Kubota L4630 5.00 star(s) (5)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Kubota L4630.
25-50 HP Tractors

About the Kubota L4630

Kubota L4630 Discussions (50)

Here are the most recent L4630 topics from our community.
  1. B

    Downsized from L4630 to B3030: expensive mistake!

    My wife never liked the larger tractor, and had hit the house, carport, garage and several trees with it. In a moment of weakness I agreed to downsize from the tractor of my dreams to the much...
  2. B

    Goodbye L3010, hello L4630

    Yeah, yeah, I know. Pics will come after I get settled in. But my L4630HST arrived at lunchtime today with the Farmi 501 on the 3PH and the rear blade in the bucket. First impressions: it really...
  3. D

    Deere 4320 vs. Kubota L4630

    Although the local Kubota dealer has not impressed me, I wanted to make a fair comparison between the 4320 and the Kubota tractor, and have the following questions for the board: 1. Laying aside...
  4. B

    New L4330 or gently used L4630???

    My local dealer has both. If both are configured identically, the L4630HST with 230 hours on the clock comes in $1300 less than the brand new L4330. Advantage L4330: Brand spanking new...
  5. MossyDell

    L4630 vs. L5030

    Has anyone compared these two tractors closely? Their hydraulic specs are almost identical as far as gpm and capacity, making me think loader operations would be the same, but the 5030 does have a...
  6. M

    L4630 Power steering quit in very cold weather

    I have 2003 L4630 HST with about 1,600 hours. It was bought new and has been serviced regularly and is in good shape for its age. We're in eastern upstate New York, where it can get down to...
  7. B

    Ready to buy: L4330 vs L4630 sans backhoe

    It occurred to me that since I won't be able to use the backhoe till July when the ground dries out, and since my friend down the road has offered to let me use his Kubota mini-excavator a couple...

    L4630GSTC Delivered

    The tractor was delivered the last week of December. Took it down the driveway a couple of times and parked it.
  9. FamilyFarm

    comparison L3830 vs L4630, fuel use question

    I have narrowed my choices (unless I change my mind ) for a larger tractor to the L3830 or the L4630. I can easily get by with the 3830 for the immediate future, but may go for the 4630 to hedge...
  10. Krazyone

    Hydraulic top link for L4630 GSTC

    Want to get a hydraulic top link for my L4630. Any suggestions on where to look. What diameter and length should I be looking for?
  11. B

    Downsizing from L4630 to B3030

    Years ago I started out with a BCS 2-wheeled walk behind, then moved up to a Kubota B1750, then an L3010, then an L4630 which has been an awesome piece of machinery. But over the years I've...
  12. K

    L5030 HSTC vs L4630 GSTC

    I am trying to make a final decision about one or the other of these used tractors - both with about 150 hours - both in excellent condition as far as I can tell. They are also similar in...
  13. J

    2004 Kubota L4630

    Sooooo, I'm looking at a 2004 kubota L4630 with 1100 hours on it. The tractor is a GST with factory cab, kubota front end loader, brush hog, finish mower, box blade, and york rake. Everything was...
  14. N

    L4400 vs. L4630 (w/ Powershift Transmission)

    I was able to test drive a L4400 and liked it but they had a L4630 there and the powershift transmission looked like it would really be handy. The 4630 had a lot of nicer features also but the...
  15. J

    My first Kubota - L4630 GSTC

    Well, Hi. I've just bought a 2006 4630 GSTC (Cab), getting a FEL tomorrow and looking for advice about attaching a snow plow such that I can angle the blade. I spent a day or two on the same...
  16. R

    We bought an L4630

    After much shopping and price comparsons, my wife and I bought an L4630 GSTC, with a cab (with air and heat) an LA 853 loader with quick attach 6 foot bucket, GST trans, extra rear lights, and a...
  17. F

    L4630 vs. MX5000

    Any thoughts on the relative merits of each? I expect to spend a lot of time on the tractor bush hogging, finish mowing, grading and leveling horse arenas, putting in fences, trail and wood lot...
  18. T

    What size plow for my L4630..

    There is a JD 145F 3-14 for sale in the paper for $250 obo. My soil is essentially all sand. Is this too much plow for the soil with this tractor? Also I assume it has a class 2 hitch setup...
  19. F

    Price Check Kubota L4630 GST with L853 Loader - Pricing

    Greetings to all, I am relatively new to this website, however, I have spent a decent amount of time following certain discussion threads. I have been very impressed by the considerate, and...
  20. J

    L4630...no FEL?

    Anyone familiar with Kubota L4630's, and whether there were model years that wouldn't accept an OEM Kubota front end loader?
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User Reviews (5)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Kubota L4630 Subcompact Tractor
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5.00 star(s)

L4630 Kubota
Kubota L4630 HST
Model Year: 2005

Excellent tractor since new. HST is great for our applications. Much better than the 3650 it replaced. Mine has quick attach bucket and aux hydraulics with the power tip and tilt on the 3 pt. hitch.

Pros: Lots of power, very maneuverable, excellent with aux. hydraulics
Cons: Road speed is only 16 mph

5.00 star(s)

L4630 Kubota
Kabota L4330
Model Year: 2005

This machine has had very few issues. Beware of BH90 backhoe from Kubota. The main hydraulic piston on the original was 35mm and did not perform to expectations. After replacing 3 of them "bent like a fish hook", Kubota replaced it with a 40mm piston and I have had no problems since. Kubota knows about the problem and will work with you.

Pros: Paid for its self in three years and less than 1000 hours.
Cons: BH90 Backhoe

5.00 star(s)
4630 GSTC

L4630 Kubota
4630 GSTC
Model Year: 2006

I bought my tractor primarily for clearing my drifting 900 ft. driveway in the cold Maine winters. I put a Puma 84" rear mount blower on back to give me the option of leaving the front bucket on for snow removal. This tractor has worked flawlessly and the GST with creeper low, allows me to churn through packed drifts taller than the blower without losing rpms. My secondary use is for bush hogging 15-20 acres of field annually. I have a Brown 472 rotary cutter that is tough as nails and is a perfect fit for this tractor. I also keep woods trails clear with this unit and have no problem mulching trees up to 2.5 inches on the edge of the trails. The cab makes it extremely comfortable for putting in a full day at the wheel. I have a Farmi JL501 to yard wood to the edges of the field to supplement my wood supply. I have done only scheduled maintenance on this machine and have not had so much as a leaky hose on the unit. I am more than satisfied with this machine and would highly recommend it to any one looking for a super reliable cab tractor that is used more for pto implements than bucket work. The GST gives you a lot of power when you need to get the RPMs to the implement (aka. large snowblower). Many thanks to those on this site who provided info to guide me in finding the right tractor and implements for my needs.

Pros: GST with Creeper low gear.
Cons: Slower for bucket work than a HST.

Photo Uploads:

5.00 star(s)

L4630 Kubota
Model Year: 2005

Tractor has been a pleasure to operate. Anyone in the market for a tractor purchase a model with 4 wheel drive only. This tractor is used to mow 5 acres at least once a week in the summer months. It handles extremely well. It is also used to pull a 6' disc harrow, 2 bottom turn plow and 2 row planter. The grand-kids love riding on it with me.

Pros: Visabilty, 3 point hitch hookup, low fuel consumption; Front end loader is easy to remove and reinstall.
Cons: Front end loader blocks the head when in use.

5.00 star(s)

L4630 Kubota
Model Year: 2004

Been excellent tractor so far only change I would make is would have ordered with R-4 tires. Tires flatten out when using loader.

Pros: Plenty of power quiet smooth running engine for comparable size tractor.
Cons: None.

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Kubota L4630 Owner Pages

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Kubota L4630 Community Rankings

#1 user rating of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#240 Viewed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#133 discussed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#1 user rating of 19624 items overall
#674 Viewed of 19624 items overall
#291 discussed of 19624 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 19624 items overall