Cervical Radiculopathy (pinched nerve in neck)

   / Cervical Radiculopathy (pinched nerve in neck)
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Over the years I have had 3 surgeries on my neck to relieve nerve impingement. I broke my neck in a car wreck at age 20 and calcium has been taking over the joints progressively moving up from C6. After 3 surgeries, I don't have any nerve pain, but I only have 3 vertebrae that will actually move, the rest are all fused together. Looking behind or even to the side is either turning the whole body or use of mirrors. I do back into things a lot on the tractor when out in woodlands, but it is a small price to pay for not having the use of one arm. That is what always happened to me, first tingling in the arm and hands and if not fixed total paralysis. It took me a couple of years to regain the strength in my right arm after one surgery to relieve the pressure on my nerve.
I still get stiff neck a lot, but a few minutes on my Teeter inversion table and it helps a lot. I have a herniated disc in my lower back that gives me a lot of problems and inversion really helps with that also. I just hang upside down for a few seconds at a time, twist back and forth with neck and back then raise up. Repeat 3 or more times and it lasts for days, sometimes weeks. I am a believer in the inversion table therapy and it is much cheaper to just buy one than go to therapy for stretching sessions.

Another vote for the inversion table noted. Thanks for joining us Gary. I'll be haunting craigslist for one tonight.

Sounds horrible to lose the use of a right arm (or left arm) one day everything is fine, then zap a car wreck, or a fall, or a tornado, or doing something during sleep, or like me turning my head too fast.
   / Cervical Radiculopathy (pinched nerve in neck)
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Thanks guys

Constant severe pain with an odd numbness and tingling in left side of neck with pain that alters position periodically, usually somewhere in my left arm or shoulder. The fingers of my left hand often have a pins and needles sensation..

I have a job list that I really want to get on with :(.. but:thumbdown:

That was about ten weeks ago. So far I've had twice a week PT sessions, I met with the Pain Doctor to talk about the cortisone shot. Gotta get an okay from insurance.
Things are very slow in my neck-o-the woods.. I'm told everyone's very busy.

The job list has been untouched, my land looks pitiful, all the clean up I normally do is not done, the Kubota sits there. For the first time in years I'll be buying firewood and heating oil before the end of winter (I have a couple cords firewood, I usually burn 5 or 6). I'm unable to use a lawnmower, use the tractor, take the boat out, any vibration like from a chainsaw, mower, etc.. will cause a week of pain and little sleep.

I know many are much worse off than me, so I'll keep the whine to a minimum... Next summer, God willing, this discomfort will be history.
   / Cervical Radiculopathy (pinched nerve in neck) #43  
That was about ten weeks ago. So far I've had twice a week PT sessions, I met with the Pain Doctor to talk about the cortisone shot. Gotta get an okay from insurance.
Things are very slow in my neck-o-the woods.. I'm told everyone's very busy.

The job list has been untouched, my land looks pitiful, all the clean up I normally do is not done, the Kubota sits there. For the first time in years I'll be buying firewood and heating oil before the end of winter (I have a couple cords firewood, I usually burn 5 or 6). I'm unable to use a lawnmower, use the tractor, take the boat out, any vibration like from a chainsaw, mower, etc.. will cause a week of pain and little sleep.

I know many are much worse off than me, so I'll keep the whine to a minimum... Next summer, God willing, this discomfort will be history.

Good luck to you Tim I sincerely hope you feel better.
   / Cervical Radiculopathy (pinched nerve in neck) #44  
I am a Physical Therapist assistant AND I have had fusion surgery. I tried it all prior as I did not want surgery and it was a stop gap (as I knew it was). The longer you wait the more damage to the nerves and the greater chance they are PERMINANTLY damaged. I went from agonizing shoulder and arm pain with numbness to manageable neck stiffness. My surgery was a year ago and I still hurt a bit, but nowhere near what I did. I waited too long and still have some arm weakness.
Since you don't have a disc bulge or herniation they may not need to fuse just clean up the foreman. This is dependent on the reason for the osteophyte of course.
Osteophyte is just bone growing to help shore up things, bone does not move around like a herniated disc and can cause more damage and pain. Sooner better then later is better in my opinion.
   / Cervical Radiculopathy (pinched nerve in neck) #45  

The job list has been untouched, my land looks pitiful, all the clean up I normally do is not done, the Kubota sits there. For the first time in years I'll be buying firewood and heating oil before the end of winter (I have a couple cords firewood, I usually burn 5 or 6). I'm unable to use a lawnmower, use the tractor, take the boat out, any vibration like from a chainsaw, mower, etc.. will cause a week of pain and little sleep.

I know many are much worse off than me, so I'll keep the whine to a minimum... Next summer, God willing, this discomfort will be history.

You are not alone. :eek: A few years ago we had a car accident that kept me from doing any chores for about six months or so. I have been behind ever sense. :mad: 2015 has stunk. The only thing good about 2015 is that I still have a job and family members have not died in spite of heart attacks, multiple ER visits and hospital stays. The first family health issue was in January on the Sunday before everyone went back to school and work. A family member was having a heart attack while the wifey and I were discussing what ifs about this person and other family members. :shocked: A few days prior I had gone to the gym and that was the last time I have been able to work out at the gym all year. I have other ways to get exercise but they gym membership is a big waste of money this year. :mad:

I took a half day on Friday to try to cut up some dead trees for firewood. Alternator went on the truck so I spent the afternoon fixing, I hope, the problem. Saturday I got some of the chainsaw work done but I did not have time to finish the project. Hoped to do it this afternoon but I had to take a family member to the ER at O Dark Thirty this morning. Turned out to be nothing serious which is good but it is just one more danged 2015ism. :D

We might have to use the heat pump this year to heat the house and save the firewood for emergencies. :(

I have equipment that needs fixing, and chores to do, place looks horrible, but there is just not enough time.... Oh well. :laughing::laughing::laughing:

   / Cervical Radiculopathy (pinched nerve in neck) #46  
That was about ten weeks ago. So far I've had twice a week PT sessions, I met with the Pain Doctor to talk about the cortisone shot. Gotta get an okay from insurance.
Things are very slow in my neck-o-the woods.. I'm told everyone's very busy.

The job list has been untouched, my land looks pitiful, all the clean up I normally do is not done, the Kubota sits there. For the first time in years I'll be buying firewood and heating oil before the end of winter (I have a couple cords firewood, I usually burn 5 or 6). I'm unable to use a lawnmower, use the tractor, take the boat out, any vibration like from a chainsaw, mower, etc.. will cause a week of pain and little sleep.

I know many are much worse off than me, so I'll keep the whine to a minimum... Next summer, God willing, this discomfort will be history.

i know this to well.

thought i was doing good this weekend. and ended up tossing myself backwards :/
   / Cervical Radiculopathy (pinched nerve in neck) #47  
Well, I kind of know of the pain you are going through.. I had cervical fusion several yrs ago (10-15) been so long I can't remember..But, I sure remember the pain I had prior to the surgery ..

I tried several shots in the neck B-4 having surgery.. They lasted a few weeks. Then , pain all over again, with Very little to no sleep due to the pain.. Surgery was the best thing for me

Good luck