if I have questions about the Case 441 tractor that I am picking up today. I have a deal with a fellow, and she runs well, not bad physical condition, either. Needs a seat and needs a needle valve o ring on the bottom of the carb. Otherwise...