Oil & Fuel What are the best brands of diesel fuel?

   / What are the best brands of diesel fuel? #11  
I too used Amocco Premier until the station switched to Marathon. Never had a problem with either and the fuel is always fresh since it is at a busy truck stop.
   / What are the best brands of diesel fuel? #12  
First, as I understand it, Biodiesel works best in conjunction WITH diesel fuel, sort of like an additive, or diesel stretcher.
I personally used to buy from local stations, but because of the high price, I researched and found that I could get off-road (higher sulphur content) diesel or "red dyed diesel" for much less. I bought two 55 gal. drums and had them filled at a local fuel oil distributor. The difference was $1.25/gal as opposed to $1.75/gal. If you would not use up that much fuel over a fairly short period, you would need to treat it with a biocide to keep bacteria from turning it to muck. Not a big problem. You can ask the dealer what the cetane rating is for the diesel, sort of equivalent of the octane rating. I think brand doesn't make a lot of difference. John
   / What are the best brands of diesel fuel? #13  
I've been using Citgo for about 2 years in my truck, and yes they have good diesel. An added bonus is that they always have the lowest prices in my area.
   / What are the best brands of diesel fuel? #14  
There was a recent documentary on the History or Discovery channel that was about pipelines. Amazing what they do.

Even though some brands may have their own private storage facility, they all get fuel from the same pipeline. When the refinery puts x gallons in the pipeline system then the storage facility gets to draw x gallons out. Not even, in fact NEVER, the same x gallons.

It takes up to 2 weeks for fuel to go from Texas to the east coast.

The only difference between brand A and brand B is the additives put in at the tank truck rack. Your best bet is to find a local station that does large volume business and buy there. There will be less moisture and other contaminates like algae, etc. mixed in the fuel.
   / What are the best brands of diesel fuel? #15  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( In many areas of the country every brand of diesel comes from the same storage tank at the tank farm. Brand A may put additives in the fuel but it is done when the tank truck is loaded. Same for gasoline.

If you live in New England most fuel comes from the Boston/Revere storage facility. Its all the same.

Now off road diesel may be a little different. My local supplier has theirs trucked in from somewhere in upstate New York or even Canada. )</font>

Yep, that is what my fuel supplier tells me. They all draw from the same tank battery. He also tells me the only difference between on road and off road diesel is the red dye pack that is thrown in when the truck is being loaded.

On the other hand........here is a good article on diesel fuel you might be interested in.


   / What are the best brands of diesel fuel? #16  
This is all about to change. By 2006, all on-road diesel is supposed to have a drastic reduction in sulfur. They'll likely market their off-road diesel as the same material to avoid extra costs of tank segregation.

In Louisiana even as much as about 6 years ago, I tanked up at Citgo. It was water white and sulfur free at that time.

Otherwise, my Benz seems to get the best mileage off Exxon diesel. Get my retired employee discount buying it, too.

   / What are the best brands of diesel fuel? #17  
To echo some of the others, look for the busiest truck stop station you can find. They move through a lot of fuel and so you should be okay. Sometimes smaller stations don't sell the fuel fast enough and it can be a problem.
