Ford FORD1500 5.00 star(s) (4)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Ford FORD1500.
Under 25 HP Tractors

About the Ford FORD1500

Ford FORD1500 Discussions (64)

Here are the most recent FORD1500 topics from our community.
  1. L

    Ford 1500/1700 injector pump

    i recently found this board. i have both a ford 1500 (4wd) and ford 1700 (2wd) tractor. I read about changing the oil in the injector pump. Neither one has the drain hole and level hole tapped...
  2. O

    Ford 1500 Steering Slop

    I launched an investigation into some excess slack in the steering on my late-80-early-81 1500. I purchased the little monster used and don't have much history, other than it was set-up with a...
  3. schneidvt

    Ford 1500 Clutch Replacement

    I am currently in the process of replacing the clutch on a 4x4 1500. I have sourced the clutch, pressure plate, and throwout but have been unable to locate a part # for the rear main seal. The...
  4. B

    New guy with a Ford 1500 diesel start/run problem.

    I inherited my dad's tractor last summer. I used it several times while he was living but only run it twice in the past year - September or October. It sat since then with a full tank of fuel...
  5. T

    Ford 1500 Fuel injection Pump, timing or other isue?

    I just purchased a Ford 1500 (Shibaura SD1840) and I was given a Ford 1500 manual with it.. the owner told me it was the same tractor. The previous owner said tractor would not start and he...
  6. B

    Howdy from a new owner of a Ford 1500.

    Hello Tractor Folks, I came by a Ford 1500 the hard way - my pop died last year and the tractor came to me. The old man was a regular fiend about changing fluids and keeping the air up in the...
  7. Y

    Ford 1500 with Shibaura 2 cyl - how to find TDC for cylinder 2?

    Trying to adjust valve clearance (lash). Service manual says to adjust when cylinder is at TDC on compression stroke. How do I determine when cylinder 2 is at TDC? Would that be 180 degrees from...
  8. R

    Ford 1500 hydraulic pump

    I am new to the forum. I just bought my first tractor: Ford 1500 (1979). I got a real good deal including several of attachments. Well I found out my why it was a good deal. The hydraulic pump is...
  9. J

    Ford 1500,1700/Shibaura SD2200

    I have a SD2200 and it appears the temperature guage is broke....actually I don't even think it is attached to the sending unit. I just bought this tractor last week and would like to put a gauge...
  10. S

    Ford 1500 information?

    I've run across a Ford 1500 that is for sale. Someone that I know and consider to be honest. It has about 940 hours on it, and seems to be in pretty good shape. I drove it yesterday and ran it...
  11. J

    ford 1500 4x4

    I'm currently looking at buying a ford 1500 with loader and scraper. The onwer not sure of the price yet. But let me use the tractor for a few days. It only has about 175 hrs on it. So what do...
  12. F

    ford 1500 w/bradco backhoe

    Hello member here...can anyone tell me why my hydraulics move slow?
  13. F

    Need accurate information on Ford 1500

    I am looking into a Ford 1500 tractor for sale. The owner is 2nd owner of the tractor and he has owned it for about 11 years. It has FEL (770) and rear back blade. The question is he is...
  14. O

    Ford 1500 PTO Engagement

    I am new to this forum and consider myself an average-Joe mechanic, but have little experience in entering the internals of a tractor. I think I have ran across some thread that mentioned this...
  15. J

    Ford 1500 brake problem

    The brakes on my ford 1500 are not working. The left side went out fall of 2013 and I was able to use the right side for the rest of mwoing season and for moving snow around. Last weekend i had...
  16. gschones

    Ford 1500

    After 10 years of good use from my 9N (still runs great by the way) I just bought a Ford 1510. I am looking forward to interacting with the pros here as I am sure that I will need advise. This...
  17. K

    Leaking injectors on ford 1500

    I just bought a ford 1500 for plowing the gardens and ima change all the fluids in it first because they apparently haven't been changed since 2019 and I was looking and there is fuel leaking out...
  18. T

    Buying Advice Advice on 1980 Ford 1500

    Hello all, First time poster here. I recently bought 10 acres, 3 grass and 7 wooded. I am looking for a tractor that can do some of the heavy lifting around the homestead. I am looking for...
  19. M

    1979 Ford 1500 4wd tractor parts needed

    I recently purchased this tractor and need to find 2 front axle final pinion shafts. If anyone has any suggestions as to where I might find them, please let me know. Thanks, Mert
  20. R

    Price Check 1983 Ford 1500 4x4

    Model # ah212a I am going to sell my tractor but haven't a clue what price to put on it. I bought it brand new and can't possibly tell you the amount of hours that is on it. It has a blade...
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User Reviews (4)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Ford FORD1500 Subcompact Tractor
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5.00 star(s)

FORD1500 Ford
Good Little Tractor
Model Year: 1990

I am very happy with the tractor, however I have been finding it hard to locate a loader that has been designed for this model.

Pros: Reliable.
Cons: Hard to find attatchments.

5.00 star(s)
1980 F1500

FORD1500 Ford
Like A Young Work Horse
Model Year: 1980

Cannot break this tractor. Gets all of the routine maintenance and keeps on going. Tough to explain all the exertion I have placed on this tractor.

Pros: Tough and reliable every use.
Cons: Parts are hard to come by and fairly expensive.

5.00 star(s)

FORD1500 Ford
My Tractor
Model Year: 1983

Does what it needs to do.

Pros: Diesel.
Cons: No scoop.

5.00 star(s)

FORD1500 Ford
Ford 1500
Model Year: 1978

Love this little tractor, reliable, dependable and amazingly powerful. I mow with it, do general clearing and use it to launch my pontoon boat into the lake. Just back the tractor into the lake, sand bottom and away we go. Looks a little odd with the small tractor with the large pontoon boat but works great.. I love it.

Pros: Miser on fuel, great size for what I use it for, reliable.
Cons: Little difficult to mount, can only mount on the seft side.

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Ford FORD1500 Owner Pages

View owner pages to see photos, customization and comments about member-owner Ford FORD1500s

Ford FORD1500 Community Rankings

#1 user rating of 731 Under 25 HP Tractors items
#616 Viewed of 731 Under 25 HP Tractors items
#37 discussed of 731 Under 25 HP Tractors items
#1 user rating of 19624 items overall
#6762 Viewed of 19624 items overall
#229 discussed of 19624 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 19624 items overall