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  1. RacerX69

    Hey, What’s Up?

    All of Rob Zombie’s movies stretched the definition of entertainment, didn’t they?
  2. RacerX69

    Hey, What’s Up?

    Captain Spaulding from The Devil’s Rejects, played by Sid Haig (rip). You’re not afraid of clowns, are you? :giggle:
  3. RacerX69

    My 48 Ford 8N

    Some short videos I made of the dual zorst on my N.
  4. RacerX69

    My 48 Ford 8N

    Bought this 48 Ford 8N about 22 years ago to grade a private road I lived on. We moved to a larger parcel of land, 6.17 acres with 380’ of high bank riverfront. At first I used it to run a 6’ finish mower but that was a bit too much for it so I picked up an early 70s Kubota L260 diesel tractor...
  5. RacerX69

    GR2110 Glide Steer Cable Adjustment

    I found a service manual online but it isn’t entirely clear on the adjustment process. I think I did manage to get the cables adjusted correctly though after reading the manual’s description of how the system works.
  6. RacerX69

    Hey, What’s Up?

    I’ve had the race Z up to around 160 or so on long straights. And 3 wheels going around corners, sometimes on 2. SIR 5B by Racer, on Flickr SIR 3 Wheeling by Racer, on Flickr
  7. RacerX69

    Hey, What’s Up?

    A picture of the gearbox and levers in the cab for all the grader functions. Knuckle Buster by Racer, on Flickr
  8. RacerX69

    GR2110 Glide Steer Cable Adjustment

    Glide steer is a system that disengages the inside rear tire during turns. The tractor is full time 4 wheel drive. Cables attached to the steering knuckles move levers at the rear axle to disengage a clutch for whichever wheel is on the inside of a turn. The tractor will almost pivot on that...
  9. RacerX69

    Hey, What’s Up?

    I also have cars. A couple of the 14 early Datsun Z cars I own. Brown Z Red Z by Racer, on Flickr Double Datsuns by Racer, on Flickr The red one is a 71, has been a race car since 1979, I bought it in 1989. Won the regional championship in 1997. The brown one is my second, bought in 1992...
  10. RacerX69

    Hey, What’s Up?

    Thanks for the props. I did start a thread in the Kubota lawn and garden tractor section. No replies yet, but I think I am figuring out the glide steer setup.
  11. RacerX69

    Hey, What’s Up?

    Thanks mate. I changed my location info just for you.
  12. RacerX69

    Hey, What’s Up?

    Yes, all functions are gear driven. A shaft comes up into the cab from the drop box and runs a horizontal shaft with a set of levers that engage each shaft that runs out to the various gearboxes on the machine. When a given function reaches its limit the gearbox lever kicks back, known back in...
  13. RacerX69

    GR2110 Glide Steer Cable Adjustment

    Just changed the cables on my GR2110 with Glide Steer. Can’t seem to find any information on adjustment. Can anyone here help a guy out? Thanks, Racer Kubota GR2110 by Racer, on Flickr
  14. RacerX69

    Hey, What’s Up?

    Recently registered, been stalking y’all for years. I have three tractors, a 48 Ford 8N that pulls an old (I think it is a Bantam) Jeep wagon, plug aerator, gravel rake and a back blade, an early 70s Kubota L260 diesel that almost always has a King Kutter 6 foot 3 blade finish mower mounted to...