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  1. J

    Titan 7' Bush Hog-$2900

    Used a couple times farm was sold , no need for it. $2900/OBO
  2. J

    1504 Long Tiller

    Just replaced seals and bearings in a Long 1504 Tiller so I can sell. How much gear oil and type does it use/hold??
  3. J

    Hydraulic Fluid Mystery

    After cleaning the Hydraulic oil strainer and putting oil back in that was drained, a few gallons. Before I did this the oil was actually over the fill mark, now it doesn't even show on the stick???? This is on a JD 110TLB. Any ideas why oil level dropped so much?
  4. J

    JD 110 Backhoe air in Hydraulic line

    Changed Hydraulic fluid and 2 filters in John Deere 110 Backhoe(yellow commercial type). How do I get the air out of lines?
  5. J

    245 Transmission Fluid

    I was at Lowes and they have a Mag1 UHF, Would this be ok in my 245?
  6. J

    Hydraulic seals

    JD 110 Bucket Back-hoe seals are leaking really bad. Any info on changing the seals, mainly the front for bucket..
  7. J

    JD 110 Backhoe

    JD 110 slows down after warm up, as in slow forward speed when adding power.
  8. J

    Found in Barn

    Found this while looking for VW parts. I think it has a M on label Anyone interested send email or pm
  9. J

    JD 110 Backhoe

    Borrowed the neighbors and noticed the Temperature guage is pegged to the right. Is that controlled by a relay as I see some under the part where it is located?? Thought I would try and fix seeing he was nice enough to let me use. Thanks
  10. J

    Changing filters

    Is there a way to change hydraulic filters on the JD TLD 110 without losing all the fluid; as is there a cutoff somewhere I don't see???
  11. J

    water temp gauge

    On the JD 110 TLB the temp gauge quit working. Is there a sensor or something on engine I need to check??
  12. J

    borrowed neighbors tractor and want to change oil and airfilter

    Hey My neighbor has let me borrow his JD 110 backhoe and while he is away would like to change the oiland filters for him. It is a 4 cyl diesel. Can I use Rotella, and how much? What are the filter numbers air and oil. Any help would be appreaciated Thanks JT
  13. J


    Can anyone show me how to wire my MF245. It has a Delco alternator and after I rewired the battery keeps going dead. So I decided to just disconnect when not using-what a pain. I noticed when connecting battery the amp gauge goes backwards with nothing on(something not wired right???) It starts...
  14. J

    2002 EZ Go gas utility

    Yesterday EZ Go was working fine, today nothing. Thought battery was dead, charge ok. I'm getting a dim red light when I try to move and humming noise. Has 3 fuses I found -OK. Any suggestions as what to look for.
  15. J

    fuel line priming

    I have a MF245, any diagrams or pictures as to what where the bleeder valves to prime fuel line. I forgot to open fuel cock and now won't start. Thanks JT