What's your favorite tool for cutting net wrap.

   / What's your favorite tool for cutting net wrap.
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I don't use bales and I'm not sure what kind of wrap you're talking about, but if you have an issue with blades dulling, would a ceramic blade help? I noticed HF has a ceramic blade utility knife for $10 or so.
I hadn't thought of that. I've heard that ceramic blades are brittle and don't want to risk losing pieces in the hay where a cow might swallow them. Thanks for the suggestion.
   / What's your favorite tool for cutting net wrap. #12  
I hadn't thought of that. I've heard that ceramic blades are brittle and don't want to risk losing pieces in the hay where a cow might swallow them. Thanks for the suggestion.

I don’t own ant ceramic knifes, but I’ve seen them in other people’s kitchen. It seems the tip is always broken off. I think you’re right on not using them in this application.
   / What's your favorite tool for cutting net wrap.
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Thanks to all for your suggestions. I've tried variations of most of them and may retry the ones that haven't been my favorites in the past.
   / What's your favorite tool for cutting net wrap. #14  
We use a retractable blade box cutter. When dull, turn the blade around. :thumbsup:

   / What's your favorite tool for cutting net wrap. #15  
If I cut it, I use my pocketknife. Funny how that stringy stuff dulls your blade. Most of the time I put the roll down with the ends facing up and down, then get off tractor and just unwind it by hand. Easier to do if ya beat the the cows to the spot by a couple minutes.