Fiat 411RB 3.50 star(s) (2)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Fiat 411RB.
Vintage Tractors

About the Fiat 411RB

Fiat 411RB Discussions (1)

Here are the most recent 411RB topics from our community.
  1. C

    FIAT 411RB, petrol tractor , engine parts???

    Hi from Australia, any one got a source for Fiat 411Rb petrol engine tractor parts ? Need rings, gasket set and bearing shells. must be a shop that sells the bits please send private message if...
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User Reviews (2)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Fiat 411RB Subcompact Tractor
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3.00 star(s)

411RB Fiat
Dad's Fiat 411 RB
Model Year: 1970

411RB gas; year unknown. Bought from a retired farmer. Used about 30 hrs a year. Skid brush, pull out a stump & blow the snow. The 24 volt system is nice as it will start on the coldest day. Rated @ 40hp, 6 forward & 2 reverse gears. A little short on power with 6 ft. snow blower or the 5 ft. bush hog. But plenty strong on a straight pull or with 6ft grader blade. Front loader with trip bucket. Manual steering. Live PTO & locking diff. Hard to turn with bucket loaded. Lights were modified & now not working. Points, cap & rotor are hard to find. This tractor has always been parked inside and is in very good condition. In 1996 the gear that runs the clock snapped off & fell into the timing gears & tore open the timing gear cover. Timing gears & chain replaced---cover repaired & now clock no longer works, so the hours is just a guesstimate. Thermostat failed & has been removed. This 411 hates it when it rains. The distributor is the weak link on this tractor. The engine was overhauled in 1970(...?) . Valves lapped in & valve seals changed . New factory pistons, rings, cylinders & the bushing that goes on the big end of the con rod replaced. I most likely will still have this tractor in 20 yrs from now.

Pros: Simple, straight forward tractor.
Cons: Not may built. Parts are obsolete & hard to find.

4.00 star(s)

411RB Fiat
Fiat 411Rb
Model Year: 1960

This old tractor used to belong to the Department of Agriculture, and as such has remarkably low hours for it's age. The previous owner treated the tractor quite poorly but it has stood up to the abuse well. Unlike the 411R, the 411Rb has a petrol engine. It is very well designed, with offset final drives, two range gearbox with 6 forward and two reverse gears. Finding parts for this old beast is a challenge - the distributor has been replaced with an incorrect item that spins backwards therefore has no mechanical advance, making tuning a bit of a challenge. The old carburettor has seen better days and has been repaired as far as it can. I would like to replace these items eventually. The engine speed governor has been removed as the alternator had been replaced. I'd like to get a governor working on it again one day. Apart from its foibles, it has been a trusty tractor and I have it running reliably nowadays.

Pros: Proven design, very strong.
Cons: Old and rare, hard to get parts for the petrol model.

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Fiat 411RB Owner Pages

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Fiat 411RB Community Rankings

#113 user rating of 679 Vintage Tractors items
#86 Viewed of 679 Vintage Tractors items
#66 discussed of 679 Vintage Tractors items
#2134 user rating of 19625 items overall
#1164 Viewed of 19625 items overall
#1619 discussed of 19625 items overall
#9 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 19625 items overall