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  1. ripHST

    Pat's Easy Change trouble

    Hi all...........I should have gotten pictures, but I pulled it off before I thought of it. I purchased a Pat's system through the forum this past winter and finally got a chance to install. The first thing I tried to use it with was my new carry-all. The trouble I had was that the arms were...
  2. ripHST

    Box blade advice

    New to these so I've read most of the threads and understand that I want max weight/foot of blade, and to cover the rear tires. My tractor (will be delivered Friday) is 63" wide at the tires....66" bucket. I've noticed the BBs get lighter per foot as they get wider......not surprising. The...
  3. ripHST

    Stiff controls on a T474

    Hi TYM owners......I demo’d a T474 a week or so ago and the controls were very tight. To the point that the range selector would not move without pressing on the drive pedal a little bit (salesman directed me to do this). Even after doing this it was difficult to move and didn’t want to find its...
  4. ripHST

    Honda Pioneer 1000

    Hey all......just bought one of these yesterday and I pick it up Saturday. I joined the forum last year because I was looking for a tractor to work the new property but due to my wife's delay and divert tactics, I ended up with a UTV. Well, to be fair, she made some good points and...
  5. ripHST

    Thoughts on a TC33D

    I've been looking at tractors (my first) and have been focusing on new since everything I've seen that was used was too close to new prices. I tend to run on so I'll try to keep it simple. Based on my needs, dealer options and advice from folks here at TBN....I've settled on the Kioti CK3510H...
  6. ripHST

    Buying Advice  A tractor for 35 wooded acres

    Hi all, A couple of things to start: first is to acknowledge those that welcomed me when I posted my "new to the forum" message a few weeks back. They gave me some great things to think about as I started researching my first tractor purchase...second is a general observation about the forum...
  7. ripHST

    Newb in Upstate NY

    Hi all, Just found this forum as I'm doing research into purchasing my first non-lawn tractor. I'll probably just start reading the "first tractor advice" threads, but thanks in advance for any help with questions I may come up with. Mostly I'll just mine the existing info.....I'm sure any...