How do you mow? Special pattern?

   / How do you mow? Special pattern? #11  
RobJ, is that a 6'+ tall goldenrod that's to the left of your tractor??? You live next to any nuclear reactors or anything?? 3' around here is quite tall...

As for my mowing patterns, it depends on the ground, the speed I can travel, and the type and width of the mower I've got attached. Oh yes, and how bored I am. Rectangles after mowing a headland is a good pattern, but so're circles if I've got a manouverable mower and I like a challenge making perfect turns at speed and tearing up the ground with my fronts isn't a big deal. Some fields the pattern turns out to be closer to triangles. Some mowers mow much better in straight lines, too. Blueberry Gangmower
   / How do you mow? Special pattern?
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GinNB said:
RobJ, is that a 6'+ tall goldenrod that's to the left of your tractor??? You live next to any nuclear reactors or anything?? 3' around here is quite tall...

Might be, it's about 3 inches tall now. :D This hill has some really nice soil. I mowed and area at the bottom of the hill and one of the hunters put up a feeder, around the first of September. The deer were not hitting it that much and we were getting some good rain. Couple months later that deer corn was about 5' high and had ears on it!! A little more warmer weather and I was picking the stuff!! A frost finally got it. Several people want to buy that hill. It's a good homesite to.