Credit card has my last name spelled wrong..

   / Credit card has my last name spelled wrong.. #21  
I was a faithful Sam's Club shopper for many years but have shifted to Costco in recent years. Sure, Sam's has more locations, wider reach and better prices but is morphing into stale products and a workforce of employees that look like they're scraping the bottom of the barrel. Excessive tattoos, bizarre piercings and attire, etc. Checkout lines rarely equal what's needed to avoid a long wait and I get to be checked out by some real losers. And I'm no prize myself.

Costco has a varied product line of things that I want to buy or think I want to buy, fruits and vegetables are fresh, the checkout lines are open and the staff looks prettier and seems to bathe on a regular basis. So we've been going to Costco more and Sam's less. Sam's is the elephant in the room but seems to be struggling with some of the concepts of retailing. If Sam Walton were around, he would have it figured it out in ten minutes.

Sam's can figure this out...they just have to decide to do it.