What tractor should I buy?

   / What tractor should I buy? #11  
I dought you need all 20 ac of standing corn/beans left to draw deer in season. I'd cash rent 15 of the 20 (for real low rent: maybe even free). And have them plant 20 and leave 5 standing close to the edges. BTW, you don't have or want to mow the corn down. Get a smaller tractor and do food plots in the tight places. You might want to have a dozer cut trails in your timber and also clear a 2-5 ac clearing in the middle of the timber for a plot. Then you'll have a smaller rig to maintain them. And you'll be money ahead. WDO
   / What tractor should I buy?
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You're saying leave the corn standing? I paid to have it all planted so it's all mine. I went the rent out/lease route last year with soybeans and it just didn't work out really well for me with farmers coming in and out and harvesting during hunting season, etc. so I'm doing it all for the deer. I was told to bushog in strips as the season progressed but if you have any other tips let me know--my first year hunting corn and I know you Illinois hunters have a lot of it! What the deer don't eat by Feb or March I'll have harvested if it's still good.
   / What tractor should I buy? #13  
Sounds like you're set for this year. My way of thinking was to keep you from having to work that 20 acres all the time. If you get a rig to work that; then it will be too big for a close quarters plot rig. I'd still try to work it out with the RIGHT farmer to have him work/plant/and pick that 20 while still leaving you plenty of plot (along with the small plots you do). If you would let him have it dirt cheap (or free) and work it out that he only picks and such during the midlle of the day during the week when no one is hunting. I can't imagine it would be a big deal. Heck, we can pick 15 acres in less than an hour. It will save you a BUNCH of work, time, and $$ on a bigger tractor.
   / What tractor should I buy? #14  
If you want to be independent, buy a 65+HP tractor, this will let you plow, disc, cultivate, plant, harvest anything you like, maintain the driveway, haul the wood, work with a real BH etc. If you get lots of snow in your area, don't get anything less than 50HP. If your land has really wet spots in the spring, get 4WD to pull yourself out of trouble.
   / What tractor should I buy?
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I'm looking b/t a Kubota MX5100 and a JD 5055 E each with FELs.

Any thoughts on what sort of deals I might get on a 5055E with FEL? Any other "must haves" on a 5055E I should get if getting made new?
   / What tractor should I buy? #16  
Did you get the "auction" tractor? Or are you still considering a new tractor? If you're gonna go with a new machine;

Here's what I'd want on a new 5055E -

The bigger tires - R1's. Also the axle extensions. I know you've got woods and trails - but wider is more stable and the bigger footprint will help with fieldwork.

Extendable draft links. Makes hooking up heavier 3pt attachments a little easier on the back..

Extra work light and the horn kit, too. Better to see and be seen and get that buck's attention when you honk at 'em! I use my horn quite a bit to get my less than attentive son to "pay attention"!

I'm a canopy lover! Get the canopy. I crawl thru woods and around trees all the time. And every now and again, I crawl up on the rear tires and pull branches off and sweep the leaves, etc. off with a broom, too!

But, I like having that stuff on the roof instead of in my lap!! Or down the back of my shirt!

Makes working outside on those days when it's not really raining - but it's a nice steady drizzle - much more bearable, too!

Get the right hand step and rail, too. I don't have one on my 110TLB and it's a PITA. I'm always going left and right off the tractor and I have to step on the front tire (slippery) or the loader, etc. Aggravating...

Rear wheel weights or have the tires filled. There's a never ending debate over what's better... but, no one argues that having added weight on the tractor is a bad idea!!

Best of luck with your decision.

   / What tractor should I buy? #17  
Did you get the "auction" tractor? Or are you still considering a new tractor? If you're gonna go with a new machine...

Great post, AK!!
   / What tractor should I buy?
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Thanks for the info. AK. I didn't get the auction tractor. They actually ended up selling presale and then replaced it with another small tractor, although it was 45 hp I wanted the 50 and above at least.