Oil Bath Air Cleaner - What oil to use with it?

   / Oil Bath Air Cleaner - What oil to use with it? #1  


Silver Member
Apr 17, 2012
River Valley and South Arkansas
MF35, Kubota7040, Case885, Ford 1100
I took the filter housing off and it has soaked overnight in gasoline and will soon be back on the tractor after a good day in the sun to dry. I think it was the first time in at least 15 years it has been cleaned. But I have come across a few diff oil recommendations. Most say just to use what I use in the engine, which is 15w-40, but several also state to use just plain 30wt oil. I figure it does not matter too much as long as it has the right amount and clean oil. I will be mowing in dusty fields this summer and need it to filter.

Even with all the crud caked in the steel media, the intake tube was clean except for oil residue and some dust. Now I could not get the steel media in the bottom to be completely clean of seeds and grass, should I just let it be? I saw one guy said he lit his up on fire, but he was using kerosene, and that is a bit safer than gas! I used a dish bristle brush to try and move it all to one area and pick as much as I could out.

Thank for the info guys!
   / Oil Bath Air Cleaner - What oil to use with it?
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I put it back together after blowing it out with air pretty good. I used some 30wt non-det oil and some 15w-40. Seems to run great!
   / Oil Bath Air Cleaner - What oil to use with it? #3  
I always used the cheapest oil I had. I've even filled them with used oil saved from an engine oil change. It really doesn't matter, as long as their is liquid at the proper level. You could actually use water but it would evaporate quickly. That's why oil is used, no evaporation.

An Oil Bath Air Breather is one of man's greatest inventions for engines of that era. More modern engines are less tolerant of smaller microns of contaminant and require a better filtration system.
   / Oil Bath Air Cleaner - What oil to use with it?
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I may run it like that for a while, I doubt it will hurt it as it has been running with it since what, the late 50's :) I have an extra conical 3" filter I may try and add to the existing oil bath. Kinda like a modern pre filter :)