ran thru ffence and didn't stop

   / ran thru ffence and didn't stop
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Re: ran thru ffence and didn\'t stop

well, i'm betting i have located the person that ran thru my fence, but i probably made a mistake, by calling his dad, and telling him "somebody" with a vehicle like his sons, ran thru my fence, and giving him the opportunity to make amends. he said he doubted it was his son, because the truck has been sitting in his yard for a month. he "supposedly" will get back with me after talking to his son. the dad is a "fairly" prominent person in town, has his own business etc..it will be interesting to see if he is willing to sell his word for $300. i always tell my kids, how much would it cost to buy you, if you lie about something to save $???, thats how much your worth.
i hope these people think more of their word than $300.
   / ran thru ffence and didn't stop #22  
Re: ran thru ffence and didn\'t stop

Yep, it'll be interesting to see what kind of response you get, but of course, if they deny it, just how sure are you that you found the right one?
   / ran thru ffence and didn't stop #23  
Re: ran thru ffence and didn\'t stop

I don't know how it is in other states but in Texas you must have an arrest warrant to go and arrest someone. That requires taking enough information to a judge to make him believe there is enough evidence to support your claim that the person did the crime. In the case of a person driving thru a fence, do you know with any certainity that the owner was also the driver? Teenage boys often let their girlfriends drive their cars. You can however, file a civil suit against the car owner and probably get your fence repaired that way. The burden of proof in a civil suit is much less.

In the case of the funds removed from the account. If you are repaid by the bank you have suffered no tangible loss. With no loss you have suffered no theft to file. You can refuse to let the bank reimburse you and then YOU can file the theft report. If the suspect is caught and convicted you will still have to sue him in civil court for the return of your funds. Do you really think a person in jail has funds to repay anyone? Depending on the situation you may be able to file "idenity theft" so ask about that.

Like Bird said, the law enforcement agencies receive many more reports than they can ever hope to work. They must prioritize. I realize the damage to your fence is personal but ask yourself who is more dangerous to you and where do you want your police to spent their time and energy? Catching a teenage boy (not a d.w.i. suspect) who had an accident with your fence or a person running around assaulting people with weapons such as bats and guns?

And finally, the deputy should be willing to take your report without giving you any attitude. He may still inform you that a case involving a hit and run accident with a fence and no witnesses is very hard to prosecute but he should still treat you with respect and take the report. And he should be polite and professional. That should be expected from a taxpayer.
   / ran thru ffence and didn't stop
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Re: ran thru ffence and didn\'t stop

the deputy that took the report was excellent: and i realize its hard to prove something like this, after the fact: so it will be interesting to see what happens now.
   / ran thru ffence and didn't stop #25  
Re: ran thru ffence and didn\'t stop

Years ago, when check cashing cards required a C/C, I had $2500 in charges to an unknown vendor. I called the C/C company and got the phone number of the vendor. Turns out it was one of those call us and we'll talk dirty to you numbers.
I asked what phone number they return "my" calls to, and they gave me two of them. Narrowed it down to one person, working in a local store. He was part time, and had left going to Rota, Spain. I called the Navy base, told them who I was, gave them all the info. Last I heard, he was discharged with a BCD after a year in the Navy's quarters that has bars on the windows.
David from jax
   / ran thru ffence and didn't stop #26  
Re: ran thru ffence and didn\'t stop

I had my credit card info stolen in January, a guy made a purchase using his name but my address and credit card info. My wife caught it before the package actually made it to his house. My credit card woud not divulge the guy's name (confidentiality rules). We called HP and asked what the guy's name was, they would not divulge it either. My wife was able to procure the tracking number, so she called FedEx. They gave her the guy's name and address. Unfortunately, this guy lives half way across the country, so it means I won't be visiting him. But thru the miracle of the internet, I found pictures of him on the internet, I found the county tax site that shows he has a house assessed at over $500,000 (it even has a satellite picture of his house/neighborhoodon the site, everybody but him has a pool in their backyard).
My local sheriff says I may never know the outcome of this investigation. I'm in a little town in Wisconsin, this crook lives near Vegas.

The biggest slap in the face occured last week: I got a "new customer discount" flyer in the mail from HP (from my "recent" purchase), offering a discount for my next purchase. However, it had the other guy's name on it with MY address. Thanks Hewlett Packard. You have an excellent credit card verification system....NOT!