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  1. Q

    Mahindra 6000 2 wd clutch issues

    Could use some help. My 6000's clutch is getting harder to engage. It got so hard that I even had to pull up on the clutch after depressing it. After cleaning out a barn it got somewhat easier but the next day was hard engaging again. Thanks for any help I only have 800 hours on tractor and the...
  2. Q

    Mahindra 6000 2 wd clutch issues

    Could use some help. My 6000's clutch is getting harder to engage. It got so hard that I even had to pull up on the clutch after depressing it. After cleaning out a barn it got somewhat easier but the next day was hard engaging again. Thanks for any help I only have 800 hours on tractor and the...
  3. Q


    I am looking for some information regarding the installation of an engine block heater on my 4025 2wd Mahindra. I purchased a 3/4 inch zerostart block heater from a dealer without good instructions on how to install. Is it possible the block heater goes into the metal cast with a 3/4 inch? plug...