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  1. F

    Small (tiny) combine - pull type - for grains?

    All, I am looking in to various grains to grow on the farm. These would be primarily for milling down to flour to bake with. Down the road we may have 1/2 to 1 acre of different types. I am hoping next year we can plant some in small plots to experiment and see how it does here - that I think...
  2. F

    Low pressure fuel pump to feed carb, 42hp estimated burn rate?

    What are some of you using for low pressure fuel pumps? I'd also be curious if there are any thoughts of a burn rate for an old 42hp engine - gasoline. This would be good to have for sizing the pump (too low of flow and the engine will starve). Tractor is a 1968 International 444. I am...
  3. F

    International 444, 1968. Progress Thread, Getting Going

    For quick reference here are a couple other related threads: Pre-purchase - International 444 gas - been sitting for years. Trailering - Trailer rails are 76" apart, tractor with wheels is 82" wide - take wheels off? We just bought a 1968 International 444. For some of the details on condition...
  4. F

    International 444 and similar - rear wheel bolt pattern?

    Edit 7/28/24 - disregard. We got the machine home. If the thread stays consider it historical reference. Does anyone know how to find the dimensions and bolt pattern of the rear wheels on a 444 and similar machine (several series/models should share the same pattern)?
  5. F

    Trailer rails are 76" apart, tractor with wheels is 82" wide - take wheels off?

    That is the conundrum - tractor + wheels is 6" wider than the width of the rails on my trailer. I had the wheels measured to see if we can flip them around and by the time we do that it only looks like we'll gain an inch or so - not enough. So the next option is to take the wheels off. The...
  6. F

    International 444 gas - been sitting for years.

    All, I am looking at an International 444, gas engine, with a loader to try and get something going on a machine for not a whole lot of $. That sounds like quite the risk, I know. Ive got a lead on one that isnt running. Im pretty good with the fuel and electrical systems. I think I can...
  7. F

    LX3520HSDC Deluxe Cab - Field Experience?

    We're looking at getting the LX3520HSDC Deluxe Cab machine. I am curious if anyone here has any field experience with one, or owns one themselves? Something I am curious on is the "suspension seat". It is not listed as "air ride", but is "adjustable". Can anyone offer any thoughts on how it...
  8. F

    Kubota LX3520HSDC - Tire options, Solid Tires?

    All, I am working through options on an LX3520HSDC (deluxe cab version, not the SU cab) and am curious what thoughts everyone has on tires. I am not sure I like the R14's. My thoughts right now are to lean towards the R4's, however I have a tangent thought on those - see below. We will be...