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  1. D

    Help me Design Building for Tractors and Pickup

    Good architects accomplishing something in the same way as good engineers, hmmmmmm, LOL!
  2. D

    Help me Design Building for Tractors and Pickup

    Don't be above making a set of scale drawings (or blobs) of the individual pieces of equipment you own. Next make a shape for the tool chest or supply cabinet you always wished was in the garage. Also make shapes for the stuff you think you should have nearby like fuel cans. Photocopy a few...
  3. D

    PINE logs anyone?

    Post & beam builders often use pine here in Vermont because it takes stain so nicely but they love Doug fir for longer spans at smaller dimensions. If commercial builders are not interested perhaps the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, YMCA camp or Habitat for Humanity would take them and give you a...
  4. D

    Fueling tractor

    a 5 gallon jug works for me most days. We take several along to the station and line them up. Hip or shoulder aching? 3 gallons per can
  5. D

    Fueling tractor
