ford 1910 1986 model shift on column

   / ford 1910 1986 model shift on column #1  


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Does anyone have a pic of the shifter that is on the column. I believe there is 4 gears and the reverse on the column. Yesterday a piece came off or something shifted which cause it to stick. I couldnt get it in reverse. I took the linkage off thinking i could manually do it there but it felt free. SO i took the cover off of the transmission and everything looks to be working . I think it got off sychronized. bad thing 2 of the 4 springs dropped down in the transmission. I need to fish them out today , but needing a pic or something so i can get the shifter back to were it was. Dont look to be much to it but i think it was a plastic piece. Thanks if anyone can help. What would be the best way to find them springs buy magnet????
   / ford 1910 1986 model shift on column #2  

Below are the pictures from my ford 1700 and not you 1910, but they share the same concepts. Ball and spring are part of detent mechanism to keep the shifter in place. You should have removed the spring from top before you took the cover off. It is extremely difficult to take the detent balls off from top and it is not necessary at all. You need to remove the springs with the aid of a magnet. Your spring are resting in the bottom of transmission floor and it is like "hole in one" to retrieve them. my suggestion is to simply get a clean five gall bucket and dump the oil from the bottom so you can see the springs. remove them and then dump the oil in to transmission before the cover is put back. Make sure to put the drain plug back first:D.


Shifter/transmission cover


Transmission cover removed.

Detent ball and spring

   / ford 1910 1986 model shift on column
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Hey im not sure if my has little bolts that you can take off and pull the springs up. Maybe it does i will have to look cause if it does that would be alot easier. Like i said im new to the tractor scene. Believe it i found both the springs in the transmission. First one i got right off. Second was im sure a hour . was talking on phone to a buddy got off phone made a prayer and boom same place i had that magnet several times and here i came up. God is amazing. Ok well got it back togethor and got the tractor in reverse but i had to be really carefull with the hand shifter cause there is a part missing. I think its a plastic piece that keeps the shaft centered. IM really happy cause ive had this ford for maybe couple weeks so i thought great , transmission. SO im happy it wasnt anything worse. I sure appreciate you taking the time to send me a response....
   / ford 1910 1986 model shift on column #4  
H Ok well got it back togethor and got the tractor in reverse but i had to be really carefull with the hand shifter cause there is a part missing. I think its a plastic piece that keeps the shaft centered. ....

Do you see the relation ship of shift boss's in the transmission (square block , 2 red and two gray colors with a dab of yellow paint on them) and end of the shifter rod? There is no plastic anything there. The detent ball and spring keeps the shifter from moving around.


   / ford 1910 1986 model shift on column
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yes whats in the case is fine, What i was talking about was on the shifter column that the piece is missing. See i have one shifter that is riight beside the steering wheel. That is what a piece came off which made it jump out of gear in the transfer case. Thanks so much for helping a guy out. Hey what fluids do you use in your tractor??