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  1. M

    Radiator Cap 3840

    Im. Looking for one to fit a 5740. No luck
  2. M

    Radiator cap for 5740

    Does anyone the size number for a radiator cap 5740? The only place I know Montana parts. $50. Amazon has a lot of radiator caps but how do I find out the one I need? Thanks
  3. M

    Ac belt?

    Ac belt broke and lost on 5740. Anyone know what size or number? Thanks
  4. M

    Ac vents

    There are 3 vents next to the windshield that blow and there are 2 vents closer to driver that do nothing. You can open them or close them. One way if to recirculating air from inside the cab and the other way is I think from the outside air coming in. Im not sure if I should close one and open...
  5. M

    Ac vents

    5740 ,,, does vents over the drivers seat need to be open or closed for cooler Thanks
  6. M


    How many gallon radiator does the 5740 have. Thanks