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  1. L

    Two blades per spindle

    Has anyone tried putting two blades on each spindle at 45 degrees to get better mulching action? I have tried searching but haven't found anything. I've got a BX 2200 60" MMM and was wondering if this would work. However, don't want to put too much pressure on the spindles and cause bearing...
  2. L

    Rake  Controling gravel spill from Bush Hog rake

    I use my Bush Hog MLR 84" rake on my gravel driveway every spring. When I have the rake angled and pitched to create a crown, I get spill out of gravel off the leading edge of the rake. This causes gravel to spill into the grass. I believe I have seen a metal plate that is attached to the first...
  3. L

    3-Point Hitch  Lift problem

    I have a 2001 BX2200 used mainly for mowing. Last year the lift started 'sticking' for lack of a better word. I raise the lift lever and it will raise a little then stall and kick back. I then have to raise the lever again and the same thing happens. It may take three to four tries to get the...
  4. L

    Ford 3000 Generator Question

    I have a Ford 3000 diesel and have replaced many parts including a new generator (but not the regulator). I have polarized the generator. The generator light comes on brightly when it is at idle and also comes on dimly when operating above 1500 rpm. Should either of these happen? Is the...
  5. L

    Ford 3000 Diesel Thermostart

    Just purchased a 1975 3000 with 'supposedly' low hours. Bought it in the south and transported to Illinois. Started great down there and could not see any leaks. Does not start so well here. Lots of smoke!! I have been reading through all the posts getting a lot of great information. Bought the...