Fiat 780_2 5.00 star(s) (1)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Fiat 780_2.
50-100 HP Tractors

About the Fiat 780_2

Fiat 780_2 Discussions (4)

Here are the most recent 780_2 topics from our community.
  1. mungus

    FIAT 780 handbrake disc replacement

    Hi - my first post! :newhere: Has anyone here ever replaced the hand brake disc on a late 1970's FIAT 780 (Heston)? Originally they had a pair of thin discs fitted, (that usually buckled and...
  2. D

    Workshop Manual Fiat 780 -77

    Hello. Is anyone have any problem with noise in the rear axet at Fiat 780? I have when i "enginebrake" backwards. and on low rpm when i run my PTO. I would like to have an Workshop Manual...
  3. mungus

    OEM stabilizers - installation on FIAT 780.

    Has anyone any experience of fitting the OEM type stabilizer anchors to the final drives on a FIAT 780? The 780 didn't come with any stabilizers as new (perhaps the last of them did, but certainly...
  4. mungus

    FIAT 780 Parts Manual in PD now available

    I've had a few people ask me if I will ever get around to making a PDF version of the old FIAT 780 Parts Manual. Well I finally did. Mine was not worthy of scanning but after many months I found...
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User Reviews (1)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Fiat 780_2 Subcompact Tractor
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5.00 star(s)

780_2 Fiat
FIAT 780 2WD - Early Model
Model Year: 1976

I bought this 780 2WD with no prior knowledge or experience of FIAT tractors. After slashing 30 acres of 3' grass I stripped and restored the tractor to better than new condition. As such I have found out what breaks and what lasts, and am able to compare it to other tractors of the day. It is a nice tractor to drive and operate. Great IVECO diesel engine (never been apart, yet starts easily, no noise or smoke and pulls well). Easy controls for everything. Comfortable for operator. I rate it better than most 80hp 2WD tractors of the day. Maybe only the JD would be better. Well ahead of the technology and comfort offered by DB and MF at that time.

Pros: Comfortable, reliable, modern for age, easy to use and fix.
Cons: Body work rusts badly, OEM handbrake disc design was poor.

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Fiat 780_2 Owner Pages

View owner pages to see photos, customization and comments about member-owner Fiat 780_2s

Fiat 780_2 Community Rankings

#1 user rating of 1508 50-100 HP Tractors items
#188 Viewed of 1508 50-100 HP Tractors items
#174 discussed of 1508 50-100 HP Tractors items
#1 user rating of 19625 items overall
#1331 Viewed of 19625 items overall
#1183 discussed of 19625 items overall
#9 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 19625 items overall