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Results 1 to 185 of 185
  1. Dadnatron

    Construction/equipment intercom recommendations?

    I find myself needing to coordinate with either ground workers or other equipment operators more and more. Phone isn’t an option. What are your recommendations for a good reasonable quality two-way radio setup that can be expanded upon. I’d like it to be used with a headset and hands free would...
  2. Dadnatron

    Welding and OxyAcet gas... where and how to get it, Lexington KY.

    I'm looking to get welding gas, however, I am having a significant amount of trouble doing so. I currently have a mig/Tig/stick Everlast machine, but I've only been using the stick or Flux core components. I want to use Mig and try Tig. So... I contact AirGas thinking my local store can take...
  3. Dadnatron

    Packing/sealing a gravel road after 'resurfacing' / land plane

    I have about 1/2 mile gravel road which takes a beating. I'm going to redo it with fabric and gravel, but I want to figure out a way to pack it as smoothly as possible, after I'm through with a land plane. A lot of the road is on a north facing hill, and it tends to wash out, even though I plan...
  4. Dadnatron

    Need heavier hydraulic top and side link suggestions JD 6120M

    Looking for a pretty beefy hydraulic top and sidelink for JD 6120M. Rear lift is around 5500lbs and I want to ensure the links handle that weight easily. Need to feather out my land plane better, but want it to be able to handle anything else for the machine. I’d also like to have it spec’d...
  5. Dadnatron

    Skid Steer undercarriage question for farm use

    I'm looking for a used tracked CTL skid steer for farm work. Clean up, some dirt work, woods clean out, etc. The question I have is undercarriage and its real effect in an offroad/farm/woods environment. I've rented several tracked skid steers from local Boyd Cat facility for farm work, and my...
  6. Dadnatron

    Borescope recommendations

    I've put off getting a borescope, as I keep finding ways around requiring one, but at least 6-10x a year, I'm wishing I could see somewhere, that I can't. Whether its in a wall, behind a coolant tank, inside an excavator track assembly, etc... I'd like to be able to see better. (Currently I...
  7. Dadnatron

    Heavy Land Plane... now that EA is out of the picture.

    I'm looking for a HEAVY duty land plane. Several years ago, I purchased the largest version EA had, and it was great. I sold that farm a few years ago along with all implements. I just purchased a new farm, and along with the massive sticker shock of equipment these days, I was equally...
  8. Dadnatron

    F350 5th wheel install cost

    I've had a few 5th wheel/gooseneck trucks, all used... I am looking at purchasing another F350, but the one I've found doesn't have a ball in the bed. Just need it for farm purposes, towing. Dump trailer, tractor, equipment on flatbed, etc. 2006 F350 Crew/diesel What is a reasonable cost to...
  9. Dadnatron

    New farm... Finding livestock water lines across 126ac?

    I'm purchasing a 126ac farm and there is the benefit that livestock waterers are scattered across it. However, there is no active water running at them, and I can find no valves. I plan to remove the old waterers and replace them with Hydrants and/or Mirafont waterers, but... I don't even know...
  10. Dadnatron

    Big Kubotas M7-151... Ag tractors... are they worth looking at?

    I am in the market for a mid/larger frame Ag tractor, in the general range of a JD 6120M+ size. I'll be using it primarily to build up a new 126ac farm. I need to clean out fence overgrown fence rows, plant, move bales, and other general tractor type work. I did the same thing before on a...
  11. Dadnatron

    New farm… ‘new’ equipment. JD6120M or equivalent. Thoughts and opinions.

    I sold my horse farm a few years ago, after building it from a row crop system. I did it primarily with a JD5100E with an FEL. Danuser tree puller, grapple and 3 shank subsoiler. I pushed it pretty hard, and in all reality, I needed a step up in frame size, to do what I asked of it. That tractor...
  12. Dadnatron

    New farm… ‘new’ equipment. 6120M thoughts and alternatives.

    I sold my horse farm a few years ago, after building it from a row crop system. I did it primarily with a JD5100E with an FEL. Danuser tree puller, grapple and 3 shank subsoiler. I pushed it pretty hard, and in all reality, I needed a step up in frame size, to do what I asked of it. That tractor...
  13. Dadnatron

    Less haying... but mowing. Need to leave12" residual but would like a flail mower.

    So I have 85ac and have spent several years moving it from a row crop desert (when purchased) to pastures. I have a 15' Woods BW which inevitably leaves heavy residual in the wheel marks, if I ever go longer than 2wks between mowings. And, being in KY, we get rain which prevents mowing at a time...
  14. Dadnatron

    Mowing 85ac pastures... and no time to do it consistently.

    I have 85ac horse farm put into grass and am having difficulty keeping it mowed regularly. What is the maximal height you can set a flail mower to cut? I'm sick of not having the time to mow my pastures, and the grass tends to grow pretty tall before I can get to it. I have a 15' Woods...
  15. Dadnatron

    Opinions - pole shed/UTV garage

    I have a barn and I'd like to build a small shed/garage close by, in which to store daily hay/straw as well as a a small addition in which to park a UTV (which I hope to buy this summer if all goes right.) My area has had several Kubota's stolen, so I'd like to have something to decrease this...
  16. Dadnatron

    JD 5100e engine problem. Dealer doesn't know what it is.

    I have a 5100e which I've owned 2nd hand since 400hrs or so. It is currently at about 1800hrs and I've used it hard in building my farm. I've kept up basic maintenance and its ran relatively well. Had a couple minor issues which required going to the shop. The biggest 2 were algae in the tank...
  17. Dadnatron

    Tree planting auger size?

    I currently have an FEL mounted Danuser hydraulic post hole digger. It works great, albeit a bit slow off my 3rd function system for grapple. I have an 8" post bit, but it is too small for trees. I've been looking around for a couple larger bits, hopefully used, and have seen a few at auctions...
  18. Dadnatron

    Pole barn plan design tool?

    I want to build a run in shed, and have the basics in my mind. I know I can sit down, draw it out, make out a materials list, forget about 1/2 of the things I need, miss calculate some angle, length, height, or another, go back to the store and purchase more materials.... etc etc etc. BUT, I’m...
  19. Dadnatron

    UTV sprayer build? How to mix concentrate with nurse tank water?

    I would like to build a sprayer for my soon to be Kubota 1140. I know I can buy a premade one. I know I can buy a cheap off the shelf Tractor supply one. I actually have a 50gal already. I would like to build one in which the nurse tank never has chemical and there are several dedicated...
  20. Dadnatron

    Body wrap for Kubota RTV 1140

    We have decided on a Kubota 1140 RTV, but my wife was asking about painting it. My reason for potentially changing the color is that it MIGHT have the potential to decrease the likelihood of it being stolen. An Orange Kubota is a dime a dozen around here, but a blue one with our farm logo on the...
  21. Dadnatron

    Intimidator UTV reviews or real world info?

    I have been looking at UTVs for a while, never quite pulling the trigger. I am looking for a solid farm work vehicle, nothing flashy or trail riding worthy. I have landed on a Kubota 1140 and I致e been looking for a used one or waiting til this fall to get a new one. But in the process, I ran...
  22. Dadnatron

    Concrete tips requested... what do I need for small job?

    I知 putting in a Mirafount waterer for horses. Everything is installed up tp forms which I値l be doing today. I致e never worked with concrete. I致e read about it relatively well and understand the basics I壇 guess. 6 slab around a 12 vertical pipe for water access. Slab is 51 x 40 x 6 with the...
  23. Dadnatron

    Connecting to my main farm water line to a new paddock waterer

    I had a 2" PVC 'main line' pulled 30" deep from the MAIN county line through my property. They did a decent, not good, job but it took over a month of prodding them to actually get them to do it. And they seemed pretty expensive (although that's not my main issue). I need to put in a T and...
  24. Dadnatron

    Electrohydraulic options for DIY dump trailer

    I'm tossing around building a small utility dump trailer. This would be built on small running gear and be primarily used for hauling very light (overall) muck (straw with horse crap) from a barn to a compost heap. The size of the box would be about 5x8 and preferentially out of stainless. I...
  25. Dadnatron

    Input on a high volume, low weight hauling need.

    We have a horse farm, and mucking stalls has become an issue which will only get bigger. I have a compost pile about 1/2M away from the barn. I have to haul the 'muck' that distance every day. Its not a big deal, but I don't have a good system of getting it there. We have been simply using the...
  26. Dadnatron

    Vibratory plow water installation $

    I have a question about your experience with having 2" PVC with a tracer wire installed 48" depth. What is the 'going rate' per linear foot installed? Is there a difference between 2" PVC glued pipe vs 3/4" black coil? If so, what is your guess on $ difference. I was quoted $5.12/ft for the PVC.
  27. Dadnatron

    Making an offer on a 'used/new' Kubota 1140?

    I've been looking for a UTV for a while. Always seem more expensive than they should be for what I'd be getting. I found a 2018 RTV X1140 demo/rental unit and has 181 hours / 761 miles on it at a Kubota dealer with a $15K OBO option. It has a full composite roof and integrated windshield. No...
  28. Dadnatron

    Hanging tube gate. How to ensure holes are parallel.

    OK... I give. I believe I know the problem, but have not determined a solid cure. I知 hanging 16 and ?0 tube gates on newly built fence. 8 posts driven into the ground 3+feet. Gate 1 went well and gate hung correctly. Moved to gate 2...and the wheels fell off. I believe I inadvertently...
  29. Dadnatron

    Gas logs or insert in old COAL fireplace?

    I recently purchased a 1800's home which has been remodeled but maintains a lot of its original character. There are 2 separate coal fireplaces which I'd like to perhaps switch over to either wood burners (preferable) or at least a good gas log/gas log insert fireplace. My main goal is purely...
  30. Dadnatron

    Laser for fence layout > 1000ft

    Putting in fence with several very visible straight stretches. I had a nice Bosch laser level which was stolen, so I知 looking for something which will give me an EASY straight line for fence layout. I know about a transit, but I知 really looking for something I can do alone if possible. I...
  31. Dadnatron

    Metal Roof questions... 2019.

    I've searched on the site, and most of the information and threads are relatively old, so I am going to post this in an effort to see what people know about TODAY'S options for metal roofing, underlayment, and Fasteners. I'm building a horse barn this summer, and I know I want a metal roof. I...
  32. Dadnatron

    Putting 'city' water on a farm... lots of ???

    OK all you plumbing aficionados, I have a few questions about pressure, backflow valves, and automatic paddock livestock waterers. Needs: 1. Water to be brought about 1400ft to barn from City water source? 2. At least 2 livestock waterers to be put in, between the city water line and the barn...
  33. Dadnatron

    Axle, brake drum, brake kit replacement help

    1999 Corn Pro 2 horse GN trailer Pull with a 2006 F350 diesel dually I recently purchased this trailer at auction, and as I am looking it over, I see now that I need new drum and electric brake assemblies. 4 tires with 6 lugs Brake assembly connects to axle with 4 bolts 10” drum assembly -...
  34. Dadnatron

    Hydraulic lock valve issue

    I have a Chinese import articulated flail mower which has been working fine, but I have a new issue. The hydraulic lock valve on the main 'raise/lower angle' cylinder began leaking and a fitting broke. I have always hated how this was setup, floating on nothing but the connections to the...
  35. Dadnatron

    TREAT your diesel for algae... or pay the price.

    I grew up with tractors, and to my knowledge, we never had an issue with algae in diesel. I am 99.99% sure we never treated anything, but then again... I was more of a worker and my Grandpa could have had that all covered and I never realized it. Fast Forward 30yrs. I purchased a 5100e 3 yrs...
  36. Dadnatron

    Intention without ACTION means a problem not avoided.

    I live in Indiana. Trees and shrubs have leaved or are in the process of leaving out over the last 2 weeks. I am looking to put my home on the market in the next month or so. I have 3 lilac and several 'fire bushes' which I fully intended to cut back relatively drastically in order to rein in...
  37. Dadnatron

    2019 Scag Turf Tiger II, Ferris 3200Z, or Lexmark laser Z for farm work

    85ac hay, pasture, etc. most mowed by 15 batwing. But I need to get a ZTR for edging, roadsides, around trees etc. Grass will be heavier as this won't be a weekly mowing. So, need the hp of the biggest machines to power through. The ground is a little rough and there are likely to be sticks and...
  38. Dadnatron

    Killing tulips in yard... how to do it without digging everything up?

    About 9 years ago, I had the bright idea to plant about 200 tulip bulbs in the grass, along my walkway, thinking they would be beautiful every year from then on. Well, the first year they were spectacular. Won 'best yard' for the summer, in my neighborhood. The next year, they bloomed at...
  39. Dadnatron

    Workshop door placement

    I will hopefully be building a workshop later this year, and I had a rough idea about how it would be. I just happened to see this pic on FB this morning and it got me to thinking about main door placement. The shop will be a mixture of shop tools, welders, etc but also I want to have a place...
  40. Dadnatron

    Fiberglass Repair kit recommendations? JD hood

    My son was put to work, helping me remove fence and pull trees last summer. He did a good job, but he had an incident with a tree getting away from him because of a grasp with the Intimidator, lower than center of gravity. When he lifted the tree, it rotated on him, pushing the root end into the...
  41. Dadnatron

    Mow or leave alone?

    I put in a mix Alfalfa/OG pasture fall before last. We had such a wet winter/spring that it took almost until the end of summer to actually seem to establish. I had about 12-14" alfalfa at the end of the year and decided to just leave it alone. Now, it has died back and the OG is visible, but...
  42. Dadnatron

    I know its cool... but what is the real world purpose?

    This is a cool trailer... but I need some help understanding the real world purpose. It seems like it would do little that a competent driver could not do. What am I missing? Or what is it BEST used for?
  43. Dadnatron

    Need a longer bar... so need a different saw

    I have a great general farm Stihl 251C 16" saw which, up to this point, has always done what I needed. However, I have 2 large trees which are simply too much for it and I need to do something else. There are not a lot of trees on my property, so this isn't for logging or big long term need...
  44. Dadnatron

    Frost quakes

    2 days ago, about 10pm, a loud crack/thud sounded just outside the window at which I sat. My wife jumped and asked 展hat was that!? At first, fireworks ran through my mind, as my neighbors tend to celebrate about any and everything via pyrotechnics... but the sound and locations wasn稚 right. Then...
  45. Dadnatron

    How do I hire a Mechanical Engineer and/or Prototyping Co.?

    I have an idea and a working albeit cobbled together, working model of a foam cutter I need for making custom pillows. The basic idea and machine are proven, but I need some help on making an actual USEFUL machine so I can do the work. Basically I need a Mechanical (I suspect) Engineer to...
  46. Dadnatron

    Airtool... how can I decrease RPM without decreasing torque?

    I have a project in which I need a 'die grinder' type device for power, but I don't want the RPM of a typical die grinder. I am looking for something to power a cutter which I am designing, but need the RPM to be drastically lower. Tho RPM on the tools I have seen are in the range of 13-20K and...
  47. Dadnatron

    Anyone drilled grass (orchard/KBG) midwinter?

    In KY, we had the wettest year on record by about 5". We had the 2nd most rainfall in the USA outside of somewhere in WA. I also put in about 60ac of pasture, which has done abysmally. Some areas did fine, but some areas are so sparse that its hard to tell I did anything at all. I tried to...
  48. Dadnatron

    Hand held flexible shaft - motor... higher torque low speed.

    I need a 叢ower source for a project I am working on. I believe a long legible shaft attached to a higher HP/torque motor would work. But, the ones available which I suspect would work are Suhner motors costing from $1K and up. Since I知 not sure my project will ultimately 層ork as intended? I知...
  49. Dadnatron

    FEL Snowplow closer to machine... I once saw a video...

    About 2 years ago, I think, I was thinking about getting a FEL snow plow. One of the big issues was that in order for it to articulate 'Right/left', they typically are pushed WAY out front, which is even further than the regular FEL. As I was investigating, I happened upon a guy in either...
  50. Dadnatron

    Pipe Arch culvert... any experience?

    I have been putting in a new road, and finally have reached the last 2 places which will need culverts. One is a relatively shallow but wide ditch, approximately 18" deep by about 8' across. I have kept it very shallow, flat, and wide as that is the best way to prevent erosion. Typically, it...
  51. Dadnatron

    Trouble with broken bolts. Mag drill available

    I have 4 broken bolts on my tractor. 10.9 - 20x90 bolts, broken off about 1/4" below the frame surface. I drilled one out before and replaced it. Drilling it with a hand drill and time + frustration. But I was able to remove it without anything more than sweat. I have a compact mag drill now...
  52. Dadnatron

    Internet TV options... anyone have opinions?

    I am NOT looking for options in the country. I have decent internet and Satellite tv. But, I do have a house in town which I stay in occasionally, but not enough to continue paying the huge costs for TV. I will definitely maintain internet connectivity though. Speed is 300mbs download, so...
  53. Dadnatron

    Any known issues with 2010 JD 825i XUV?

    We have been tossing around getting a UTV for a while. I壇 have one by now, but they are so damned expensive, just for something to run to the field. But, I think we need something as we are hiring some part time workers for the farm, and I don稚 want to ferry them all over the place so they...
  54. Dadnatron

    12 steel Natural Gas pipe for culvert?

    I am putting in a road and need to install 3 different culverts under farm road. Overall, they are relatively shallow unless I do a lot of road buildup in order to get enough coverage to meet 18 minimum. I suspect, putting the culvert at 組rade with water flow, with a 12 culvert, I壇 have...
  55. Dadnatron

    2001 Tahoe AC compressor pump OUT... tips on replacement?

    I have a 2001 Chevy Tahoe with just over 200K miles on it. Its had some intermittent work, but biggest is we just overhauled the transmission. It has been running very well, and we wanted to just keep it as a spare/farm type vehicle. My wife loves it and when we looked at getting a new one as a...
  56. Dadnatron

    AC issues... JD 5100e

    It seems as though my AC isn't working as well as it used to. JD 5100e - 1500hrs (I've put on about 1100 in 2 years) Heater works fine. Blower works. The AC just doesn't get very cold. And I hear about it every time my wife gets in to do any mowing. I've cleaned the condensor screen by the...
  57. Dadnatron

    Boom... out of nowhere, I'm getting engine - radio feedback.

    I had a new 'radio' put in my F350 about 6mo ago, and its been working fine. I was driving on a slightly rough road yesterday when all of the sudden, I began getting severe radio feedback from the engine. Like the ground or whatever has fallen off or some wire is touching something it shouldn't...
  58. Dadnatron

    Stihl String Trimmers... I need a LONGER shaft.

    I purchased a Stihl Kombisystem for my farm, and it works very well. I use it mainly for the chainsaw attachment and string/blade trimmer although I have both sickle attachments as well. My string trimmer heads are straight shaft style. My main issue with it is that the shaft is TOO SHORT for...
  59. Dadnatron

    Generator question... Balls out or off... any way for an in-between?

    I purchased a 7Kw HF Predator Generator last year, primarily to run my welder at 220. KY had a severe windstorm last Friday, knocking out power for over 60K. 60mph sustained winds caused havoc. I live in the country and those big beautiful trees did not take the wind well. I had 3 large...
  60. Dadnatron

    How many acres necessary to make it worthwhile to do your own haying?

    This is my first year with hay in KY. I have a guy with a 組ood reputation in the area, however I have been very disappointed. I have 20ac alfalfa/Orchard mix and 10ac Timothy. Also have about 50 more ac of pasture Orchard/KBG mix that needs to be either mowed or cut for hay. I壇 much rather...
  61. Dadnatron

    Initial excavation for gravel road build... how deep?

    I have built a gravel road on my property, along a mild slope, and everything went well. However, I now need to put in another road, about 300yds, which 'Ts' off the first, but runs primarily along the bottom of the slope. The depth of topsoil along the new road is roughly 3ft. For the initial...
  62. Dadnatron

    Buying a used Grasshopper 930D

    I知 looking at getting a farm mower for fence, trees, etc. basically everything that I can稚 get well/easily with either my 15 Woods batwing or 7 articulating flail. This is for an 85ac horsefarm with lots of big trees which drop deadwood every rain. I demoed a Ferris 3200Z this weekend, and it...
  63. Dadnatron

    Taking rock from BLM... actually part of my Grandpa's building?

    My Grandpa and Great Grandpa built a trading post in SW Colorado... in the complete middle of nowhere, in about 1920's. Currently, it is on BLM ground. It is a dilapidated husk of Sandstone walls... but it still means alot to me. I remember by Grandpa telling me stories of his grandpa and he...
  64. Dadnatron

    Crooked posts = crooked fence... Post driver blues

    I have about 6 miles of new 4 board fence to put in on my place. I won't even begin discussing cost and alternatives, as I like my marriage and a divorce would cost me more than the fence... (although not much more I think... heh). The first quote I received for only a part (periphery of one...
  65. Dadnatron

    Antonio Carraro tractors - Ins/Outs... who has one and would you get it again?

    I am currently in the preliminary stages of looking for a second, more versatile, tractor. My current is a JD 5100e that does my big grunt work and has an FEL for loading etc. I bulk out my pastures with a 15' Woods Batwing. But, I am currently putting in fence, and know that I will be needing...
  66. Dadnatron

    JD FEL hydraulic leak within the main structural cross tube

    (Previously posted in JD forum) I am looking for a repair manual for a JD H260 FEL. NOT an operators manual or parts catalog. I have a hydraulic leak in the main structural cross/connecting tube and upon opening the covers, there is an extremely poorly designed (IMO) morass of tubing and I...
  67. Dadnatron

    REPAIR manual for JD H260 FEL?

    I am looking for a repair manual for a JD H260 FEL. NOT an operators manual or parts catalog. I have a hydraulic leak in the main structural cross/connecting tube and upon opening the covers, there is an extremely poorly designed (IMO) morass of tubing and I believe a diverter valve, etc. "I do...
  68. Dadnatron

    Sizing a PT for accessory farm use

    I will be looking to purchase 'something' in the next year or so. I was expecting to simply purchase a ZeroTurn, however, after looking, I recognized the ones which are 'good enough' for my farm needs are expensive enough, that I thought I'd look at all options rather than just a mower. I like...
  69. Dadnatron

    15 x 1320mm cogged V-belt (flail mower drive) source?

    I have an off brand flail mower which is belt driven. I need a source for replacement belts. I've been looking online, and have yet to find anyone with the size I appear to need. 4 belts - 15mm wide x about 1320mm long (little over 1/2" x 52")- cogged V-belt. (relatively heavy) I can find...
  70. Dadnatron

    Alfalfa/orchard grass... what is going on?

    So, there are a number of issues which could simply be set up as "new farmer doesn't know what he is doing", and I recognize this... but that doesn't change what is going on in my field. I purchased 85ac 2 years ago. It had historically (??? several years ago) been tobacco but for quite a...
  71. Dadnatron

    Power sharp auto sharpening chain system. 6yrs old... anyone using it?

    I was out working today, and cutting some stumps flush to ground height. Well, as would be obvious, I was in dirt a bit and my chain needed sharpening quite a bit. I can do it, but I found that I am NOT good at it, or at least ç´*ast at it. I spent quite a bit of time on each sharpening. And...
  72. Dadnatron

    Shop size... and why? Recommendations

    I will be building a workshop for our farm. I envision somewhere I can bring in equipment in order to get out of the rain while I work on it, as well as a place for fabrication should I so choose. Slab floor, insulated, water, bathroom, electrical service for welding etc. I will put shed...
  73. Dadnatron

    Alternatives for mowing. Other than ZTR and SCUT tractor pulled, what is out there.

    I have 85ac of soon to be horsefarm. It is being built from Ag corn/soybean fields, but has some waterways, pond, trees, and will have a hillside orchard and miles of fence rows. Some is on a hill, but nothing too drastic, although there are times when the pucker factor kicks in, while mowing...
  74. Dadnatron

    A/C Leak stop... opinions and experience

    JD 5100e about 1300 hours out of warranty. Last summer, I had to recharge the AC coolant and it seemed to work for the rest of the year. Of course, I didn't think about it until this weekend, when I was spraying and it was getting hot. Blower works, Compressor kicks in, but no cold air. I...
  75. Dadnatron

    Sprayer issue

    Purchased a new (to me) used sprayer and have been going over it. I had everything seemingly working well, and sprayed alfalfa yesterday without problem until about 3/4 through the last tank. I noticed a pressure drop (not exactly sure when it happened, but couldn't have been more than a second...
  76. Dadnatron

    Adding a sprayer inductor tank and clean water rinse tank

    I purchased a 240 gal 3pt hitch sprayer and have it up and running. I'd like to add an inductor tank as well as a clean water rinse tank. The tank opening on my sprayer is NOT in a readily accessible location, at least not without a bit of work. I have room along the side and I'd like to add...
  77. Dadnatron

    Mole Plow... yes you read that right

    OK... All you Kiwi, Aussie, and Brit folk... Why is it that you (your country) tend to use a 'mole plow/plough' rather than lay drainage tile? And... how does it work? For you 'other' worlders... I need to drain some pasture areas, and had basically decided I needed to buck up and put in...
  78. Dadnatron

    Fertilizer and lime... better to buy bulk and apply or hire it done?

    In your opinion... is buying bulk bagged fertilizer and lime and applying it yourself worth the effort? I have 85ac, 50 or so in pasture and 20 in Alfalfa/orchard and 10 in Timothy. I know/suspect I will need to add fertilizer and lime at least yearly if not more often, depending on the crop. I...
  79. Dadnatron

    Country deliveries to 'locked gate'... what do you do?

    We live way out in the country, and my wife is home alone some evenings. About 2 months ago, a 'guy' came to the door about 9pm asking goofy crap... basically casing the place. I honestly believe he would have attacked my wife (home invasion) had our dogs not been in the doorway, ready to eat...
  80. Dadnatron

    New pasture... weeds and overseeding

    Previous corn and soybean fields put into 20ac alfalfa/Orchard, 10 Straight Timothy, and 50 Bluegrass/Orchard. I think some of the stand was hit by the winter and wet conditions so I have quite a bit of weeds and was hoping to spray weeds and overseed to get a better stand. But, everything...
  81. Dadnatron

    Hypro centrifugal sprayer pump hard turning by hand

    I purchased a used Ag-Chem 240gal sprayer which, while older, seems to be in great shape. It came with a Hypro centrifugal PTO pump, and I致e never used one before. When turning by hand, it turns, but is pretty tough/tight. I haven稚 put it on the PTO yet. I知 sure it can turn it, but...
  82. Dadnatron

    CornPro horse trailer... I need to add a ramp

    I purchased a very solid 2 box steel CornPro horse trailer (older) at auction last summer and I need to add a ramp. The trailer is not designed for a ramp that folds up, but I think I can modify the door handles, etc to work. I am not worried about jumping a horse into it, but my wife is so...
  83. Dadnatron

    JD 5100e vehicle speed indicator does not function

    JD 5100e 3yr old off lease at 400hrs. I've put about 800 on it myself. When I purchased it, everything worked just fine. At some point about 5-6mo ago, I noticed the vehicle speed indicator was no longer functioning. It is based on a "Roll Mode Sequence Order" switch, with PTO and hours in...
  84. Dadnatron

    To do... or not to do... 2001 Tahoe 199,000 ... no reverse

    We have been babying along our vehicles for the last year or so. Everything we have is over 150K. Audi A6 at 180K, Toyota Sequoia at 180K, Tahoe at 199K. My wife's Tahoe just dropped Reverse gear. It will still go into all others, but Reverse is out. We haven't had anything more going on with...
  85. Dadnatron

    How can this be? Common sense hauling... Fed approved??? DOT Exemption!

    I'm thrilled with this news. This crappy DOT requirement for CDL, etc for hauling is and always has been ridiculous. However, I'd like your agreement that I am reading what I believe I am. "... even if prize or scholarship money is offered." This has always been an issue in horses, because...
  86. Dadnatron

    UTV madness... more than my F350 dually diesel.

    I have been thinking about a UTV for around our 85ac. We are building a horse farm and could use it many times over. However, at this point, the only compelling reason I can come up with, which makes sense, is because it won't leave as deep of ruts in the field in comparison to my farm pickup...
  87. Dadnatron

    What is the difference between $200 and $300 sqft?

    We are looking to build a house this year, and have been working with an architect. We told him our 'goals' and the things we would like included, knowing that we would likely have to adjust everything towards the end. Our goal was to have a house around 2500sqft, with a Master on main, 2...
  88. Dadnatron

    Trencher... buy, rent, or hire

    Over the next few years, I will have repeated need for trenching to be completed all over my farm. From bringing in NG line about 1/2m, water to houses and barns, dragging water to automatic waterers in multiple paddocks, as well as 200-300 yds of drainage tile, etc etc. NONE of it will be...
  89. Dadnatron

    To sheath or not to sheath, that is my question.

    I am building a mid to upper level horse barn for thoroughbreds. I have the design and layout and am now trying to spec it as well as possible in order to get accurate and comparable bids. I've spoken with several contractors and there seems to be a wide range of what is best, necessary, or...
  90. Dadnatron

    Getting firewood INTO the house.

    OK, for 50 years, I've hauled wood into the house 1 armload at a time. For the last 10 years, I have used one of those leather slings which is 'easier' I guess... although I think all it really does is allow me to work just as hard, but in 1/2 the time. However, I don't see that leather sling...
  91. Dadnatron

    New Build in 2018: Geothermal vs NG/conventional AC

    I am building a new home, roughly 3000sqft higher end home this year. (or at least planning stage with architect). Location is Lexington KY area. I have access to and will run Natural Gas to the house for range and fireplaces. The run will be long, likely 1/2mile at least across my land. I am...
  92. Dadnatron

    4 miles 4 board horse fence. Rec: nail gun and fasteners requested Scrail vs Paslode

    Over the next several years, I will be putting in our fence. I have a Wrag post driver on its way for posts, but I'm now trying to choose fasteners and nail gun. I'm interested in the Scrail type fasteners but have no experience with them. The thing I like is the ring/thread shank security...
  93. Dadnatron

    Horse stall fronts. Door, panel, and paint

    We are building a barn, and a large portion of the cost is the stalls. And on this barn, I'm looking at 14 stalls. I've done some looking, and they are all over the map from relatively inexpensive but certainly functional wood to high end metal. We are more on the Metal side of the spectrum...
  94. Dadnatron

    Wanted: First and Last drill press I'll ever own

    I have pondered the question of what to purchase... and have found my own knowledge wanting. I've often found myself in need of a drill press over the last year. I've also decided to purchase one and I began my search, as I do so often, on Craigslist. Since this isn't something for daily use, I...
  95. Dadnatron

    Bending Aluminum tubing, notching, and welding

    My wife asked me whether I could make her a portable saddle rack which she could move in and out of her Tahoe. She showed me a wooden one, which I could make in an hour, but I'd get no satisfaction in doing. I thought about a different idea of making it contoured similar to the topline of her...
  96. Dadnatron

    Compressed air powered vacuum generators (Air-vac)... any experience?

    I'm looking at building a 'home version' of an Air-spade to do bare root transplantation of trees on my property. I think I've a design which will work just fine. However, I see the utility in adding a Vacuum to the process to maintain the soil in a usable form to reset the tree. These are...
  97. Dadnatron

    Morning Ag Report - Weather Story

    I find these informative and thought I might pass them on so you can take a look. I'll try to remember to post them as I get them, but no guarantees. They are videos, put out by the Weather Service of Agrible, basically trying to forcast for Ag related situations. They are pretty indepth, and...
  98. Dadnatron

    Official - What is this tree/plant/weed/etc thread.

    I've seen this thread started several times looking for a specific plant. I've tried to hunt through them to see whether any covered the tree about which I am to ask. Nothing does. So I thought perhaps it would be good to have an 'Official' ie all in this thread, thread for this oft asked...
  99. Dadnatron

    Transplanting trees... anyone ever used an 'Air Spade/Knife/Home made' to move them?

    I've been contemplating purchasing a used Tree Spade to move some trees around on my property. I have several options from 2-6" and I need them elsewhere. These are predominately Oak, Walnut, and Buckeye. The largest I can reasonably 'purchase' is the Vermeer TS44, which is a 'trailer' type...
  100. Dadnatron

    What's the TBN of the Orchard/fruit/nut tree world?

    I'm looking at putting in a small Orchard on our property, and other than eating fruit, I know little about growing trees for it. I am looking for the TBN of the Orchard world. I'm wanting to be able to discuss things and ask questions of like-minded folk on this topic. If anyone knows of a...
  101. Dadnatron

    Tree planting sweetspot... and recommendations requested

    We purchased 84ac of beautiful mildly rolling pasture in the Lexington KY area. It was row cropped for several years and tobacco before then. Most of it is cleared field, with only a few large trees. I have a spot which has around 20 4-500yo blue ash which are on their last legs (They'll likely...
  102. Dadnatron

    Suffering...should we be thinking about the bacteria???

    As I was perusing literature on effects of cattle saliva on plant growth... (it helps pretty dramatically BTW)... I ran across this article. I thought that perhaps a big kumbaya session was in order and perhaps we could start here. While I won't expect you to read it all... here are a few of the...
  103. Dadnatron

    Gasoline powered water pump for 500 gal portable tank.

    I purchased a used 500gal plastic water tank on a 2 wheeled purpose built trailer. It has plenty of room on the tongue onto which I'd like to add an electric start if possible (wife) water pump. This will be primarily used for variant watering of trees, shrubs, and also for horse troughs until...
  104. Dadnatron

    JD 5100e question and a few fault codes

    JD 5100e with just shy of 1200hrs. Purchased used at 450hrs last year. I've put a lot of work on it, IMO given most is weekends and vacations. Maintenance has been kept up to date. But I had a fault light go on last week while working. It is the main 'check engine' light that doesn't really...
  105. Dadnatron

    Wire harness connector... anyone know what type/brand this connector is?

    Duplication Don't know how to delete the thread.
  106. Dadnatron

    Wire harness connector... anyone know what type/brand this connector is?

    John Deere 5100e I want to change out my current Halogen lights for LED lights and add a light bar. I have the lights, but I am having a difficult time figuring out what type of connectors are on the ends of the wire harness. My goal would be to simply purchase a couple more connectors, add...
  107. Dadnatron

    Old disc wheel hub/bearing replacement

    I purchased an old disc, and I need 2 replacement hubs or bearings for these hubs. The current hubs are 4 lug and I'd rather have 5 lug simply for convenience in finding 2 more wheels. I pulled the hub, and the replacement hubs I've found are all tapered. However the spindle on the disc is...
  108. Dadnatron

    15 1/2" 4 lug ag rims? Where can I find 2?

    I purchased an old disc which, when wings are folded out, is about 18'. It probably weighs around 3-4Klbs. It has hydraulic lift, up onto well.... herein lies the problem. It is designed to have 4 wheels, however, currently only has 2. 3 of the 4 hubs are 4 lug with one being changed to 5 lug...
  109. Dadnatron

    Rock Auger bits... Anyone have recommendation? Pengo BoRH???

    I'm setting up to put in some fence this fall. I'm getting a Wrag Commander XL driver for the post driving work. However, there are a couple places in which I know I will need a rock auger. I will be getting the Danuser EP20 for the head but I'm trying to decide on a bit. I like the...
  110. Dadnatron

    Liquid Nitrogen... for freezing... anyone have any thoughts?

    I would like to mechanically 'machine' some open cell foam. I am looking to build customized pillows. I've been building/forming them by hand, and this isn't a reasonable way to go about making them. Each is different, specifically designed for my patient's shape and needs, so a mold will not...
  111. Dadnatron

    Brillion seeder - thoughts about 3pt vs tow versions of larger seeders

    I need/desire a Brillion seeder for pasture and alfalfa/grass establishment. I've about come to the point that I might need to get a newer version if I cannot find a GOOD older one at a reasonable price. I see older ones occasionally, but they are sparse and some have premium prices for rough...
  112. Dadnatron

    Ag sprayers... I need some education

    Growing up, I think we hired a sprayer once... perhaps we borrowed one, but otherwise, we had a pump handheld which we used for problem areas or specific issues. Now, I find that I have a need for an Ag sprayer. I've had several times, over the last year, in which I hired out the duty. The last...
  113. Dadnatron

    Trying to decide... to purchase or plant alfalfa/orchard grass hay for horses

    I'm tossing around putting about 30ac of my place into alfalfa/orchard grass mix hay for personal use primarily. This will produce MUCH MORE hay than I need, but at this moment, I don't need that much pasture either. My initial plan was to put everything into bluegrass/orchard pasture, however...
  114. Dadnatron

    Shear pin misery... only thing left is adding a slip clutch?

    I just purchased a new flail mower. Straight from China. I ordered it, shipped it in, and put it together. Everything seems to work normally. Everything turns by hand, but the flail is 84" long with hammers. The gearbox isn't the biggest one I've seen, but I suspect it should be adequate, at...
  115. Dadnatron

    Tennessee JD 3pt mount 'bush hog' project possibility.

    I was just perusing and noticed a 3 pt JD 'bush hog' for auction. It looks like it needs some work, but anyone in the area will probably be able to pick it up for $25. 2006 John Deere Bush Hog. This lot is being sold as-is, where-is. REMOVAL TERMS: Buyer is responsible for...
  116. Dadnatron

    Router/modem question for wifi improvement

    Currently have Windstream via DSL. Only thing available in my area, and the wired isn't bad at 100mps. However, the wireless off this 'company' router/wireless system sucks. I get about 10mps down wireless, but it is spotty at best. Windstream says I can get another router, but it must be...
  117. Dadnatron

    Urgent hydraulic purchase needed. Replacement cylinder

    My old scraper has turned out to be more of a hassle and hindrance than a benefit. It seems as though everytime I turn around something else goes wrong and as soon as I fix it, a new problem arises. I have need of a new hydraulic cylinder after this one blew the back seal off and they repair...
  118. Dadnatron

    Barn/shop sound system. Wireless speakers? What works and what doesn't

    I will be putting in a 'sound system' in a couple barns over the next few years. What have you found that works and doesn't? What is worth the money and worth the time? What I would really like would be a few wireless speakers mounted around the barn, hooked up to a system which runs off...
  119. Dadnatron

    The first strike back against the overreach of JD and its 'software lock claim'???

    This week, SCOTUS shot down the ability for a manufacturer to impose 'post sale' injunctions on a product. In short, Lexmark (computer printers) had sued a printer cartridge refiller for patent infringement and breach of contract. Basically saying "We sold those cartridges at a 20% discount...
  120. Dadnatron

    This 4:30 will save you hours of you life...

    I have used ratchet straps for many many years. I always keep them rolled up and hooked together, and my system works... but not as well as this one does.
  121. Dadnatron

    Porta-power (and knockoffs) prices HF vs Amazon

    I have a need for a Porta-power type system. I need to move a heavy arm on my scraper about 1" to allow it to slip by an impediment. I was going to just purchase the HF model, but currently, they are running $199 for the 10T model. This is fine, but I just happened to jump onto Amazon and they...
  122. Dadnatron

    Birdsnest problems Hobart 210 - flux core

    I purchased a Hobart 210 MVP and I have been having a lot of birdnest issues at the drive wheels. Hobart .035 flux core Orientation is correct. I've insured I am using the knurled groove. I've set tension tight, loose, 'appropriate according to manual', 'finger stoppable at gun tip'... all...
  123. Dadnatron

    Ponds, fish, and Great Blue Heron

    I have a question about my pond, fish, and the effect of a single heron. First of all, my pond is about 3/4 silted in, and I will be cleaning it out in a year or so. I plan on stocking it with fish. I'm not a big fisherman, but I'd like to have something around for grandkids, should I...
  124. Dadnatron

    Wiring up diverter valve... recommendations?

    I just purchased a back blade with 3 hydraulic cylinders. It is used and off Auction, so I haven't actually even seen it in person yet. The blade has a diverter valve already installed directly on the blade. The previous owner only had 2 sets of connections, but 3 cylinders to operate...
  125. Dadnatron

    Die grinder bit help... 1 1/2" opening from egg shaped 1 3/4" beginning?

    I purchased an old (probably late 50's early 60's) pull scraper. Parts were discontinued in 1981. I currently have an issue with the cylinder dump pin/bushing. It wore so badly, that it stripped off the nut and came out. I had it turned true (or almost so) and a larger bronze/alum bushing wear...
  126. Dadnatron

    Batwing PTO angle max in a turn

    I just purchased my 1st Batwing. Woods BW 180X HD (15'). It works great, but as I was mowing yesterday, I realized I've never pulled something like this, in a turn, with the PTO moving. Even if I stop the PTO power, it coasts for about 30sec, which is understandable, given the size of the...
  127. Dadnatron

    Spray arc...

    Just took my 1st official welding 'class'. Actually, its basically just proctored booth time. I was introduced, on my 1st day, to Spray arc. Now, this was a very interesting technique, of which I've heard but have no experience. He set up the machine in such a way, because I had told him my...
  128. Dadnatron

    Generators: Rated as 'clean power'. How can I tell and is there something to clean it

    I have an HF 8750/7000W gas generator that does a great job. But in looking at welders, I've seen then state the generator must be rated as 'clean power'. I somewhat understand what they are saying, however, I don't know (doubt) that mine is rated as such. Is there something I can...
  129. Dadnatron

    One or many... multiprocess vs Mig with separate Tig/Stick down the road

    I've read so many different threads I can't see straight. I'm ready to pull the trigger, but just when I'm about to do it, some more information seeps in and messes with the equation. I have need for a welder, likely Mig. Grew up with a stick Tombstone but haven't touched one in about 30yrs...
  130. Dadnatron

    2006 F350 4x4 - Dash lights are going out. Anyone know difficulty --> LED?

    Purchased a used 2006 F350 6.0L diesel. It is doing fine, but there are a few things which need addressing. One thing is I have a couple dash lights which are out. Gauges work fine, but the lights are out. I have watched a video on removing the instrument cluster, but I haven't seen anything...
  131. Dadnatron

    Worn steering wheel cover... options?

    Purchased a 2006 F350 CC dually diesel truck and it's doing a great job for me. But somehow, ove 150K miles, the previous owner was able to wear a hole through the steering wheel cover... and it's bugging the crap out of me. The leather is worn through, and a small loose flap sticks out. Any...
  132. Dadnatron

    Quick fist clamps or similar tool connector?

    Does anyone have information or recommendations on a way to attach a shovel to a quick hitch? I am always needing a shovel it seems, and I have no good place to carry one on my tractor. But I recognized I could mount one across my QH pretty easily. I have been looking for something secure...
  133. Dadnatron

    Quick question about Anderson style connectors

    Can a 1ga wire connector be mated to a 4ga connector? The 4ga is 50amp. I've only used the 4ga size, and was going to hook up a connector from my truck batter to the back of the truck for a direct dump trailer feed. I thought I would also use it to power my 12v fuel transfer pump on the tank...
  134. Dadnatron

    Pickup bed ratcheting cargo bar... any opinions?

    I have a F350 CC dually and I find that I will often need to carry a few things around in the bed, but they invariably slide all over the place. The most typical culprits are gas/diesel cans. Has anyone had any luck with those ratchet bars that span the bed and simply press tight in order to...
  135. Dadnatron

    Trailer hitch locks... what are you currently using?

    I recently purchased a new Dump trailer and realize the ease at which it could vanish. There is an 8-9yo thread, but I wanted to find what people are using now. What are you using as a lock to keep it from rolling off? I purchased a 'Blaylock' thinking it would be pretty good, but when I...
  136. Dadnatron

    Recommendations for prepping 'new' roof for eventual solar.

    I am going to be refurbishing a 120x40' tobacco barn. The roof is old aluminum with some cross running boards with approximately a 4" gap. *(I'm around 30' away, looking up.)* I'm going to have a ribbed steel roof put on, but given the southern exposure of an entire side with a good angle to...
  137. Dadnatron

    Stand up commercial mowers... why?

    I have become tired of wondering... What is the reason for the 'stand-up' riding lawnmowers? The large commercial mowers which you either walk behind or stand on. I've even seen the walk behind version with a little cart to ride upon. What is the use of them vs a similar size Zero-turn? Only...
  138. Dadnatron

    Electromagnet build... fence row nails and wire. rScotty

    I have been removing fences from all over my property and want to be as sure as reasonably possible, that I've picked up wire/nails/etc. I've walked the lines, but each time I walk it again, I find something else I missed. And while I know there is no way to absolutely insure everything is...
  139. Dadnatron

    Dump trailer blues... sometimes a lot is just too much.

    I have been trying to get by without a dump trailer for about 6 months, making due and doubling trips, and it is taking much more time than I have available to get jobs completed. I've been looking for one for a while, and rented a bumper pull a few weeks ago. I think the bed was either 10 or...
  140. Dadnatron

    Peace at home... via clean boots. What do you use?

    I'm frustrated with what I've found thus far for cleaning off my boots, prior to entering the house. At the end of the day, I take them off on the porch and its not an issue. However, throughout the day, I will need to run inside for something, and inevitably, I track in a bit of...
  141. Dadnatron

    Batwing Rotary mower - comparison of cut, quality, value? 80ac exclusively pasture

    80ac of new kentucky bluegrass/orchard grass. JD 5100e w/cab 100hp - 540 PTO speed I am looking at purchasing a batwing for the above farm mowing. Intermittently, there might be some acreage left for haying, but the above is the maximal use I will have for the mower. There is no significant...
  142. Dadnatron

    12V Fuel transfer pump. Tractor power setup

    Quick question about setting up power from my tractor to my (soon to arrive) 12v GPI fuel transfer pump. My intention is to use a new 2gu set of inexpensive jumper cables as cable. I was going to cut off the clamps and attach eyelets at one end, attaching it directly to the battery posts and...
  143. Dadnatron

    Midwest/Southern hay cutting/baling... Why is it done the way it's done?

    I am from Southwest Colorado. I grew up haying as a way to feed our cattle through the winter. I've spent many monotonous days, eating dust as I baled on a JD 4020. We always had it custom cut, as a swather was not going to pay for itself on our acerage and we had plenty of other things to be...
  144. Dadnatron

    Tillage equipment rental??? Where would you begin? KY

    I've been working on building my farm in the Lexington area of KY. I was initially going to just no-till drill my final Bluegrass/Orchard grass pasture this spring, but time is not going to allow it. I still have quite a bit of 'final dirt work' I want to do before the final pastures are put...
  145. Dadnatron

    Extended protection plans on a JD5100e... what are your thoughts

    I am coming up on 2yrs on this tractor. I purchased it used at around 500hrs in 8/16. I've put about 200hrs on it since. I have the opportunity to purchase extended protection on it, if completed before Mid March/17. So I have just a couple days. I have a horse farm (or am building one) and...
  146. Dadnatron

    Euro/Global to SQHA and vice versa - short term need

    I currently have a JD 5100e that has Euro/Global attachment on the FEL. I have a heavy Grapple and a Danuser Intimidator, both with Global mounts and they work great. This summer or sometime in the next year, I plan on renting a CTL to clean out a wooded area that would not be reasonably...
  147. Dadnatron

    Breaking shanks... thoughts?

    I recently purchased an 80" Gannon 4x2, of CL. It had no shanks at all, but the hydraulics works well. I looked for quite some time, until finally giving in and purchasing the shanks from eBay. They arrived, along with teeth and new spring clips, 8 sets in all. The shanks appear to be cast...
  148. Dadnatron

    Road building, stockpiling topsoil, subbase buildup. Scraper tips appreciated.

    I priced out a 1/3m road... it was far to costly. $26.5K... I think they think I am rich, so they are going to soak me. I have decided that I have 3 choices. 1. Use what I have available to me already. 100hp tractor with FEL, 6yd scraper, 12' Killifer blade (drag/land leveler), box blade...
  149. Dadnatron

    Recommendations for lunette attachment

    I have 2 pieces of equipment that I need to modify for connection to a hammerstrap. Long story short, I've snapped a 2" x 1 1/4" drawbar with the 'orange' drag blade in the configuration it is now. I had a thread on here about potentially welding it back together, but ended up going with a...
  150. Dadnatron

    "Reverse clevis hitch"? Anyone ever tried?

    I have 2 drag implements which exert quite a bit of force on my drawbar. So much so, that I snapped the previous bar in half. It is 1 1/4" x 2" so that is some feat. Anyway, neither implement lends itself to adding a clevis hitch without some significant remodeling and I'd like to put money...
  151. Dadnatron

    Flood ONLY LEDs?

    I've been looking to add LEDs to my tractor because I know I'm going to have a lot of late nights this summer, if I want to get things done. Currently, there are the typical 4 Halogen lights at each corner of the JD 5100e cab. My thinking was that I would add a larger (36") light bar to the...
  152. Dadnatron

    Changing Global carrier implements. How to get it to a 'neutral/non-bearing' position

    OK... I'm through just beating the **** out of my Global Carrier in order to get it to release. I know there must be some trick and it is surpassing my ability to perceive it. I have a JD with global carrier connection. I switch from bucket, to grapple, to Intimidator often and each and every...
  153. Dadnatron

    Tougher Tires... I need some

    Last week I had 2 flats... costing time and 2 service calls to the field. I am running a Danuser Intimidator into fencelines and tree/brushy areas clearing them out. So my front tires are taking a beating. JD 12.4x24 R1 ag tires with about 40% tread life left. 3 flats overall since I've owned...
  154. Dadnatron

    Hydraulic setup... Power beyond needed for Post driver?

    I have a JD 5100e with 2 rear hydraulic sets. Each has a control lever in the cab. There is a spot for another lever. My question is 2 fold. First, I'd like to get the setup for FitRite's Top/side link. AND... I want to insure that I have the necessary valve setup for a post driver. At this...
  155. Dadnatron

    Broken drawbar... chances a 'pro' welder can fix it

    Yes, yes... I was working to make due with what I had available, and as often happens at those times, the 'specs' of the machine rebel. Its my fault, I was using my drag blade, and the blade dropped deeper into a ditch than I intended, just as my front wheels dropped over the bank of a road...
  156. Dadnatron

    Gannon 4x2 shank notch question, front or back and how many?

    Just purchased a CL 80" Gannon 4x2 hydraulic shank control, box blade over the weekend. There are no shanks, and while the owner told me they require notched shanks, I didn't think to ask whether the notches are from or back... and how many notches are on each shank. (As I just read this, I...
  157. Dadnatron

    $300+ error... any thoughts?

    Was working on my road with my 12' drag blade Sunday. I wasn't going crazy, but was certainly unconventional. Anyway, long story short, blade dipped into a ditch, deeper than intended, and I snapped my drawbar. None in stock and over $320-340 at my local JD dealers. I know it can happen, but...
  158. Dadnatron

    F350 DRW Brakes and rotors... should I replace bearings while I am at it?

    2006 F350 6.0 4x4 DRW (new to me) - about 150K miles I am going to change out brakes and rotors this weekend. Since I am going to be tearing everything out for rotors, it would be just a few more minutes to completely replace the wheel bearings. I don't know whether they are good or bad...
  159. Dadnatron

    Pintle hitch (GenY Hitch)

    I was looking for a weight distributing hitch, and saw this hitch which would fit the bill nicely. However, I am confused about its use as a Pintle Hitch. I have never used a Pintle before, but have read about them. My understanding is their benefit is mainly that they are much more 'heavy duty'...
  160. Dadnatron

    Snow... blade choices for Northern Kentucky

    Given the length of drive and roads on my place, I need to be thinking about snow removal. Tractor is JD5100 with cab and FEL. Now... this is Kentucky, so a huge amount of snow is not typical. Therefore, I am wondering what would be the 'best' ie most useful tool which will do the job for me...
  161. Dadnatron

    Ouch... maybe watch before you purchase a Mahindra.

    No axe to grind nor connection what-so-ever. But just saw this from a welder I follow on YouTube.
  162. Dadnatron

    2006 F350 4x4 DRW 6.0L - need pic of correct spindle nut socket please!

    I need to change the brakes on the above truck. Both Front and Back. I purchased new rotors and pads so am ready to go. BUT... I need to insure that before I do, I have the correct Spindle Nut Socket. I've read this is an issue for a lot of people, and don't want to pull things apart only to...
  163. Dadnatron

    2006 F-350 Dually brakes, regular vs drilled and slotted rotor replacement

    I have a new (to me) 2006 F350 4x4 DRW with pulsing brakes. I knew they needed changed when I bought it, hence the price I paid vs what I would have paid for a 'no work' truck. 20 years ago, I worked on everything I had almost completely. I have completely overhauled every nut and screw on a...
  164. Dadnatron

    Hydraulic leaks... are they as common for you as for me?

    I recently purchased a JD 5100e with just under 500hrs on it. Purchased from THE major dealer in the area, not that it means anything, but not some 2 tractor place by the road. I've put around 100hrs on it over the last couple months and in that time, I've added around 18gal of hydro/trans...
  165. Dadnatron

    Wiring a winch for a trailer... HF open box special without manual, controller, etc.

    Well... I went to the Harbor Freight sidewalk sale today. As is often the case when I go, I come back with much more than I intended... today was no different. In the "Open Box" section of the store, there was one of the 12,000lb winches, currently on sale for $290 but usually, $399. It is a...
  166. Dadnatron

    Hydraulic detents... not a couple of teepees

    I suspect there is a way... and if not, there should be. I've read the manual... I've looked it up (or attempted to) online without success. Recently I purchased a hydraulically elevating drag blade. I love it... but the biggest hassel is finding the correct depth after raising it to dump...
  167. Dadnatron

    Unloading heavy, unpowered equipment from trailer.

    I'm thinking about purchasing a pull scraper/dirt pan and have been thinking about logistics. I've talked with a couple of guys who have one for sale, and they both said loading it would be no problem in that they have excavators and could simply set it on my trailer. The question I have is...
  168. Dadnatron

    Anyone heard of this company? "Too good to be true"

    Has anyone heard about this website/company? Sale Tools and Top I have been looking for air compressors, and found one I was interested in for around $1279. This was the best price I had found. Iron Horse IHP90G25H1 9-HP 25-Gallon Belt Drive Cast-Iron Air Compressor However, with a little...
  169. Dadnatron

    Option to purchase Extended warranty on 600hr 1yo JD without problems ? thoughts ?

    I recently purchased a JD 5100e with FEL 2nd hand off lease. The lease was a racetrack who used it primarily for mucking and whatnot. Pretty mild stuff overall. I, on the otherhand, am building a farm. I've used it relatively heavily... at least the FEL, for around 100hrs thus far. Lots of back...
  170. Dadnatron

    Very small job but need a 2" NPT pipe tap. Ideas?

    I need to clean and refurbish the threads on a diesel tank. There are 6 total holes needing cleaned mainly of rust etc. I've tried a wire brush to no avail. Only thing I can think of is a tap... but the only taps I can find are online and for sale. While I don't believe anyone should forgo...
  171. Dadnatron

    Moving dirt... box blade vs scraper

    I'm currently working on building a new horse farm out of an old bean/corn farm. I have some dirt work to do, not a HUGE amount, but enough over the next couple years, that I think investing in something which will move the dirt around my 84ac might be useful. I know... I know... 'Hire it out...
  172. Dadnatron

    Bluegrass build... one step at a time.

    After having grown up on a ranch in Southwest Colorado, I left to go to school, always with the intention of returning to the mountains and buying a farm. Skip 30years later, and... after school, career, 2 kids and a different state, I've gone and purchased 84ac of Prime Kentucky Bluegrass. The...
  173. Dadnatron

    I have need for a farm diesel tank. ? Obround tank for outside farm fuel storage?

    I have need for a farm diesel tank as well as a gasoline tank. I've been looking at options, and while I need a consistent 25g/day when I'm working, I don't want massive amounts sitting around waiting for me to draw it from the tank. I don't think I'll need more than a 300 gal tank...
  174. Dadnatron

    Chipper  Wire fence through big chipper?

    Recently purchased a farm in KY. Lots of work to get it up on par. I have recently begun removing combination barbed wire (single top) and old woven wire. The fence rows have been overgrown with various shrubs and small trees. I've pulled them along with old fence posts with my FANTASTIC...
  175. Dadnatron

    Quick Hitches  John Deere quick hitch removal?

    Recently purchased a JD 5100e for farm building. It's working great thus far. There is a back blade available from a friend, but it doesn't work with the geometry of the quick hitch on my tractor. Cat 2 system. I've never before had a quick hitch and thus never thought about varying geometry...
  176. Dadnatron

    Tires and foam and flats and costs...

    Purchasing a 5100e - 500hrs. Purpose is to have a general tractor on 84ac horse farm. There is nothing other than soybeans and old fence rows at this time. I grew up on a 4020, and quite honestly, I can't ever remember having a flat tire. We were in the sticks... and it would have had to be an...
  177. Dadnatron

    Driveway install - Short site lines. Need alternatives to improve safety.

    I have 3 options for a driveway install. 1st is the most desirable location for driveway, but has total road frontage (county road with interspersed large trees) with roughly 680ft total frontage giving a max of 340ft site distance either direction. My 1st preference would be to have the...
  178. Dadnatron

    NADA values... are they consistent with market or useless?

    I've been looking for a used 1T pickup/flatbed for a tow vehicle for my farm. Just want something to get the job done, nothing fancy. I've settled on a 1T DRW 4x4 of any type, as long as its solid and have a budget of $20K at least trying to stay in that range because I 'think' (and here is...
  179. Dadnatron

    Compact track loader... where can I get solid info and recommendations? Forums?

    I've settled on a tractor... 5100e with 260FEL. I'm still looking for a truck and trailer. I'm 'thinking' about a CTL... mainly for farm building. I'm guessing... at the outside, I would put 400hrs/yr for 2 years. This would likely be MAX, then just regular 'farm' things depending upon...
  180. Dadnatron

    2006 F350 SD DRW... would appreciate your opinions.

    Used 2006 Ford Super Duty F-350 DRW Truck For Sale in Dry Ridge | 1FDWW37P96EB28211 2006 F350 DRW Crew cab with flat bed and towing. 141K miles 6.8L Diesel I'm looking for a tow vehicle for my farm. Horses, little farm equipment, and a whole lot of cleaning up the place. I'll be purchasing a...
  181. Dadnatron

    35x, 45x, 55x, 65x series trucks... enlighten me

    I am in the process of looking at used tow vehicles. At this point, the focus is on having something which can safely pull a trailer large enough to hold a JD5100e with FEL. This is the 'max' I suspect I'll need at this juncture and beyond, in all likelihood. My thinking is to purchase something...
  182. Dadnatron

    Power Reverser quick question. JD 5100e potential purchase

    I am looking at a used JD 5100e 2015 with 500hrs. I've never driven a tractor with a power reverser, and while I like the idea, I don't know about how well the one on the tractor I am thinking about is working. When I move it from forward to reverse or vice verse, it gives a significant 'jerk'...
  183. Dadnatron

    80ac rowcropped land... building a KY horse farm... 2nd on list... ROADS

    We recently purchased 80ac of soybean/corn land in Northern KY. Its exactly where we want to be. 1st on the list of things is to get it into some grass... we have discussed what and how with the Co. Extension office as well as the local University, and I think we have a plan on that front...
  184. Dadnatron

    Tire Selection  Duals for JD 5100e ??? Is there enough benefit in my situation?

    I am purchasing a 500hr JD 5100e primarily for building of an 80ac horse farm in Northern KY. I grew up on a 4020 and we intermittently added duals to the back primarily during ground work in spring and only on the left while plowing. Grandpa always said 'Traction > HP' Fast forward 30+...
  185. Dadnatron

    JD5100e w/260 FEL price check - 536hrs

    2015 JD 5100e Cab with 260 FEL and 536 hours. Priced at $47,500 spent the year mowing and doing racetrack work. 1 yr left on the warranty. I have 80ac raw land that I want to build into a Kentucky Thoroughbred horse farm and I think this will do everything and more, that I would need it to do...