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  1. Labrat

    47" Plastic impeller

    My father-in-law has an X700 with a 47" snowblower with the plastic impeller. last night I stopped by his place and while he was blowing snow I could hear the impeller rattling whenever there was no load on it. I checked it out and found the impeller will chuck back and forth about 1/4". The...
  2. Labrat

    Go get em Charlie

    Don't know if this is posted here yet but it's a great find. Plowing Tug Hill - YouTube
  3. Labrat

    2013 Tier IV

    Just curious to know if any dealers are getting pricing info on the 2013 tractors that are above 25hp that will fall under the new tier 4 regulations? I'm wondering how they will meet the new regulation, what pricing info is out there and do they plan on de-rating some engines to fly in under...
  4. Labrat

    2210 Snowblower vibration

    Finally had a chance to deal with the vibration from the mid pto shaft. This is what I came up with. The vibration is totally gone. Still have some chain noise so I plan on trying a motorcycle type O ring chain as they seem to run a little quieter.