Kubota BX2670 4.30 star(s) (4)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Kubota BX2670.
Subcompact Tractors

About the Kubota BX2670

Kubota BX2670 Discussions (54)

Here are the most recent BX2670 topics from our community.
  1. G

    PTO Gen for bx2670... Does this work?

    After being without power.... again... I'm looking into getting a generator for the house. I am going to go for the PTO style because I will also use it away from the house and I may as well try...
  2. 2Bad4u

    BX2370 vs. BX2670

    Hey Guys, We just purchased a 1 acre waterfront lot in PEI to build our retirement home. The lot has a very gentle slope which runs down to the water - it's not even noticeable. The average...
  3. G

    How do you wire the bx2670 for extra led lights.. need help pls?

    I'm lost when it comes to electrical stuff. I have the bx2670. I know I would like to add some extra led flood lights. Two on the side of the ROPS, and one one the back. I just have no idea...
  4. L

    Kubota BX2670 Fuel Filter Freezing up in Cold Weather

    A couple of years ago, I had an issue with the fuel filter on my Kubota BX2670 freezing up in cold weather. In below freezing weather, I'd start up the tractor and let it idle and after a couple...
  5. mcgoo

    Mahindra emax 25 vs Kubota BX2670

    Hello, trying to decide between a Kubota BX2670 and a Mahindra emax 25. I have 2 acres basically all lawn, relatively flat with quite a few trees. I have a large driveway but have a friend clear...
  6. bx2670

    New Bx2670

    Well been going back and forth over whether or not to trade in my 2011 Bx 2360 ( 120 hrs ) in on a new Bx 2670 and the dealer made me an offer I just could not walk away from today so I pulled the...
  7. I

    Buy small now or wait for something bigger? (bx2670)

    Hi guys, Long time lurker first time poster. My partner and I recently purchased a nice homestead sitting on about 85 Acres (half field, half forest, maybe close to 2 Acres of grass around the...
  8. L

    Changing Underneath Fuel Filter Issue- Kubota BX2670

    I don't know about you guys, but the more I learn about my Kubota BX2670, the more disappointed I am in the overall engineering and reliability. It looks like Kubota decided to use two cheap...
  9. G

    Comparison BX2670 vs. B2320

    Mornin'! Was wondering if anybody had any opinions on the difference between these two machines (besides the stated HP and speed). They are pretty much the same in price...we have about 4 acres...
  10. G

    Mowing Belt on RCK60B-23BX is flopping and wearing a little on 12hr. old BX2670

    I can see some belt dusting on the deck and can see that the belt rubs against the belt guard supports and guard at times. Anyone else had this problem and know what the cause/fix may be?
  11. R

    Snow BX2670 w/FEL Blade for Snow. Ugh!

    Two years trying this combo on my BX2670. Useless. On a paved driveway, I have no control. No steering. Angle the blade, and ALL bets are off. I don't care to blow a front axle with chains...
  12. ralphtt

    Locking Rear Differential on BX2670?

    Does the Kubota BX2670 have a locking rear differential?
  13. M

    Price Opinion for new 2013 BX2670

    Looking at purchasing a BX2670. Can anyone give an opinion on this quote. I am a fiist time tractor buyer so I would appreciate any input. The current Kubota promotion (0%, 0 down, 60 mos)seems...
  14. L

    Kubota BX2670 Won't Start in Cold Weather

    I have a 2013 Kubota BX2670 tractor that I use for snow blowing in the winter here in Northern Michigan. Last year for the first part of the winter, the tractor started well and I was able to blow...
  15. B

    Engine Heaters/BX2670...

    Are there any type of heaters that can be used in the oil pan (hot dipstick) or something that can be put in the radiator to help the diesel on the 2670 start?... I really don't want to go the...
  16. H

    Adding rear hydraulic connection to BX2670

    Yes, I have done a search but haven't been able to come with an answer. I just got a BX2670 with the FEL to maintain about 8 acres, 3 of which are lawn/meadow, the rest trees. I would like to use...
  17. PrairieOak

    Buying Advice BX2670 vs B2350

    I've been reading the forum the last few weeks and am now about to pull the trigger on a new tractor. Lots of good advice in these threads. Time for a sanity check and experienced advice. We...
  18. B

    Brush Hog & BX2670

    Will this tractor (BX2670--26HP) handle a Woods 48" rotary cutter? It weighs in a 400+ pounds... Any suggestions as to how much weight might need to be placed on the front end? Thanks...BCB
  19. T

    BX2670 balks after running.

    My Bx2670 with almost 500hrs starts fine but after maybe 20 minutes, it balks. The RPMs drop way down, and it almost stalls but then comes back up to the previous RPMs. This scenario may repeat...
  20. G

    Looking for sickle bar mower recommendation for Kubota BX2670

    I'm seeking recommendations for a sickle bar mower I can use with my subcompact tractor. I'm involved in an ongoing - probably endless - battle against an invasive exotic weed (Phragmites)...
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User Reviews (4)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Kubota BX2670 Subcompact Tractor
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3.00 star(s)

BX2670 Kubota
Model Year: 2013

My previous BX series Kubota's were much better starting with the BX2200 then the BX2350. The BX2670 came with motor mounts that weren't even tightened. The motor vibrated terribly on hillsides and at low rpm's. The mower deck (60") had the mounting bracket out of alignment and it took a hammer to remove and replace the pins that hold it in place. The bracket was replace after I convinced the dealing that I KNEW how to remove and mount the deck. All the plastic handle knobs pull off with use. They can be pushed back on, but it is a hassle. The hydraulics are extremely slow. Lifting the deck is very frustrating if one needs to lift it to avoid hitting an object with the blades while mowing. The tractor will travel at least a half-dozen feet before the deck lifts. The loader is difficult to attach. There may be something out of alignment with the mounts there also. This I really can't verify one way or the other at this time as I really haven't used it all that much. I'm a bit disappointed with this Kubota as compared to my previous ones as can be reflected in this review.

Pros: Good power and 4wd ability on hills and good fuel economy.
Cons: You read them in the review.

4.00 star(s)

BX2670 Kubota
Mighty Little Guy
Model Year: 2013

For a compact tractor, this BX 2670 has a lot of power. I have a 60 inch MMM, no level ground on my 2+ acres to mow and I pull a 14 bushel cyclone rake up and down all my hills with no effort. Also have a 50 inch front mounted snow blower which maintains my steep 800 foot driveway. The 4WD with just turf tires lets me push through anything and even back up the hill in snow. Have a 4 foot FEL which is as rugged as my father in law's on his L3010. Very happy so far. Ease of maintenance is yet to be determined.

Pros: Power, versatlity, implement change ease.
Cons: None yet.

5.00 star(s)

BX2670 Kubota
BX 2670
Model Year: 2014

The little BX joined our 5 other Kubotas late in 2013. This one is my wife's. Together we mow near 10 acres a week. We mow a 2 acre yard and 8 acres of "pasture", around our 3 ponds, and down on the lake, and over a 1/4 mile of state ditch frontage (8 swaths wide). We have a loader so my wife can fill in holes in the areas where she mows. This mower never looks back it seems to just does not care what you mow. It cuts perfect. The BX now has 98 hours with no problems. It has never been to the shop. If you are looking for a mower that will hold up look whether you are mowing, moving dirt, or helping dig a pond, buy a the Kubota.

Pros: Last forever.
Cons: Never any excuse to not mow.

5.00 star(s)

BX2670 Kubota
Model Year: 2014

This machine is my second Kubota. I also have a L39. I was very impressed with the ease and small turning radius of the BX2670. It came with the loader so for the small areas, it works very well.

Pros: Great turning radius and ease of driving.
Cons: Tough to get away from the wife.

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Kubota BX2670 Owner Pages

View owner pages to see photos, customization and comments about member-owner Kubota BX2670s

Kubota BX2670 Community Rankings

#40 user rating of 69 Subcompact Tractors items
#30 Viewed of 69 Subcompact Tractors items
#19 discussed of 69 Subcompact Tractors items
#1245 user rating of 19624 items overall
#942 Viewed of 19624 items overall
#273 discussed of 19624 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 19624 items overall

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