Kubota L4150 4.50 star(s) (2)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Kubota L4150.
25-50 HP Tractors

About the Kubota L4150

Kubota L4150 Discussions (85)

Here are the most recent L4150 topics from our community.
  1. J

    Question regarding L4150 Hydro light on dash

    I have just a quick question regarding the hydro light on the dash of my L4150. I just received my tractor from the dealership, with a complete oil/filter and hydro fluid/filter change, now the...
  2. G

    L4150DT Hydraulic Shuttle "slipping"

    I just picked the tractor up, PO had health issues, and it sat for five years until he passed away, and I purchased it from the estate. I changed the oil, flushed the fuel, and put a new battery...
  3. P

    Taking home a L4150 for test drive

    This weekend I am loading this onto a trailer and plan on trying it out with implements at home. (the link has pics). You can't make it out in the pictures very well but the loader is a BF900...
  4. nightowl490

    L4150DT Bevel Gear Repair Update with Pics

    This is what I found after pulling the bottom CAP off the bevel houseing. NOT A PRETTY SIGHT!
  5. J

    Found a L4150 w/BF 900 loader. Any info would be great.

    I found this 1986 L4150 for sale locally. I have been and looked but unsure of buying it. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Here's what I know, Current owner not much of a tractor guy, it's...
  6. D

    Looking for L4150 info.

    A local guy sells used tractors part time. The other day there was an L4150 4wd sitting out front with an FEL. Looked like a shuttle shift. Anybody know anything about that model other than hp...
  7. J

    Kubota L4150 or M4900?

    If you had to choose, which one would you pick? And why?
  8. NJDonzi

    Question about my L4150 engine idle.

    Just wondering if its normal to idle high when you start the tractor when its cold? After about 3-4 minutes it will idle normal. Thanks!
  9. NJDonzi

    L4150 Leak located.

    Ok....pulled the propeller shaft cover off today to locate the leak. As I said before this was fixed at one time in the past and the leak returned. This is the only issue the original owner ever...
  10. J

    Proud NEW owner of a L4150

    After months of looking and searching for a Kubota L4150. I finally found the one that I think is the perfect one, at least for me. It seems to be in mint condition. Dealer is prepping it for...
  11. D

    Kubota L4150 questions

    Just bought this Kubota L4150 4 wheek drive with loader, the tractor does not pull good in the high range in the higher gears, the low range and lower gears work fine, pulled up to a bank and it...
  12. K

    Thoughts on L4150 TLB

    Thinking of taking a look. Seller wants 20K for a 3400hr machine. Shuttle tranny. Any thoughts on this many hours? Supposedly machine is solid but that's something I'll have to check out.
  13. S

    Kubota L4150 DT - Hydraulicshuttle - issues

    I have a Kubota L4150 DT and recently after moving a few piles of dirt, I lost all gears except for just a crawl in 1st gear. We changed all the fluid, filter and refilled with all new Kubota...
  14. L

    Kubota L4150 4x4 Hydraulic leak

    Just purchased an older Kubota L4150 4x4 with loader and there is a fairly good leak coming around steering column that runs out on top of the transmission between your legs. Person I bought it...
  15. jjeff

    Air intake L4150

    Recently changed all fluids and filters on this l4150 wondering what this intake snorkel is for and if I should bother to fill it with oil? Or aquire a paper element for it? Never had one, did...
  16. nightowl490

    3-Point Hitch Considering Quick Attach System for L4150

    I'm considering quick attach system at local Farm Store for about $200 out the door. Does this thing work? Is it just another part to grease and maintain? Do you have to do anything to your...
  17. J

    L4150 Front Axle Bevel Gear Housing Leak.

    I have a ? in regards to this seal "A" in the cut out view. According to my dealer and the serial number of my tractor,"MY" seal is just an o-ring. Part number 150 in attached. Everything that...
  18. nightowl490


    GOT ONE FOR YA ALL..... I had to run over to my farmer friends house to pick up a 12" auger (It's a real meat hog!) It's about about a 6 mile trip in road gear, approximately 20 minutes. A little...
  19. T

    L4150 Hydraulic shuttle?

    Hi my name is Harold. I have a Kubota L4150. My issue is that my tractor seems to be losing pressure when under a load. For instance if i was trying to push something or pull something, the...
  20. H

    Is this a good deal on a Kubota L4150?

    I found a Kubota L4150 4wd with loader, hoe, aftermarket cab, and 3 point arms with 1400 hours for $14,000. It is at a dealer 600 miles away who sold it new in 1995 to a private individual who...
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User Reviews (2)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Kubota L4150 Subcompact Tractor
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4.00 star(s)

L4150 Kubota
L 405 DT Kubota
Model Year: 1982

This L405DT (40 HP) tractor has been ours since new in 1993. It's still running fine, but the electrics we have pulled to bits as the key 'socket' became useless, and the replacement was as bad. Now we start it by shorting out the starter motor with a big screwdriver, and have done it that way for about 10 years. The front axle 'fell off' when the tractor was about 4 months old/ I guess someone did not do the bolts up properly when it was built. The dealer begrudgingly came out & repaired it, but they fell apart again about a year later. I guess the 'apprentice' also didn't tighten it enough? It fell off again last month, breaking the coupling/spline. Fortunately parts are still available. Thew most useful aspect is the front-end loader bucket, which we bought with it, but which was not a Kubota make. We had the arms rebuilt as they disintegrated quickly. Now that it has no electrics to speak of, the battery stays charged. The lights quicky broke when it was a few months old. One detent ball & spring fell out inside the gearbox about 17 years ago, which stopped the PTO from working. We eventually fixed that. The 2-stage clutch wore out 3 years ago, and the genuine replacement part was about $2600, so we just had new pads affixed to the old clutch-for $820 inc freight, and fitted it ourselves. It doesn't work in the 2 lowest ranges for some reason. It would be prettty useless without having the front-wheel drive with it. Overall it's a handy tractor.

Pros: See above-parts are still available. Still a handy tractor.
Cons: Electrics, seat broke, some original factory defects I guess.

5.00 star(s)
Anonymous Poster

L4150 Kubota
Excellent work horse
Model Year: 1993

My L4150 I bought from my best friend when He bought his L48 new in 2009 which I just bought from him as he has bought a 2015 m70 he was the original buyer since new of the L 4150 this tractor has been awesome I skid logs do agricultural work and excavation it has never let me down other than needing a new battery my friend and I are **** about service on our equipment I own a 2008 bx23 a 1993 L4150 a 2010 rtv900 and just bought my 2009 L48 I have loaders and backhoes on all 3 tractors and a belly mower on my bx23 I am truly a Kubota fanatic they work like an ox and keep on working hats off for an amazing product.

Pros: awsome product easy to run and service
Cons: hydraulic super udt costs an arm and a leg for 3 units

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Kubota L4150 Owner Pages

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Kubota L4150 Community Rankings

#395 user rating of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#525 Viewed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#91 discussed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#999 user rating of 19624 items overall
#1579 Viewed of 19624 items overall
#167 discussed of 19624 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 19624 items overall