increasing the reverse speed

   / increasing the reverse speed #1  


New member
Dec 15, 2013
Williamstown NY
Mahindra 2815
i own a 2009 Mahindra 2815 HST. i am looking to increase the reverse speed as the middle gear provides the necessary torque to climb hils while snowblowing but not enough speed. forward speed in the middle gear is adequate. using the high range gear does not provide enough power to climb the hills. So the real question is, is there an orifice that limits the oil flow to limit the reverse speed, or is the speed limited by the travel of the pedal in the reverse direction. has anyone else ever modified the drive system to increase the reverse speed?
   / increasing the reverse speed #2  
Welcome to TBN. When I had my first tractor, I had a pto driven snow blower. By the very nature of the operation - going in reverse - this is a slow procedure. Going "fast" while operating in reverse and blowing snow is an invite to danger. Its very likely that if you were able to increase the reverse speed in the middle gear you would loose the torque necessary to climb hills and blow snow. I think you should be happy with what you have and the fact that the tractor will blow snow and climb hills at the same time. If you make a mistake using a snow blower, its likely you may not get to make that mistake again.

BTW, when I moved snow with my 3 point hitch pto blower I was always going less than 2 mph. Any faster created a situation that I knew was dangerous and for sure caused difficult steering problems. Keeping the entire operating unit on course and trying not to get "stiff neck" required most of my concentration.
   / increasing the reverse speed #3  
How fast does it go in reverse in MED?.. While I don't own a Mahindra 2815, I cannot imagine blowing snow as fast as My Kioti will go in Reverse in MED range. Even LO range with the pedal fully depressed would likely be too fast.
   / increasing the reverse speed #4  
I am not a mechanic by any means but I don't think you can increase the speed by jacking up the pressures. The speed is determined by the gearing not just the pump pressure. HST transmissions are not direct drive to a hydraulic motor on the wheels that you can get more speed by turning more GPM in the pump which requires more HP to do. The engine drives a hydraulic motor that drives the transmission. You can only get a finite amount of power from you engine and trying to get more speed is going to require more HP.
I am not familiar with Mahindra but would suspect that it isn't a lot different than my Kubota. Low range is pretty slow but seems to go about the same speed in reverse as it does forward, same with M and H ranges.
I think you are stuck with what ever you have in the Mahindra. To get faster speeds, you need a larger tractor.