6-in-1 bucket (multi-purpose bucket)

   / 6-in-1 bucket (multi-purpose bucket) #1  


New member
Sep 2, 2011
Toolcat 5600
Has anyone try a 6-in-1 bucket (bucket, dozer blade, grapple, etc..) on their toolcat - how useful are they? Or are you better off buying individual implements?
   / 6-in-1 bucket (multi-purpose bucket) #2  
Bought one with my Toolcat about 4 years ago. Couldn't do without it. Have done about everything with it that you could imagine it doing (carrying loads, clearing brush, moving fallen trees, grading, maintaining a long dirt driveway, digging, etc., etc,) and it has never let me down. Along with a mower and forks, I've been able to do everything I need to do on our 40 acres. Excellent implement. Excellent investment.
   / 6-in-1 bucket (multi-purpose bucket) #3  
i bought one although it was called a 4 in 1. will grapple, doze, backcut and i think is the same thing you are talking about. I love it and would recommend it highly over a regular bucket. It is very useful.
   / 6-in-1 bucket (multi-purpose bucket) #6  
The correct answer is - "It depends". I have a 4in1 on my compact wheel loader but also have grapple bucket and tooth buckets. Also have a TC with lots of attachments.
Dozer blades on smaller machines, work well with loose material or fairly limited grading. It takes weight, traction and stable wheel base to handle a dozer blade well. The TC does not have those qualities. A true dozer does. My 13K lb wheel loader is not great. A large frame, tracked skid steer will do better but still can be difficult to manage with a dozer blade. Most guys can grade better with a bucket on a skid steer rather than using a dozer blade. Much easier to use a box blade with scarifers compared to a dozer blade on a TC for grading or loosening material.

The grapple of a 4in1 cannot carry near the material of a true grapple. It just does not have the grabbing capacity and can't hold on to material as well.

The extra weight of a 4in1 grapple also can have significant negative effect on lifting capacity.

If you have limited use for a grapple, or dozer blade, and don't mind the decrease in lifting capacity, then a 4in1 can be very handy. I would be careful with a dozer blade on a TC. Digging with just the corner of a dozer blade could be a little hard on the central boom of the TC.

The only reason I have a 4in1 was because I found it cheap. It is over 2000 lbs, 100" wide and was never used but was several years old. Paid $1500 for it.
   / 6-in-1 bucket (multi-purpose bucket) #7  
The multipurpose bucket is a huge time saver; the best and most cost effective attachment for my toolcat that I've ever bought.